Implementation of Cooperative Learning by Using Audio-Visual Media in Table Tennis Game Learning
Faisal Faisal, Dian Budiana, Entang Hermanu
The purpose of this research is by applying cooperative learning using audio visual media to improve forehand drive and backhand drive in table tennis game (on grade V SDN Cinunuk 02 Bandung). The method used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with two cycles in table tennis game program. The subjects of this study are 40 students of grade V SDN Cinunuk 02 Kabupaten Bandung. The instruments used are the test of skill in forehand drive and backhand drive. The result of preliminary observation indicates that the forehand drive and backhand drive tests of student are still low in learning, this is indicated by the test values forehand drive and backhand drive average percentage of backhand drive 42.55% while forehand drive 45.13% 75%. Next the result of cycle 1 action 1 with percentage of backhand drive 48,07% while forehand drive 55,80%. Then result of cycle 1 action 2 with percentage of backhand drive 57,50% while forehand drive 66,63%. Furthermore, the result of cycle 2 action 1 with percentage of backhand drive 68,73% while forehand drive 73,10%. Next cycle 2 action 2 with percentage of backhand drive 78.03% while forehand drive 83.90% After going through two cycles the average skills test value of forehand drive and backhand drive in table tennis game has increased significantly. The conclusions of this study are the student’s skill value of forehand drive and backhand drive through table tennis games and the application of cooperative learning using audio visual media has increased.
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in Harvard Style
Faisal F., Budiana D. and Hermanu E. (2017). Implementation of Cooperative Learning by Using Audio-Visual Media in Table Tennis Game Learning.In 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE, ISBN 978-989-758-317-9, pages 362-365. DOI: 10.5220/0007072708810884
in Bibtex Style
author={Faisal Faisal and Dian Budiana and Entang Hermanu},
title={Implementation of Cooperative Learning by Using Audio-Visual Media in Table Tennis Game Learning},
booktitle={2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE,},
in EndNote Style
JO - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education - Volume 2: ICSSHPE,
TI - Implementation of Cooperative Learning by Using Audio-Visual Media in Table Tennis Game Learning
SN - 978-989-758-317-9
AU - Faisal F.
AU - Budiana D.
AU - Hermanu E.
PY - 2017
SP - 362
EP - 365
DO - 10.5220/0007072708810884