Students Responsibility Pattern in Indonesia
Adang Suherman
, Mulyana Mulyana
, Nur Indri Rahayu
, Kuston Sultoni
and Jajat Jajat
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Galuh Ciamis, Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 150, Ciamis, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Education, Fitness Education, Self-Concept, Physical Activity, Active Lifestyle.
Abstract: This study aims to determine whether the responsibility of students is influenced by teacher reference value.
In the indicator of participation also tend to be so, judging from the average score between elementary and
junior high school level there is no difference and will increase in SMA level. In self-direction indicator can
be seen pattern average score decrease from elementary to junior high, then at level of high school will
increase sharply. The results of the study indicate that there is a significant difference in student responsibility
between those taught by the patient teacher with strong, moderate and weak TVO.
Education is a way of moral quality improvement
(Sheldon and Epstein, 2002). Moral and good
behaviour have the same position even higher than
academic achievement. However, parents, teachers
and society generally agree that good behaviour is as
important as the test score (Sheldon and Epstein,
Many social organizations claim that giving social
responsibility education is very important. However,
teaching this subject has many obstacles, requiring
the initiative of each individual or group of academic
teachers (Zandvoort, 2013). Students learn about the
responsibilities shown and taught by the adults in
their environment (Cook-Sather, 2010).
Nowadays, there is an increasing interest in the
importance of self-concept physically at a young age,
especially as a recommendation guide to the
participation of physical activity at a young age
(Welk, 1999). The teacher reference value previously
developed by Jewet consists of 5, while the currently
research consists of 8 references as a result of the
development of (Haerens et al., 2011).
Based on these problems, there is a need of an
assessment as an effort to improve the physical self-
concept and active lifestyle of the students through a
comprehensive method in learning sports subject. In
this case the author tries to apply the method of
learning Physical Education to improve physical
fitness (Thomas et al., 2015). This method is designed
one of them with the aim to raise awareness about the
understanding of the physical conditions that exist in
each individual (Proshansky et al., 1983).
Involvement in physical activity has various benefits,
both for physical health, psychological and cognitive,
on the contrary that the lack of movement will have a
negative impact on health. Therefore, there should be
an awareness about the importance of doing physical
activity on a regular basis.
Physical self-concept is an important factor in the
context of a physical intervention program
(Amesberger, 2011). Physical self-concept has a key
role in developing a level of physical fitness that can
allow or not to allow the realization of certain types
of activities within a certain timeframe and which can
increase the positive influence that will occur on one's
Individuals who have positive physical self-
concept will be more physically active, and those
involved in physical activity will have a high physical
self-concept (Arazi and Hosseini, 2013). Thus, the
involvement in physical activity and physical self-
concept are closely related to each other.
2.1 Procedure
Research was planned to be implemented for eight
months, starting from March to October 2017 at the
Suherman, A., Mulyana, M., Rahayu, N., Sultoni, K. and Jajat, J.
Students Responsibility Pattern in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Spor ts Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 425-428
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
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