Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching in
the Learning of Basketball Games through the Application of a
Tactical Approach with Learning Media Modification
Irnasari Dewi, Toto Subroto and Dian Budiana
Faculty of Sport and Health Education , Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 299, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Tactical Approach, Modification of Learning Media, Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching.
Abstract: This paper discusses the researchers efforts to find out the application of tactical approach through the
modification of learning media upon the learning outcomes of the students passing and catching skills in the
learning of basketball games at primary school. This paper is a classroom action research carried out by
applying a research design developed by Kemmis and Teggart. The research consists of several stages,
namely: (1) action planning, (2) action implementation, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. The venue of the
research was SDN 001 Merdeka Bandung City. The research lasted for 4 meetings. The research design was
qualitative descriptive, conducted in the fifth grade class with 38 students. The research process is divided
into two cycles consisting of 4 actions. Each action uses media modification and various motion tasks in the
form of games. Data were collected using GPAI instruments. Then, all of the collected data were analyzed
using percentage technique. Preliminary data was 26.31% and cycle 1 of action 1 was 31.57%, cycle 1 action
2 was 47.36%, cycle 2 action 1 was 58.63%, and cycle 2 action 2 was 76.31%. Based on the results of data
analysis, the conclusion of the application of tactical approach through the modification of learning media can
improve learning outcomes of the SDN 001 Merdeka Bandung fifth graders’ passing and catching skills in
basketball games.
The tactical approach learning emphasizes the
concept of game-drill-game (Gordon, 200). Game is
playing, students are required to play with the
concepts given by the teacher and understand the
game (Sugita and Ochiai, 1998). Drill is repetition,
teachers must be more careful to see the way the
students play and if there is a mistake in the motion
task, then the teacher stop the learning process and
give examples of the correct movement, then students
do the motion task (Toews et al., 1999). Then the
game or playing, after doing the repetition or drill,
students play the game again with the change in the
motion task that has been done on drill task. The
tactical approach will greatly affect the students'
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development.
Tactical learning prioritizes the use of "tactical
issues" as intermediaries and learning objectives.
Teachers should be able to show the tactical issues
needed in the playing situations. As for the students,
it is very important to recognize the playing position
in the field correctly, possible motion choices, and
playing situations that the students face.
Thus, the tactical approach is expected to increase
students’ learning outcomes in the activity of passing
and catching the ball in basketball. The tactical
approach method provides an alternative given to
students to learn the technical skills of sports in
playing situations. In addition to the approach used,
the modified media that is replacing the actual ball
with a soft rubber ball which is not too heavy, makes
students not afraid to catch or throw the ball. It is
necessary for P.E teachers to modify the learning of
physical education so that learning can be tailored to
the students' abilities.
The type of research used in this research is
Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research
consists of several stages, namely: (1) action
planning, (2) action implementation, (3) observation,
Dewi, I., Subroto, T. and Budiana, D.
Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching in the Learning of Basketball Games through the Application of a Tactical Approach with Learning Media Modification.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 374-377
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and (4) reflection. The research was conducted for
approximately 1 month which was adjusted to the
physical education schedule of the school. Timing
refers to the school's academic calendar. The research
was conducted in August and September 2017. The
study was planned to be conducted for four weeks
(four meetings or actions), divided into two cycles, 2
actions in each cycle. This classroom action research
was conducted in SDN 001 Merdeka Bandung, which
is located at Jalan Merdeka no 9, Braga, Sumur
Bandung, West Java 40111. The research subject in
this research was the fifth graders; 38 students,
consisting of 21 male students and 17 female
students. Data were collected using GPAI instruments
(Oslin et al., 1998). Then all of the collected data were
analyzed using percentage technique. Each action
uses media modification and various motion tasks in
the form of games (Bahagia and Mujianto, 2009).
3.1 Research Result
In the early stage of classroom action research, the
preliminary observation is to find out the features of
playing performance in decision-making aspect, skill
performance, and giving support, which were packed
in a game during the learning process (Wibawa,
2003). Based on the preliminary observation of the
ability to do 5 vs. 2 game, the percentage of student
learning outcome was 26.31%. In the first cycle of
action 1 through the game of poison ball and 3 vs. 2,
the student learning outcome was 31.57%. In cycle I
action 2 through the game of cat ball and 3 vs. 3, the
percentage of students’ learning outcome was 47,
36%. In the second cycle action 1 through 3 vs. 3
game, the percentage of students’ learning outcome
was of 58.63%. And in the second cycle action 2
through 5 vs. 3 game, the percentage of students’
learning outcome reached 76.31%. If it is depicted in
the form of students’ learning outcome achievement
graph in decision making aspect, skill performance,
and giving support in the learning of basketball game
through the application of tactical approach with the
modification of learning media, starting from the
preliminary observation to cycle two action two, the
graph can be described as follows:
Figure 1: Graph of Learning Outcome Acquisition in
Passing and Catching from Each Action.
In figure 1, it can be described that after the writer
acted as a researcher and teacher (who was directly
involved in teaching activities) and assisted by a
research partner (as observer) in conducting
classroom action research from beginning to final
stage of research, some findings are obtained from the
results of preliminary observations, some facts that
can be obtained are:
The students’ low skill in passing and catching
the ball is in decision making aspect, skill
performance, and giving support, so that many
students kick the ball with no certain direction
and give less support to their friends;
Some students are afraid and hesitate to control
the ball and always in a hurry when performing
Lack of cooperation among students.
After the writer acted as a researcher and teacher
(who was directly involved in teaching activities) and
assisted by a research partner (as an observer) in
conducting classroom action research from beginning
to the end of research, the result of the preliminary
observation studied is the efforts to improve students’
mastery of playing skills in the basketball game
through the application of tactical approach with the
modification of learning media. Observation focuses
more on the situation on the students’ playing skills
when playing the game using the ball, because
through this aspect, it can be seen whether the
students have the mastery of playing skills, especially
with decision making aspect, skill performance, and
giving support during the learning activities. The
discussion begins from the preliminary observation.
In the preliminary observation, the teacher when
giving the learning activities, gave 5 vs. 2 game. The
game aims to teach students how to master the skills
of playing which are the decision making aspect, skill
Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching in the Learning of Basketball Games through the Application of a Tactical
Approach with Learning Media Modification
performance, and giving support. That way the
teacher can see how far the ability of students in the
mastery of real playing skills, while the results of data
obtained from the preliminary observation are as
follows: mastery of students' playing skills in the
learning game of 5 vs. 2 was 26.31%. The acquisition
of mastery percentage of playing skill at the
preliminary observation was far from KKM (Criteria
of Minimum Pass) that is 75%. In this preliminary
observation, the students’ mastery of playing skill
was fair, students were still afraid to control the ball,
they tended to rush when passing and gave less
support. Therefore, the researcher made evaluation
and reflection to the students by applying a tactical
approach, in which during each basketball practice,
the researcher used interesting games and in this
lesson taught students how to solve problems in group
learning provided by the teacher in the learning
process, so that students are motivated and challenged
in learning so as to make students enthusiastic in the
learning process.
Then the results of data obtained in Cycle I Action
1 are as follows: the results of students learning to
pass and catch increased to 31.57%. In Cycle I action
1 they began to improve because by applying a
tactical approach and using a modified ball on their
learning activities, although the mastery of the
student skills was still ineffective but the students
seemed to be able to do some passing, dribbling, and
giving support to his friends. However, there were
still some students who did not pay attention fully and
the ball could be grabbed by the opponent.
To follow up the previous action, the acquisition
of data results in cycle I Action 2 is as follows: the
mastery of playing skills on game 3 vs. 3 was 47.36%.
Judging from the data obtained in cycle I action 2
(Mulyana, 2010), the students’ skills were increased,
although there were still some students who had not
mastered the skill in performing passing, and could
not control the ball, but there were also some students
who could perform aimed passing, and provide
support. Researcher made the evaluation and
reflection again so that in the next action, the
researcher would begin to emphasize a bit on the
tactical approach with the modification of learning
media to students so that they could focus on
performing the passing and mastery of the ball.
In the second cycle of action 1 the teacher gave
learning materials of 3 vs. 3 game with a maximum
of 7 passing. From this observation, it was known that
the mastering skills in playing was 58.63%. The
acquisition of learning outcomes in cycle II of action
1 increased from the previous gains. Although there
was still a ball that bounced off the field, students
have been able to dribble without being grabbed by
their opponent, pass the ball, and give support to their
friends. Researcher again made evaluation and
reflection so that in the next action, the researcher
began to further improve the tactical approach with
the modification of learning media to students by
adding the attackers to 5 people or to 3 people.
In the second cycle of action 2 teacher gave
learning materials of 5 vs. 3. The students were used
to playing the game. They performed aimed passing,
trying to pass the ball to their team mates who were
free, see the situation while carrying the ball, and
provide support to their friend who was carrying the
ball. So, the learning outcome was: in the game of
basketball in cycle II action 2 was 76.31%. The
students' increasing acquisition of playing skill
mastery in this action has reached the School KKM
that was more than 75 or in percentage was 75%.
Researcher re-evaluated and reflected again so that
for the next action, more frequent learning was
needed and more learning in groups would be done so
that students would not be bored, instead they would
be more motivated so that their playing skills in
basketball would be increased.
Applying the tactical approach with modification
of learning media in the learning activities of
basketball game can improve students’ learning
outcomes of passing and catching ball (Carmel
Agarwal, 2001). The purpose of applying the tactical
approach in basketball learning is to increase
students' awareness of the concept of playing through
applying appropriate techniques according to the
problem or situation in the game (Hua, 1998). The
learning process using a tactical approach can have a
positive impact on students. This is in accordance
with the opinion of Ma'mun and Subroto (2001) that
Through a training approach which is similar to
the real game, the students' interests and
excitement will be improved;
Improved knowledge of tactics is important for
students so that they are able to maintain a
balance of successful implementation of their
technical motion skills;
Deepening the understanding of playing and
improving the ability to effectively diverting
understanding of the performance in one game
into another game.
From that opinion, it can be interpreted that
tactical approach learning with modification of
learning media can be used as an alternative for the
learning of physical education subject. It is because
this approach makes the students excited and teaches
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
students to cooperate closely together to complete the
goal of solving the problems given by the teacher.
Thus, students will follow physical education subject
with enthusiasm, excitement and happiness.
Likewise, according to Tomoliyus (2001): "A tactical
skill approach allows students to learn in meaningful
playing situations. Teachers and students are
motivated to learn the skills better ". Judging from the
above opinion, it can be concluded that tactical
approach can motivate students to learn skills well
which later will affect to their improvement of
learning outcomes to be more satisfactory.
After conducting the research for 4 meetings, it is
concluded that the application of tactical approach
with the modification of learning media can improve
the learning outcomes of passing and catching ball in
basketball game on the primary school Physical
Education subject that was conducted in SDN 001
Merdeka Bandung. This can be seen from the results
of research data that has been conducted by the
researcher starting from the first meeting until the last
meeting. Preliminary data was 26.31% and cycle 1 of
action 1 was 31.57%, cycle 1 action 2 was 47.36%,
cycle 2 action 1 was 58.63%, and cycle 2 action 2 was
76.31%. The acquisition of students learning
outcomes of passing and catching on this action has
reached the School KKM that was more than 75 or in
percentage was 75%.
From the description of the results of the above
data that have been processed, the writer draws
conclusion that the application of tactical approach
with modification of learning media influences the
students learning outcomes in passing and catching
in learning basketball game on primary school
Physical Education subject at primary school.
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Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching in the Learning of Basketball Games through the Application of a Tactical
Approach with Learning Media Modification