Improving the Imaginative Ability of High School Students
through the Inquiry Teaching Model in Physical Education
Ega Trisna Rahayu
and Adang Suherman
University of Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang Indonesia
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Imaginative Ability, Inquiry Teaching Model.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze comprehensively the students' imaginative ability
through the application of inquiry teaching model in physical education which is expected to give a positive
achievement of curriculum goal. The method used to reveal the research problem is the experimental method,
with the design of The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The implementation of the
treatments was done which coming from two companion selected schools, namely SMA Negeri 6 Bandung
and SMA Pasundan 8 Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The sampling technique used is Cluster Random
Sampling. The number of samples in this study were 55 students consisting of 39 students in the experimental
group and 26 students in the control group. The study was conducted for 16 weeks on every subject of physical
education. The instrument used to measure students' imaginative abilities is a developed questionnaire
instrument directed at Guilford. The results of this research are: 1) The application of inquiry model in
physical education has a significant effect on the improvement of students' imaginative ability. 2)
Implementation of direct teaching model has no significant effect on the improvement of students' imaginative
ability. 3) The application of the inquiry teaching model shows the difference of influence with the more
effective effect of the direct teaching model in physical education on the improvement of the imaginative
ability of the students.
Imagination is a cognitive process that is a complex
of mental activity in which elements in the mental
activity are separated from sensory sensations.
Imagination involves synthetics that combine aspects
of memory, memories or experiences into a mental
construct that is different from the past or it becomes
a new reality in the present or even the anticipation of
reality in the future. Imagination is generally regarded
as one of the "higher mental functions," which are
often associated with fantasies, wishful thinking, or
problem-solving forms originally different from the
ordinary. Imagination is generally regarded as the
basis of artistic expression, and the power of
creativity as a higher mental function. Since
imaginative ability is an indicator or part of creativity
aspect, therefore the imaginative ability is very
important for the development of students because it
has a big effect on the totality of a person's personality
in the process of human life. Teresa Amabile, a
professor at Harvard Business School, explores the
issue of creativity based on her research findings that
anyone with normal intelligence is essentially capable
of performing creative work. Similarly, the results of
research conducted, the imaginative ability in the
creativity of students in Indonesia is very low
compared with other countries. Therefore, in addition
to improving the learning system that supports the
development of imaginative abilities in creativity, it
is necessary also that the existence of a system by the
teacher in knowing how far learners can be
committed in developing their imaginative abilities.
In physical education teaching that is essentially an
integral part of the overall education system, it aims
to develop aspects of health, physical fitness, critical
thinking skills, emotional stability, social skills,
reasoning and moral actions through physical activity
(McKenzie et al., 2006). In the intensification of
education as a lifelong process of human
development, the role of physical education is very
important, providing opportunities for students to be
directly involved in teaching experiences through
systematic physical activity, play, and sports.
Rahayu, E. and Suherman, A.
Improving the Imaginative Ability of High School Students through the Inquiry Teaching Model in Physical Education.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Spor ts Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Debriefing of the learning experience is directed to
foster while forming lifestyle healthy and active
throughout life. Barnett et al. (2008) suggests that the
entire content (topic and subtopic) of skills-derived
subjects should encourage students to observe the
process until creation. To encourage learners to
produce creative and contextual work, it is advisable
to use a learning approach that produces project-
based learning work. Principles of learning that
learners are told to learners to find out, and from a
textual approach to a scientific approach. So to
strengthen the scientific approach (scientific) need to
apply discovery/inquiry learning (discovery/inquiry
learning) (Gallahue and Cleland-Donnelly, 2007).
Inquiry teaching model is one model to improve
students' imaginative ability. Once the importance of
developing students' imaginative abilities can be
observed from the shifting roles of teachers who
previously dominated the classroom, now there are
more opportunities for students to take a more active
and creative role in a fun learning environment.
However, it will be difficult to build a good
understanding of the students, if the physical and
mental are in a state of distress. Student creativity is
possible to grow and develop well if the family
environment, community, and school environment,
also support them in expressing their imaginative
ability (McKenzie, 2007). Friedman et al. (2008) put
an argument that gives a meaning that the inquiry
learning model can be used to develop creativity,
because in the inquiry model the learning process is
when the teacher framing the problem and the
students start to think and move, and the students are
given the freedom to explore possible answers.
Essentially, the teacher asks a question that can lead
to some kind of thinking from the student, which
ultimately the student can provide answers of his own
thinking. In the inquiry model, in addition to
answering questions given by the teacher, students
are also allowed to do/do it. This strategy is used by
teachers in physical education teaching in order to
promote student thinking, to solve problems and give
students the freedom to explore. Previous research
conducted by
Jaakkola and Washington (2012) has tested
an inquiry model of student creativity in primary
school. As well as ongoing research has been done by
Nurlaelah (2009) who apply inquiry model in high
school students through guidance and counseling.
The novelty of this research is that there is no
research revealing related to improve the imaginative
ability of students in physical education through the
application of inquiry learning model (McKenzie et
al., 2000). Due to the description above, the results of
this study are expected to change the paradigm of the
teaching of physical education teachers who initially
tend to apply teacher-centered teaching patterns to
student-centered teaching patterns that provide
comprehensive benefits for learners in cognitive,
psychomotor, and affective aspects. It also can prove
the truth of the theory, the results of research and test
the effectiveness of the application of teaching
patterns indirect teaching or in this study the inquiry
learning model in improving imaginative imagination
of students who at least expected to be a significant
contribution to society, nation and state in creating a
generation full of imaginative in creativity in the
The method used to reveal the problem in this
research is the experimental method with the design
of The Randomized Pretest-Posttest Control Group
Design. The reason is that the researcher wants to see
how far the treatment of the two types of treatment is
the inquiry learning model in the experimental group
and the conventional instructional model (direct
instruction) in the control group to increase the
students' imaginative ability.
The implementation of the treatments was
conducted in High School. By taking high school as a
city of Bandung as a population, which comes from
two schools selected by companion, namely SMA
Negeri 6 Bandung and SMA Pasundan 8 Bandung.
The sampling technique used is Cluster Random
Sampling. The number of samples in this study were
55 students consisting of 39 students (26 male
students and 13 female students), and in the
experimental group and 26 students (17 male students
and 9 female students) in the control group with the
background rear of education and socioeconal
equivalents. The number of samples in this study was
55 students consisting of 39 students in the
experimental group and 26 students in the control
group. The study was conducted for 16 weeks on
every subject of physical education at school. The
instrument used to measure students' imaginative
abilities is a developed questionnaire instrument
directed at Guilford. Analysis of research data using
ANCOVA test through SPSS 22.
The average acquisition and standard devaluation of
imaginative imaginary skills of high school students
Improving the Imaginative Ability of High School Students through the Inquiry Teaching Model in Physical Education
in the self-learning model group and direct instruction
group are presented in the following table 1:
Table 1: Average Value and Standard Data Group
Research Group N Minimum Maximum Mean
nqury Teaching
39 21,00 47,00 37,9231 5,59316
nqury Teaching
39 42,00 54,00 49,4103 3,43142
irect Instruction
26 30,00 47,00 36,5769 4,50043
irect Instruction
26 25,00 48,00 37,1154 5,49419
alid N
The results of the imaginative ability of high
school students are produced through two
measurement process using imaginative capability
instrument which is one of the indicators of creativity
instrument. The measurement data is presented in
table 1, pre-test data for imaginative ability in the
experimental group had a minimum score of 21.00, a
maximum score of 47.00, an average of 37.9231,
while the mean post-test was a minimum score of 42,
00, maximum value 54.00 and average value 49,4103.
In the control group obtained the pre-test obtained is
a minimum value of 30.00, a maximum value of
48.00, an average of 37.1154, for the final test score
(post-test) is a minimum value of 25.00, a maximum
value of 48, 00, with an average grade of 37,1154
students. The conclusions of the data are listed in
table 1 it can be seen that the inquiry learning model
has a significant effect on the improvement of the
imaginative ability of high school students. Through
Ancova test will be known the influence of inquiry
learning model and direct instruction model (direct
instruction) to increase the imaginative ability of
students together.
Table 2: The Ancova test Results.
Based on table 2 above, then the data concluded
some research results, among others: Sig Value. pre-
test by 0.000. <0.05. That is, pre-test has a significant
effect on the post-test. Sig value. model of 0.000.
<0.05. That is, the learning model has a significant
effect on the post-test. Sig value. Corrected Model of
0.000. <0.05. That is, there is a difference in the
influence of the two learning models between the
inquiry learning model and the direct learning model.
Inquiry learning model is a student-centered
model to be directed to active learning through the
problems presented by the teacher in the form of
questions. Implementation of the model of learning to
provide a learning situation provides a student-
centered learning process through the investigation of
a problem. Student-centered learning and students are
taught how to learn and solve problems through a
process of inquiry. The main purpose of the inquiry
learning model is to develop intellectual skills,
creativity and be able to solve problems scientifically.
In physical education, the inquiry learning model is
designed to invite students directly into the scientific
process into a relatively short time (Stodden et al.,
2008). Students are mentored and encouraged to
explore the possible answers to these questions as
solutions then poured into motion activity. An
overview of the scenario of the inquiry learning
model, suggests that there are several learning
segments in the inquiry model: "Set induction,
elements, scatter space, levels, pathways, directions,
games, reviews and closures". The active learning
process undertaken by students can develop students'
understanding by asking, investigating and observing
by themselves rather than being told only by the
teacher so that the inquiry learning model is a science-
based learning model. In tandem with this, asserts that
"The inquiry model can be used to develop students'
intellectuals, help students become expressive,
creative and possessing psychomotor skills." As
evidenced by the results of Schlenker's research,
indicating that inquiry training can improve
understanding of science, be productive in creative
thinking, and students become skilled in obtaining
and analyzing information.
Differences in students 'creativity in terms of
differences in treatment in both groups, namely in
groups that use inquiry learning model, students'
creativity score has increased, while in groups using
a direct learning model has decreased the score.
Differences in treatment in both groups can affect
student creativity. Questions posed by teachers in
learning using inquiry models provide a stimulus to
brain synapses, which strengthening the synapses
makes the brain cells grow. Rourke and Coleman
(2010) explain that "Another important aspect of
brain development at the cellular level is a dramatic
increase in the connections between neurons (nerve
cells)". New knowledge gained from the student's
learning experience through the inquiry process
(inquiry) contributes to the addition of new synapses,
Type III Sum
of S
df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 2739,971
2 1369,986 103,550 ,000
t 784,266 1 784,266 59,278 ,000
PRETEST 381,815 1 381,815 28,859 ,000
MODEL 2084,682 1 2084,682 157,569 ,000
820,275 62 13,230
Total 132232,000 65
Corrected Total 3560,246 64
a. R S
uared = ,770
usted R S
uared = ,762
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
while knowledge gained while retained will
strengthen existing synapses. Whereas if existing
synapses are not reinforced by a meaningful learning
experience, then the synapse will be replaced by other
synapses or the synapse will fall. (Rourke and
Coleman, 2010).
explains that "The connections used will be
strengthened while the untapped ones are replaced by
other connections or will disappear. That is, in
neuroscience (neuroscience), these unused
connections will be trimmed ". So, in the end, the
concept of inquiry learning model that has been
disclosed above can give effect to the increase of
student creativity.
The conclusion of the research results, has
implications as follows:
For the school can maximize the strategy and
learning model at the time of facilities and
infrastructure less support the purpose of
learning and educational goals;
For physical education teachers:
Can pay more attention to the appropriate
learning approach used in teaching and
learning process;
Can be more critical of the problems
encountered in the learning process;
Can better understand and study about
scholarship especially in understanding
of learning models;
Can pay attention to the development of
students' imaginative abilities in the
learning process takes place;
For teachers who have used the inquiry
learning model can continue to deepen
this model, so that the quality of learning
will be in a better direction.
For students, can be motivated to be more
serious in following learning physical
education so that the results and goals can be
achieved according to expectations so that
knowledge can be beneficial for both yourself
and for others.
Based on the results of processing and data
analysis obtained answers to research questions that
have been proposed. The conclusions obtained are as
follows: (1) Application of inquiry learning model in
physical education has a significant effect on
students' imaginative ability. (2) Implementation of
direct learning model has no significant effect on
students' imaginative ability. and (3) The application
of inquiry learning model shows the difference of
influence with the more effective effect of direct
learning model in physical education on students'
imaginative ability.
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Improving the Imaginative Ability of High School Students through the Inquiry Teaching Model in Physical Education