Experiments of Learning Model and Motor Ability towards Soccer
Raden Jenjen Aji Nugraha Maulani, Tite Juliantine and Nuryadi Nuryadi
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Models, Motor Ability, Soccer Play Skills.
Abstract: A total of 40 samples used in the research are selected for the technique of purposive sampling. The
instrument in this research is the motor ability and the ability to play football using the GPAI (Game
Performance Assessment Instrument). The data processing technique used SPSS version 20 with the testing
of hypothesis using Two Way ANAVA. Result: There is a significant influence of learning model and
motor ability to football player skill. Discussion / Conclusions: These findings suggest choosing the right
learning model with the characteristics of the student to achieve maximum results in any of my ball training
The popularity of football is so great, of all ages and
levels of society enjoying football (Richardson et al.,
2004). Football is also a sports game that is widely
used in physical education at various levels of
education (Hickey and Kelly, 2008). To play
football required the ability of motion (motor ability)
in order to play well. The motor ability of the battery
is called the ability of the motor / ability to be an
intelligence of a person's ability to develop when a
childhood develops with development and growth
(Verburgh, 2016). However, each individual has
different motor skills, some have a motor skills
ability and there are also students who have low
ability. For high-ability and low-ability motor skills,
appropriate learning methods, to improve the
performance of good football (Winkler, 2001).
With regards to the development of soccer
playing skills from the motor ability level, many can
be used to improve the skills of good soccer players
(Raya-Castellano and Uriondo, 2015). However, in
the case of the investigations using the tactical
approach model and instruction as a model in which
it enhances the ability of a soccer player with both
low and low ability.
Approach models of individual initiatives are felt
by the students in the form of the game being taught.
It also permits a great deal of focus on the
development of a vibrant atmosphere and
atmosphere. Characteristics of Students Primary
Schools (SD) tend to feel like playing games, when
they are provided with a form of training and are
able to repeat the process of rapidly base balling
(Leech and Marston, 2016). Unsupported instruction
is a long-developed learning model and is used in
school learning. The direct instruction model is the
learning that is marked by teacher-centered
decisions, and teacher learning gaps that are directed
by the teacher (Moore, 1986; Al-Abood et al., 2001).
The purpose of this research is to know the
influence of learning model and motor ability to
football game skill. This research is done to students
grade 4-6 who follow extracurricular Football. The
researcher took the 4th-6th grade samples because of
the similarity of the identical characteristic of the
same study. The difference between the study and
the test instrument was used. In the previous study, it
was used the middle school level (SMP) and the
instrument used in the physical restoration.
2.1 Design and Participant
In this experiment the method used is the method of
experimental experiment design 2 x 2. Another
value of a factorial design is that it allows a
researcher to study the interaction of an independent
variable with one or more other variables.
Maulani, R., Juliantine, T. and Nuryadi, N.
Experiments of Learning Model and Motor Ability towards Soccer.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 390-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 Instrument
Instrument form Game Performance Assessment
Instrument (GPAI).
2.3 Procedure
Data Collection The data collection process in this
study is through pre-test and post-test. The data were
taken in the form of a score of football matching
performance. Before doing test, firstly enumerated
the motor ability test which covers the agility,
coordination, and balance. Then it is incorporated
into the model of the approach model and the direct
instruction model based on the low- and low-ability
motor skills. So in each group amounted to 10
people. This study was conducted as many as 12
meetings, each week in 3 times meetings and 60
minutes each meeting.
2.4 Data Analysis
The average value data analysis is calculated based
on the skills of playing football when the game is on.
In order to calculate the skill of playing soccer fibrils
using the GPAI format and the analysis using Two
Way ANAVA found in SPSS 20. The average value
data analysis is calculated based on the skills of
playing football when the game is on. In order to
calculate the skill of playing soccer fibrils using the
ANAI's Two Way approach in SPSS 20.
The average value data analysis is calculated
based on the skills of playing football when the
game is on. In order to calculate the skill of playing
soccer fibrils using the GPAI format and the analysis
using Two Way ANAVA found in SPSS 20. The
average value data analysis is calculated based on
the skills of playing football when the game is on. In
order to calculate the skill of playing soccer fibrils
using the GPAI format and the analysis using Two
Way ANAVA found in SPSS 20. The average value
data analysis is calculated based on the skills of
playing football when the game is on. In order to
calculate the skill of playing soccer fibrils using the
ANAI's Two Way approach in SPSS 20.
Table 1: Description Skills Data Playing Football.
The table above illustrates the description of
research data based on the difference between pre-
test and post-test score (Gain score). The Tactical
Approach with high-ability motor gained a score of
31.81 and an average of 3.18. The Tactical
Approach with low-ability motor achieves a score of
18.72 and an average of 1.87. Learning model direct
Instruction with high motor ability obtained score of
14,44 and average 1.44. While the Direct Instruction
learning model with low ability motor score of 26.26
and an average of 2.63.
The research results show that the difference is
caused by several things, including: the process of
learning implementation of the approach of tactical
learning and direct instruction learning model, the
development of student movement skills and test
results data about football skills. The tactical
approach to learning in physical education builds
student interest as a basic structure in promoting the
development of skills and tactical knowledge
required for game performance (Santamaría and De,
2012). The tactical approach of learning makes the
learning atmosphere more interesting in order to
stimulate student interest and motivation in study.
Because in the game of football begins with the
concept of group games that require students' own
cognitive abilities (Memmert, 2015).
The interaction that occurs due to both
treatments shows a different increase in learning
outcomes, in this case the skills of playing football.
In the group of students with high motor ability
tactical approach showed better results, whereas
group of students with low ability motor of direct
instruction learning model showed higher result than
tactical learning approach (Guido and Colwell,
Experiments of Learning Model and Motor Ability towards Soccer
1987). The interaction that occurs due to both
treatments shows a different increase in learning
outcomes, in this case the skills of playing football.
In the group of students with high motor ability
tactical approach showed better results, whereas
group of students with low ability motor of direct
instruction learning model showed higher result than
tactical learning approach (Guido and Colwell,
1987). The interaction that occurs due to the two
treatments shows a different increase in learning
outcomes, in this case the skills of playing football.
In the group of students with high-ability motor
skills, there is a higher level of learning approach
(Guido and Colwell, 1987).
The approach of tactical learning is able to
improve the skills of playing football to students of
Bakti Asih Islamic Elementary School after being
given treatment within the set time. The upgrading
of these skills can be realized because the tactical
approach provides more opportunities for students
with high ability motor skills to improve their soccer
skills. In football games in particular, the modem is
closer to the practice of using the game in a game to
promote the development of skills in the know-how
required for the game's performances. According to
McPherson (1999), the tactical approach refers not
only to the ability to execute complex motor skills
but also to decisions concerning the appropriate use
of the skill within the context of the game situation.
The learning model of direct instruction is the
best-known model of learning where teachers
directly arrange, direct, guide and evaluate what is
done in the learning process. Dara instructional
model is an effective way of teaching explicit
concepts and skills. It is also stated that students
who are unable to self-directed can still achieve
optimal learning outcomes. This is proven to be
consistent with this study, where groups of students
with low ability motor skills can significantly
improve their playing skills after obtaining the
application of direct instruction model (Waldron and
Worsfold, 2010).
In this study the authors limit the problem of
research. This study focuses on the influence of
learning model and motor ability on the football
game. The populations used consist of 4-6 students
who follow the football extract. In collecting data,
researcher using experimental research method.
In accordance with the results of data processing
conducted can be concluded that the learning model
is important in improving the skills of playing
football, but to get the maximum results need to
review the motor ability of each student because
there is interaction between the learning model with
motor ability, high ability motor skills should use a
tactical approach learning model whereas for low
motor ability should use Direct Instruction learning
The results of this study may be developed, and
can be used as an information and reference
materials for interested parties in the field in
improving soccer player skills, and donations of
thought and study materials for other researchers to
conduct further research.
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Experiments of Learning Model and Motor Ability towards Soccer