The Influence of Rhythm Activity Learning on Student
Understanding Skills Movement
Helmy Firmansyah, Tri Martini and Teten Hidayat
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Rhythmic, Activity, Skills.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know whether there is influence of learning rhythmic activity (SKJ and
SBP) to understanding and movement skills of students. Method used in this research is experimental
research method of One Group Pre-test Post-test Design research with 40 research samples students with
Simple Random Sampling method. While the data collection used in this study is a questionnaire in the
form of multiple choice and fitness skill gymnastic skills test. The study used SPSS Version 18 calculation
with ANOVA calculation method, based on hypothesis result, it can be seen that the understanding of SKJ
is 14,75, SKJ movement skill is 14,30, and SBP appraisal is equal to 16,00, SBP skill of 15.15. The
conclusion is that the learning of rhythmic activity has an effect on the understanding and movement skills,
and SBP is more dominant in the result of its comprehension and skill compared to the SKJ.
The purpose of national education is of course
contained in the purpose of physical education
according to KEPMENDIKBUD No. 413 / u / 1997
"Physical education is an integral part of education
aimed at increasing individuals organic, motor,
intellectual and emotional through physical activity."
The purpose of physical education requires teachers
to be creative and innovative in the learning process.
It relates to the purpose of physical education in
terms of learning gymnastics type gymnastics
fitness, generally senam kebugaran jasmani (SKJ)
and senam bugar parahyangan (SBP) learning
achievement not only ends in the physical fitness of
learners but cognitive and affective aspects in terms
of understanding the motion and skills of the
learners should be developed (Wadsworth, 1996).
A physical fitness gymnastics is one kind of
fitness gymnastics which become a learning media
in physical education at school, where its activity is
not only physical but also requires motion
coordination including physical fitness component,
memory and physiological based concentration and
FITT principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time and
Type) (Caspersen et al., 1985). With the holding of
gymnastic fitness training at school has an important
role in providing the opportunity to learn motion and
motor skills. Although in reality the potential of each
learner is different, not all learners will understand
the motion and skilled in the move after SKJ and
SBP. Thus the authors are interested to conduct
research on the influence of learning SKJ and SBP
for understanding and movement skills in students of
class X. Review whether learners who love to move
in the field of dance art, both traditional and modern
will experience difficulties in understanding the
movement of SKJ and SBP whose movement in the
form of different physological functions with dance
although there are elements of dance in it as in the
Gymnastics physical fitness (SKJ) is a mass
gymnastics required by the Indonesian government.
Mass gymnastics means gymnastics followed by
many people and accompanied by rhythmic songs
from various provinces re-arranged. SKJ is a mass
gymnastics required by the government of Indonesia
(Chanal et al., 2005). Senam mass means gymnastics
followed by many people. This sixth is usually
accompanied by rhythmic songs from various
provinces re-arranged (Oktara, 2010). The content of
SKJ, among others, warming exercises consisting of
11 movements, the core movement 5 types of
movement, and movement cooling (Cooling down).
Similarly SBP, created with a movement of
gymnastics that combines the movement of physical
fitness fitness, dance, chacha, and pencak silat
Firmansyah, H., Martini, T. and Hidayat, T.
The Influence of Rhythm Activity Learning on Student Understanding Skills Movement.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 366-369
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(martial arts). The type of music that is used is the
musical arrangement of the special area of West
Java special Sundanese and the movement is
relatively easy. So in addition to bringing learners in
learning the gymnastics, they will also recognize the
art of local culture, especially sunda in music and
pencak silat movements contained therein. With the
structure of motion that has been raw SKJ and SBP
during the implementation of learning in schools
requires understanding and skills generated through
the process of training, especially with music as a
medium accompaniment of motion.
Movement understanding is an aspect contained
in cognitive goals. Understanding of movement
refers to the new Bloom's Taxonomy version of the
cognitive domain comprising six categories: 1)
remembering, 2) understanding) 3) applying, 4)
analyzing / deciphering), judging and creating
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001). The understanding
of each individual will differ according to his ability
in receive and process the information it receives.
While movement skills become the ultimate goal of
all learning process of motion determinant of
success is determined by the quality of movement
that displays correctly. Fundamental Movement
Skills (FMS) are movement patterns that involve
different body parts such as the legs, arms, trunk and
head, and include such skills as running, hopping,
catching, throwing, striking and balancing. They are
the foundation movements or precursor patterns to
the more specialised, complex skills used in play,
games, sports, dance, gymnastics, outdoor education
and physical recreation activities. Fundamental
movement skills are best categorised into groups
because it makes planning, teaching and assessment
easier. The three categories adopted in this resource
are body management, locomotor and object control.
Many skills can be included in these groups
(Department of Education Westren Australia, 2013).
Basically all the tasks in everyday human life
need to be implemented by involving various skills
developed through various exercises and
experiences. Mahendra and Saputra (2006), suggests
five variables that show the characteristics of skilled
Smoothness. Professionals do their work with
ease, beautiful, smooth, and minimal effort;
Automaticity. Individual expert who performs
his duties without full awareness (without
Mental effort. As skills increase, mental effort
decreases. Tasks that seem easy, will cause
very little mental fatigue, and less need of
monitor. A real sign, will easily continue the
conversation as the body does its job;
Stress. Individual appearance does not
decrease under stressful conditions though;
Point of View. When first learning a skill, the
individual must be aware of various activities,
while the expert does not.
The concept of human motion in the theory of
Fitts and Posner in (William, 2011) suggests that the
process of learning the motion of skills occurs in
three phases, namely: cognitive phase (initial phase
in learning skill movement), associative phase
(movement mastery/sequence motion), Phase
autonomous (skill movement automatically). The
concept of human motion divided by the difference
of movement, movement skills can be categorized
(William, 2011):
Discrete motor skills are motion skills where
in the implementation can be distinguished
obviously the starting point and the end point
of the movement. Example: roll front 1 (one
time). the starting point of movement at the
time of the squats and placing both the palms
of the hands and the nape on the mat, while
the end point when the perpetrator in the squat
position back;
Serial motor skills are discrete motion skills
performed several times continuously.
Example: roll ahead a few times;
Continuous motor skills are motion skills that
can not easily be marked the starting point or
end point of the movement. Example: the
front roller is then forwarded with other skills
so as to form a series of motion of various
Bambang and Sukadiyanto (2014) said if a
person performs the task of motion, it will generate a
stimulus of intrinsic feedback. These stimuli leave
traces in the nervous system called perceptual traces.
Each response produces a trace that is getting closer
to the desired target. Each time a student exercises
or experiments with a movement, the more
perceptual the trace becomes and the less likely it is
the error. Students actively use the knowledge of the
results in relation to the perceptual traces to make
the more careful movements. After a movement is
performed, the student will compare the feedback it
receives with a perceptual trace, and the difference
that occurs is an error to respond to. Direction of
motion in the intended direction can produce change
because the continuous feedback adds a perceptual
trace. The concept of a perceptual trace allows one
The Influence of Rhythm Activity Learning on Student Understanding Skills Movement
to: (1) determine the location of his limbs correctly,
(2) as a basis for knowing how far a motion slips
from the place set after the whole motion is done.
The method used in this study is the experimental
method. Because want to know the effect of SKJ and
SBP to skills movement and understanding of
movement with statistical processing through SPSS
Version 18 with ANOVA calculation method. The
population in this study is the students of class X
SMP Negeri 1 Cipatat with the number of students
as much as 270 people. Sampling using Simple
random sampling technique of 10-15% or as many
as 40 people, then given treatment of SKJ and SBP.
The research design used is One-Group Pretest-
Posttest Design.
Based on table 1, the average questionnaire result or
questionnaire of SKJ understanding movement is
19.30 with 95% confidence level or 5% significance,
the average yield is in the range of 18.11 to 20.48
with minimum result is 14.00 and maximum 23.00.
While the average SBP for 20.05. with a 95%
confidence level or a 5% significance, the average
yield is in the range 19.10 to 20.99 with the
minimum result being 17.00 and the maximum of
Table 1: Descriptive.
Average for SKJ skill is 14.30, with 95%
confidence level or 5% significance, average yield is
in range 13.50 to 15.09 with minimum result is
12.00 and maximum is 18.00. While the average for
SBP skills is 15.30 with 95% confidence level or 5%
significance, average yield is in range 14,36 to 16,23
with minimum result is 10,00 and maximum 24,00.
Table 2: Anova.
Ho: rejected = F table (sig) <F count (F) <F table
(sig) = acceptable.
Based on table 2 that F calculates 37.740 with
probability or F table 0,000. Since F table is smaller
F count then Ho is rejected or average of four
different groups.
Table 3: Multiple Compressions.
Test of significance of average difference
between SKJ and SBP. Based on the probability
value: If the probability is> 0.05, then Ho is
accepted and if the probability is <0.05, then ho is
The test results of significance can be seen from
the presence or absence of an asterisk (*) in the
Mean Difference column, the asterisk (*) in the
Mean Difference column means significant
Based on table 3 probability value is 0.667 which
means greater than 0.05, then Ho accepted, then the
value of 0.00 probability means less than 0.05 then
Ho is rejected. The average difference of SKJ
questionnaires and SBP questionnaires was no
significant or not real difference, nor did the SBP
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
questionnaires differ significantly with the SKJ
questionnaires. The SKJ questionnaires differ
significantly with SKJ motion skills (KG_SKJ) and
with the skills of SBP (KG_SBP) motion and vice
versa. The SBP questionnaire differs significantly
with SKJ motion skills (KG_SKJ and SBP skills
(KG_SBP) and vice versa.
Essentially, a skill is the result of a decision-
making process that occurs within the viewer. Thus,
the main focus of the offender is to assess the
information, which leads to the decision-making of
the action to be performed. To find out how these
skills can occur, in this module 8 we will discuss
various skills earning process from the point of view
of information processing theory.
There are three stages in the processing of
information that aims to understand the nature of the
process of information processing in the control of
motion skills. Of course there are various ways to
understand it; one of them is to assume the discrete
stages of information processing, from the start of
the input information as input to output. For that
purpose, let us consider there are three stages, as
Schmidt (1991) in Mahendra (2007), namely
stimulus identification, response selection, and
response programming. In this stage of analysis of
human performance, some psychologists consider
that whenever information from the environment
enters the processing system, that information is first
processed in the first stage, that is, the identification
of the stimulus. When this stage is completed, the
remaining information is passed to the second stage,
the selection of the response, which proceeds to the
third stage, i.e. the response programming, until an
action is generated.
Based on the results of processing and data analysis
through statistical process processing process then
the authors can draw the following conclusions:
SKJ and SBP exercises have an effect on
understanding and movement skills;
For teacher are expected to apply SKJ and
SBP exercises in physical education or daily
activities in order to improve and maintain
physical fitness. In connection with the
research that the authors do, should be held
further research with a large number of
samples and a more in-depth study.
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The Influence of Rhythm Activity Learning on Student Understanding Skills Movement