Head-Heavy and Head-Light Rackets on Forehand Groundstroke
Adi Abdilah, Teguh Satria, Prayogi Guntara and Mustika Fitri
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Head-Heavy, Head-Light, Forehand Groundstroke.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the use of head-heavy and head-light racket on forehand groundstroke result
that will get different result. The use of head-heavy racket will result in better accuracy compared to head-
light racket. The objective of this research is to find out the effect of using head-heavy racket with forehand
groundstroke on tennis, the influence of using head-light racket on forehand groundstroke on tennis, and to
find out which racket is more influential on forehand groundstroke on tennis. The method used in this
research is descriptive method with quantitative approach. The sampling technique in this research is
purposive sampling with 8 tennis athletes from 25 members of UPI tennis club. The instrument used is The
Hewiit Tennis Achievement Test. From the results of data processing and data analysis with homogeneity
and normality test, the data are homogeneous and normal. Hypothesis calculation from equality significance
test (one party) calculation results t-count 8,245 and t-table 1,761. Obtained t-count> t-table so that H0 is
rejected. That is, the head-heavy racket is better than head-light. It was concluded that the head-heavy racket
was more significant than the head-light racket against forehand groundstroke on tennis.
For the achievement of optimal performance in the
game of tennis can be achieved through the very
important role of a coach. Therefore, the coach
should be able to arrange the program, choose, and
apply the training method in accordance with the
purpose of the exercise itself.
Besides coach, parents and athletes themselves
have equal roles and responsibilities in achievement.
For optimal achievement in the tennis game, the
basic factor that a tennis player needs to master is
the equipment called racket.
Modern rackets have facilitated a change in
playing style from one of technique to one
characterised by power and spin. The combination
of the increased stiffness of modern rackets and the
tendency for tennis balls to have become harder has
led to an increased shock transmission from the
racket to the player, which is probably a major
contributor to tennis elbow (Miller, 2006).
Biomechanical data on most bracing and
protective equipment systems is lacking. To better
understand the clinical success of counterforce
bracing, a biome chanical analysis of braced and
unbraced tennis players (serve and backhand
strokes) was undertaken (Groppel and Nirschl,
The study shows that simple heuristics that rely
on a few valid cues can lead to highly accurate
forecasts. In many domains the decisions of experts
are inferior to the decisions of statistical models of
experts (Scheibehenne and Bröder, 2007).
The purpose of this study is to identify the age of
peak performance in a broad range of athletic events
incorporating multiple, diverse biological systems,
learned skills, and motivation. Although many
researchers have noted that the absolute levels of
peak performance among super athletes have
improved dramatically in the last 100 years, to date
no one has answered the question of stability of peak
performance age over this time period (Schulz and
Curnow, 1988).
First thing to be considered is the weight,
balance, great grip, the material and the installation
of the strings. Two rackets that weigh the same but
have different masses may have very different swing
weights due to different mass distributions of each
In this study, researchers have a basic
assumption quoted in an article listed on the website,
Claire Davis states that: “However, a racket with a
Abdilah, A., Satria, T., Guntara, P. and Fitri, M.
Head-Heavy and Head-Light Rackets on Forehand Groundstroke Result.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 400-403
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
bigger mass can be useful because of the effect the
mass has on the speed of the outgoing ball."
From the above statement it can be concluded
that "the head-heavy racket will be very useful
because it has a mass effect on the impact of the
ball, this can be proven by using the law of
conservation of momentum. The heavier the mass of
the racket, the harder it is to make a back swing but
is very useful when forward swing and impact on the
The objective to be achieved in this research is to
know the difference between forehand groundstroke
results between the use of head-heavy and head-light
Although cardiorespiratory variables were not
different at submaximal intensities between the two
tests, VO2max values derived from laboratory
measurements were underestimated. Using field
testing in addition to treadmill testing provides a
better measurement of a player’s individual fitness
level and may be routinely used to accurately
prescribe appropriate aerobic exercise training
(Girard et al., 2006).
The results showed that place inconsisteny is
more important than action inconsistency in
children's judgments of story adequacy, except when
the action involves the story theme. Developmental
differences in story judgments generally were larger
for inconsistent actions than for inconsistent places,
perhaps due to children's problems in abstracting an
action theme early in story processing (McPherson
and Thomas, 1989).
Theoretical and methodological aspects of self-
efficacy theory are assessed in this study, and the
tennis performance of 40 active players (M age=
26.6 years) serves as the criterion variable. On a
theoretical level, only self-efficacy beliefs, and not
response-outcome expectations or the valence
thereof, were consistently and significantly related to
12 dimensions of tennis performance (Barling and
Abel, 1983).
Competitive tennis play requires a combination
of the major physiological variables; however, the
specifics of these variables have yet to be
determined appropriately. General strength and
flexibility training have been suggested as being
beneficial for performance and injury prevention, yet
specific guidelines are lacking (Kovacs, 2006).
The research was carried out in 2016 to 2017. In this
study, the authors used descriptive method because
they wanted to know the comparison of using head-
heavy and head-light rackets on forehand
groundstroke on tennis game because based on
information and problems that have been collected
by researchers is what happens at the moment. As
described in Sudjana (2005): "Descriptive research
is a study that attempts to describe a phenomenon,
an incident occurring now. In other words,
descriptive research takes issue or focuses on actual
issues as they were at the time of the study.
The characteristics of descriptive method are: (1)
Descriptive research tends to describe a
phenomenon as it is by studying a phenomenon as it
is by regularly reviewing it, using objectivity and
done carefully; (2) Absence of any given or
controlled treatment; (3) Absence of hypothesis test.
2.1 Research Location
In a study titled head-heavy and head-light rackets
on forehand groundstroke results, the location of the
research on the title was held at Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Faculty of Sport and
Health Education (FPOK) on the students who
participated in the indoor tennis courts held in UPI
indoor tennis. The reason for choosing the location
is making the research process more effective and
2.2 Population and Sample
2.2.1 Population
In a study conducted by a researcher, first need to
determine the population as a source of data for
research purposes.
Population is a group of subjects needed by
researchers, i.e. groups where researchers want to
generalize the findings of his research. As for the
population in this study is a student of Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung which follows
the tennis club about 25 people.
From the total population, researchers took eight
men aged 18-21 years with the ability to play tennis
field that is considered homogeneous to serve as a
sample of research. Researchers conducted research
on Student Activity Units (UKM) tennis UPI
Bandung because the researcher is an active member
of UPI Bandung tennis since becoming a student
until now, so that communication and with other
members can run smoothly.
Head-Heavy and Head-Light Rackets on Forehand Groundstroke Result
2.2.2 Sample
The sample is part of the population that is
considered to represent the entire population in
question. According to Sugiyono (2012): "the
sample is part of the number and characteristics
possessed by the population". In sampling not all
populations are sampled because researchers use
purposive sampling technique with nonprobability
sampling method. According to Sugiyono (2012):
"Nonprobability Sampling is a sampling technique
that does not give equal opportunities / chances for
each element or member of the population to be
selected to be sampled". While purposive sampling
according to Sugiyono (2012): "technique
determination of samples with certain
In this research, the researcher took samples
from the students of Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia (UPI) Bandung who participated in the
field of Student Activity Unit (UKM) tennis about 8
members who have the ability to play tennis above
the average and considered homogeneous from 25
members of population.
Named distribution normality test with non-
parametric approach, this is done if the sample group
used in the research is assumed as small group. The
results of the test data can be seen in table 1 below.
Table 1.
Table 1: Distribution of Normality Test with Lilliefors
Test Approach.
L table
Head-heavy racket
Head-light racket
Based on table 1 above can be explained the
value of L table = 0,258. While the value of Lo
racket head-heavy = 1.1797. The test criterion is
"reject the null hypothesis if Lo obtained from the
data count is greater than L table (Ho> L table) and
accept the hypothesis if Ho is smaller than L table
(Ho <L table). In this case the hypothesis is
accepted. Thus the data from both groups is
normally distributed, so the hypothesis testing using
parametric approach.
Table 2: Homogeneity Test Result with Two Variances
Similarity Test Approach.
F count
F table
Head-heavy and Head-
light rackets
The table 2 above homogeneity test criterion is
accept the hypothesis if F count is smaller than F
table (F <Fα) and reject the hypothesis if F count is
greater than F table (F> Fα). On the basis of the
results of testing the similarity of two variances in
table 4.3 above, it is known that F count = 3.25 is
smaller than F table = 3.79 at dk = (7,7) with the real
level = α = 0.05. Thus it can be concluded from the
test results similarity two variances is both groups
are homogeneous.
3.1 Hypothesis Test
After the data shows normal and homogeneous
distributions, the next step is to perform the
Significance Two-Tide Equality Test Results (Single
Party) using the distribution table t. Test results from
these data can be seen in table 3 below.
Table 3: Two-Tide Equality Test Results (Single Party).
t count
t table
Head-heavy and Head-
light rackets
Based on the calculation in table 4.4 obtained t
count = 8.245 and t table = 1.761. Test criterion is
reject Ho if t count equals from t table (t count = t
table) at the real level = 0,05 with dk = 14. So the
conclusion is there is significant influence from the
use of the head-heavy racket of the result of
forehand groundstroke.
Based on the results of data processing and data
analysis of the research that has been done on the
effect of the using head-heavy and head-light rackets
on forehand groundstroke results in tennis, it can be
taken conclusion as follows:
The head-heavy racket gives a significant
effect on the forehand groundstroke result;
The head-light racket gives a less significant
effect on forehand groundstroke results;
There is a significant difference from head-
heavy and head-light rackets on forehand
groundstroke on tennis. Based on the data
obtained in the study, the head-heavy racket
provides significant results for forehand
groundstroke on tennis.
While doing forehand groundstroke, tennis
players generally use a racket that suits their needs.
However, based on the results of research that has
been carried out the head-heavy racket can produce
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
more accurate forehand groundstroke because the
head-heavy racket has a larger mass distribution to
the racket head.
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Head-Heavy and Head-Light Rackets on Forehand Groundstroke Result