1987). The interaction that occurs due to both
treatments shows a different increase in learning
outcomes, in this case the skills of playing football.
In the group of students with high motor ability
tactical approach showed better results, whereas
group of students with low ability motor of direct
instruction learning model showed higher result than
tactical learning approach (Guido and Colwell,
1987). The interaction that occurs due to the two
treatments shows a different increase in learning
outcomes, in this case the skills of playing football.
In the group of students with high-ability motor
skills, there is a higher level of learning approach
(Guido and Colwell, 1987).
The approach of tactical learning is able to
improve the skills of playing football to students of
Bakti Asih Islamic Elementary School after being
given treatment within the set time. The upgrading
of these skills can be realized because the tactical
approach provides more opportunities for students
with high ability motor skills to improve their soccer
skills. In football games in particular, the modem is
closer to the practice of using the game in a game to
promote the development of skills in the know-how
required for the game's performances. According to
McPherson (1999), the tactical approach refers not
only to the ability to execute complex motor skills
but also to decisions concerning the appropriate use
of the skill within the context of the game situation.
The learning model of direct instruction is the
best-known model of learning where teachers
directly arrange, direct, guide and evaluate what is
done in the learning process. Dara instructional
model is an effective way of teaching explicit
concepts and skills. It is also stated that students
who are unable to self-directed can still achieve
optimal learning outcomes. This is proven to be
consistent with this study, where groups of students
with low ability motor skills can significantly
improve their playing skills after obtaining the
application of direct instruction model (Waldron and
Worsfold, 2010).
In this study the authors limit the problem of
research. This study focuses on the influence of
learning model and motor ability on the football
game. The populations used consist of 4-6 students
who follow the football extract. In collecting data,
researcher using experimental research method.
In accordance with the results of data processing
conducted can be concluded that the learning model
is important in improving the skills of playing
football, but to get the maximum results need to
review the motor ability of each student because
there is interaction between the learning model with
motor ability, high ability motor skills should use a
tactical approach learning model whereas for low
motor ability should use Direct Instruction learning
The results of this study may be developed, and
can be used as an information and reference
materials for interested parties in the field in
improving soccer player skills, and donations of
thought and study materials for other researchers to
conduct further research.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education