63.21 141.241 .712 .913
provide support
63.24 145.047 .626 .916
provide positive
feedback among
62.55 143.613 .676 .915
The data analysis results used SPSS 2.0. The
instrument validity is as follows. The SPSS analysis
results shown that reliability of both instruments has
Cronbach’s Alpha value for the instrument
observation of 0921, and the reflection instrument of
0863, these calculations results are high. The 18
instrument items validity is all above 0.36. In
accordance to the Rtable at a significance level of
5%, these numbers suggest that all of instrument
items are valid.
Discussion on the study results was indicated
that this instrument was developed to assist teachers
in measuring students’ responsibility where they feel
empowered, given the experience to make a
commitment to themselves and to others, to live by a
set of principles, and be concerned with the others
welfare. This instrument has fulfilled responsibilities
indicator that emphasizes effort and directing the
student to achieve personal welfare. Social welfare
is including of respect to the rights, considering the
others feelings, and caring to the other. In addition,
this instrument aimed help teachers and students to
be aware of their behavior and to focus their efforts
in establishing responsibility. Simplifying of
questionnaires questions items that should be filled
teachers and students were expected to facilitate
teachers and students in measuring the student’s
responsibility. In addition, teachers can have used
this level for framework of planning, teaching, and
evaluating of student learning.
The form should be completed and signed by one
author on behalf of all the other authors.
Through responsibility instrument adopted from
TPSR model, teachers can measure personal and
social responsibility of students to empower students
to take responsibility for actions and their lives and
to teach them about caring for the rights, feelings,
and needs of others. TPSR was not intended to
replace the contents of the physical education
material, but rather to provide a framework for
physical education teaching, so the physical
education teachers should have integrated with other
physical education learning models. Responsibility
instruments were adopted from TPSR learning
model which has been constructed over more simply
felt could be used to measure the students
‘responsibility, especially fourth grade students of
elementary school with easier language to be
understand, and it’s using is in accordance to the
characteristics of children in Surakarta Indonesia.
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