A Descriptive Study on Basketball Extracurricular Activity, Social
Behavior and Physical Fitness
Tite Juliantine, Oom Rohmah and Lilis Komariyah
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Basketball, Extracurricular Activity, Social Behavior, Physical Fitness.
Abstract: This study was aimed at describing the correlation between students’ basketball extracurricular activities,
social behaviors and physical fitness. To this end, a descriptive method was employed. The samples were 25
students, consisting of tenth and eleventh graders, selected purposively from the whole basketball
extracurricular participants at SMA Negeri 9 Bandung. Their social behaviors were measured using Krech,
Cruchtfield, and Ballachey’s social behavior test. The indicators of this test included teamwork,
respectfulness, honesty, hostility, and competitiveness. To collect the data of social behaviors, the writers
used questionnaires. The participants’ physical fitness was measured using the Indonesia Physical Fitness
Test (TKJI). Based on the data analysis result, it was concluded that the was a significant correlation between
basketball extracurricular activities and social behaviors, and between basketball extracurricular activities and
students’ physical fitness.
A school as a formal educational institution serves to
provide students with knowledge, ability, and all
required skills for them to address future challenges.
Physical education in schools can become a means to
develop students’ potentials.
Educational processes in schools are divided into
intracurricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular
activities. Students’ interests and potentials are
developed in the extracurricular programs
(Kurniawan et al., 2010). A programmed
extracurricular activity can facilitate students to
utilize their spare time positively.
A method is a way to discover truths objectively. The
truth is the objective, and the method is the way. A
method is used in order for the discovery to be
scientific (Remler and Van, 2010). This study
employed a descriptive method. According to
Arikunto (2007), a descriptive study is a study
intended to collect information about an existing
phenomenon. The use of descriptive method in this
study is to describe the contribution of basketball
extracurricular activities to students’ social behaviors
and physical fitness at SMA Negeri 9 Bandung.
The samples were selected using a purposive
sampling technique, which according to Sugiyono
(2012), is technique to select samples based on certain
consideration. The samples in this study were tenth
and eleventh graders who participated in in the
basketball extracurricular program based on the
following criteria:
Only basketball extracurricular participants;
Active participants of the basketball
extracurricular program;
Tenth and eleventh graders;
Having been basketball extracurricular
participants for at least one year.
The study was conducted based on the following
Determining the population and sample;
Distributing questionnaires about
extracurricular participation and social
Measuring the samples’ physical fitness using
Indonesia Physical Fitness Test (TKJI);
Data analysis;
Juliantine, T., Rohmah, O. and Komariyah, L.
A Descriptive Study on Basketball Extracurricular Activity, Social Behavior and Physical Fitness.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 370-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Data collection requires instruments. The
instruments of this research were questionnaire and
test (Patrick et al., 2002).
Since this study had three variables, there were
three instruments in this study: one test and two
questionnaires. To measure extracurricular activities,
the researchers used Krathwohl’s parameters cited in
Suhendar (2011) including acceptance, response, and
assessment. To measure social behaviors, the
researchers used Crutchfield and Ballachey’s
parameters cited in Ibrahim (2001) including
collaboration, respect, honesty, fighting, feud, and
competition. To measure physical fitness, the
researchers used TKJI tests including a 50-meter
sprint, vertical jump, pull up, sit up, an 800-meter run,
and a 1000-meter run. An instrument needs a
measuring scale to generate accurate quantitative data
(Sugiyono, 2012).
The questionnaires in this study used the Likert
scale. According to Sugiyono (2012), the Likert scale
is used to measure attitudes, opinions, and
perceptions of an individual or a group of people
about social phenomena. These questionnaires had
five options including: strongly agree (SA), agree
(A), undecided (U), disagree (D) and strongly
disagree (SD).
The collected data were then analyzed using the
following procedure:
The collected data were then analyzed using the
following statistical formula:
a. To find the average of every variable, the
following formula was used:
X = Σx/n
X = average
Σx = total score
n = sample size
b. The following formula was used to calculate the
standard deviation.
 
  
S = Standard deviation
 
= sample size is multiplied by
total of squared score minus total score squared
n (n 1) = sample size minus one
c. The following formula was used to calculate the
P= percentage
Σx1= total score
Σxn= total of ideal score
This test aims at finding out the correlation
between two variables, stated in the following
coefficient: (-1, 0, -1) ≈ -1 ≤ n ≤ 1 (Sugiyono, 2000).
3.1 Assessment Criteria for Research
3.1.1 Basketball Extracurricular
The calculation resulted in the following mean,
standard deviation, minimum score, and maximum
Every item in the basketball extracurricular
assessment has maximum score of five. There were
25 respondents, so the total of ideal score for this
variable was 7,625. The result of data analysis
revealed that the total score of basketball
extracurricular activities was 6,669. Thus, the
participation was 6,669/7,625 x 100% = 87%. This
percentage is in the category of very strong (Weiss
and Friedrichs, 1986).
As earlier mentioned, the basketball
extracurricular activities were measured using the
following subcomponents: (1) awareness, (2)
willingness to accept, (3) control to accept, (4)
accepting responses, (5) willingness to respond, (6)
satisfaction in responding, (7) accepting a value, and
(8) realizing about a value (Hoffman et al., 1996).
3.1.2 Social Behavior Level
The calculation resulted in the following mean,
standard deviation, minimum score, and maximum
Every item in the social behavior assessment has
maximum score of five. There were 25 respondents,
so the total of ideal score for this variable was 5,500.
The result of data analysis revealed that the total score
of social behavior was 4,621. Thus, the percentage
was 4,621/5,500 x 100% = 84.01%. This indicates
that social behavior is in the category of very strong.
A Descriptive Study on Basketball Extracurricular Activity, Social Behavior and Physical Fitness
As earlier mentioned, the social behavior was
measured by (1) cooperation, (2) respect, (3) honesty,
(4) fighting, (5) feud, and (6) competition.
3.1.3 Physical Fitness Level
The calculation resulted in the following mean,
standard deviation, minimum score, and maximum
Every item in the physical fitness assessment has
maximum score of five. There were 25 respondents,
so the total of ideal score for this variable was 625.
The result of data analysis revealed that the total score
of physical fitness was 441. Thus, the percentage was
441/625 x 100% = 70.56%. This indicates that the
physical fitness was in the category of strong.
As previously mentioned, the physical fitness was
measured using (1) a 50-meter sprint, (2) pull up, (3)
sit up, (4) vertical jump, and (5) a 1,000-meter run
3.2 Result of Correlational Test
3.2.1 Variables X with Y1
The correlation coefficient (r) between basketball
extracurricular activity (X) and social behavior (Y1)
was 0.661. This coefficient is higher than the
observed r of 0.423. In other word, there are
significant correlation between basketball
extracurricular activity and social behavior.
3.2.2 Variables X with Y2
The correlation coefficient (r) between basketball
extracurricular activity (X) and physical fitness (Y2)
was 0.491. This coefficient is higher than the
observed r of 0.423. In other word, there are
significant correlation between basketball
extracurricular activity and physical fitness.
The result of the calculation and data analyses has
answered the research questions in this study. This
study was conducted to find out if there is a
significant correlation between basketball
extracurricular activity and social behavior and
between basketball extracurricular activity and
physical fitness. Based on the observation during the
research conduct at SMA Negeri 9 Bandung, the
basketball extracurricular participants looked fit
physically. Since basketball extracurricular activity
needs a lot of oxygen to be distributed to all over the
body through heart and blood vessels, it has a positive
impact on physical fitness (Bailey et al., 2009).
Based on the result of data analysis, it can be
concluded that:
There is a significant correlation between
basketball extracurricular activity and students
social behavior;
There is a significant correlation between
basketball extracurricular activity and students’
physical fitness.
This study also recommends the following:
Extracurricular activity is very necessary for
the development of students’ potentials, social
behavior, and physical fitness. Therefore, it is
expected that related stakeholders can
maximize extracurricular programs;
It is recommended that schools provide and
support extracurricular programs to improve
students’ social behaviors and physical fitness;
It is recommended that the parents also
motivate their children to actively participate in
various positive extracurricular activities to
maximize their development;
It is recommended that students can utilize
their free time by participating in positive and
beneficial activities like extracurricular
It is also recommended that further studies to
investigate similar research problems but with
taking into account some other variables so that
the result will be more comprehensive.
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A Descriptive Study on Basketball Extracurricular Activity, Social Behavior and Physical Fitness