while knowledge gained while retained will
strengthen existing synapses. Whereas if existing
synapses are not reinforced by a meaningful learning
experience, then the synapse will be replaced by other
synapses or the synapse will fall. (Rourke and
Coleman, 2010).
explains that "The connections used will be
strengthened while the untapped ones are replaced by
other connections or will disappear. That is, in
neuroscience (neuroscience), these unused
connections will be trimmed ". So, in the end, the
concept of inquiry learning model that has been
disclosed above can give effect to the increase of
student creativity.
The conclusion of the research results, has
implications as follows:
For the school can maximize the strategy and
learning model at the time of facilities and
infrastructure less support the purpose of
learning and educational goals;
For physical education teachers:
Can pay more attention to the appropriate
learning approach used in teaching and
learning process;
Can be more critical of the problems
encountered in the learning process;
Can better understand and study about
scholarship especially in understanding
of learning models;
Can pay attention to the development of
students' imaginative abilities in the
learning process takes place;
For teachers who have used the inquiry
learning model can continue to deepen
this model, so that the quality of learning
will be in a better direction.
For students, can be motivated to be more
serious in following learning physical
education so that the results and goals can be
achieved according to expectations so that
knowledge can be beneficial for both yourself
and for others.
Based on the results of processing and data
analysis obtained answers to research questions that
have been proposed. The conclusions obtained are as
follows: (1) Application of inquiry learning model in
physical education has a significant effect on
students' imaginative ability. (2) Implementation of
direct learning model has no significant effect on
students' imaginative ability. and (3) The application
of inquiry learning model shows the difference of
influence with the more effective effect of direct
learning model in physical education on students'
imaginative ability.
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