Improvement of Overhand Pass Learning Outcomes through
Cooperative and Reciprocal Learning Models in Extracurricular
Volleyball Games in High School
Zainun Nur fatah, Agus Agus and Dipraja Dipraja
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia.
Keywords: Overhand Pass on Volleyball, Extracurricular, Cooperative Learning, Reciprocal Learning.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning model and reciprocal learning model on the
results of learning overhand pass in the game of volleyball in extracurricular students in schools. This
research uses experimental method with "randomized pretest-posttest design". The population in this study
were students who participated in extracurricular volleyball activities with a total of 32 students. The
attachment technique from population to sample using random sampling technique so that the sample used
amounted to 30 students. The instrument used is the overhand pass accuracy. Data analysis using
prerequisite test consisted of looking for group mean and standard deviation then normality test of all
normal distributed data and homogeneity test of all data homogenous and t test. The result of the analysis
shows that: (1) Cooperative learning model gives significant influence to the result of students’ overhand
pass learning in game of volleyball. (2) The reciprocal learning model significantly influences the learning
outcomes of students’ overhand pass in the game of volleyball. (3) The reciprocal learning model has more
significant influence compared to the cooperative learning model on the overhand pass learning outcomes in
the volleyball game of students who are tested in this research.
Physical education can contribute to students'
psychomotor, cognitive and social development.
However, to fulfill these results requires the use of
several teaching styles (Carrington, 2004; Dyson,
2001). There are several learning models that can be
used in implementing the teaching and learning
process. Among them are cooperative and reciprocal
learning models.
Cooperative learning is a dynamic instructional
format that teaches diverse learning to students at
different grade levels. Students work together in a
heterogeneous group that is structured and small to
master the content of the learning materials. They
are responsible not only for learning the material but
also helping their study group (Millis and Cottell,
1997; André et al., 2011).
The current theory of cooperative learning
through group work is that students achieve higher
academic achievement, gain better control
understanding, improve social relationships, and
develop better language skills. Studies have shown
that cooperative learning can have a positive impact
on social variables including intergroup
relationships, ability to work with others, and self-
This study also examines reciprocal learning
(Carrington, 2004; Barrett, 2005). Students practice
tasks in pairs, alternating in individual roles to
perform tasks and students observe feedback to other
students immediately and continuously. The
advantage of using this teaching style is that all
students can receive increased feedback during the
exercise. There are, however, shortcomings, i.e. less
students’ training or learning time, possibility of
giving wrong feedback, and conflicts, verbal abuse
or out-of-school talk between students may occur
(Carrington, 2004; Dyson, 2001).
The implementation of cooperative learning
programs in basketball, volleyball, and traditional
Greek dancing sessions enhances social skills and
attitudes of sixth grade group work. Cooperative
learning show of the ability to encourage support
from colleagues in larger classes and positive
student-to-student interactions in volleyball and
Fatah, Z., Agus, A. and Dipraja, D.
Improvement of Overhand Pass Learning Outcomes through Cooperative and Reciprocal Learning Models in Extracurricular Volleyball Games in High School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 429-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
basketball units with third and fourth grade students.
One drawback of the cooperative learning is the lack
of time needed to teach something to students and
apply it in the classroom, thus it requires more free
time from the learning process (Dunn and Wilson,
1991; Kolovelonis et al., 2011).
This study aims to be able to answer several
questions 1) is there a development of overhand pass
from the implementation of cooperative learning in
the process of learning volleyball on students who
follow volleyball extracurricular?; 2) is there an
increase in overhand pass from the implementation
of reciprocal learning in the volleyball learning
process to students following volleyball
extracurricular?; 3) is there any difference from the
cooperative and reciprocal learning model towards
the overhand pass learning outcomes in the game of
2.1 Participants
The sample was determined using total sampling
technique of 30 students who participated in
volleyball extracurricular activity at SMA Pasundan
2 Cianjur West Bandung Regency West Java
2.2 Procedures
The research method used is experimental method
with pretest-posttest experimental design. The study
took place from May 18 to June 21, 2016, with a
two-hour meeting from 14.30 to 16.30 WIB with a
total of 18 meetings, 3 times per week.
2.3 Instruments
The instrument used is a volleyball test. Processing
is done by using t-test statistic.
3.1 Differences in Mean Score of
Overhand Pass Value Between Pre
and Post-test on Cooperative
Figure 1 shows improvement of overhand pass skills
on students who are given cooperative learning
model treatment. This is evident from the increase in
the average overhand pass score on the students. In
the initial test the average score of students is 30.6.
While on the final test the student score increased to
This implies that giving the cooperative learning
model treatment is linear with learning improves of
students’ overhand pass skills. Correspondingly, the
results of statistical calculations show t arithmetic
81.29 and t table 2.05, with a significance level of
0.05. Therefore t count 81.29> t table 2.05, with
significance level of 0.05, it means that cooperative
learning model gives significant influence to the
result of overhand pass learning in volleyball game
on students who joined volleyball extracurricular in
SMA Pasundan 2 Cianjur.
Figure 1: Differences in mean score of overhand pass
value between pre and post-test on cooperative learning.
The score of the initial test result and the final
overhand pass test with cooperative model is
depicted in figure 1.
Figure 2: Differences in mean score of overhandpass value
between pre and posttest on recriprocal.
Figure 2 shows improvement of overhand pass
skills in students who are given treatment of
reciprocal learning model. This is evident from the
increase in the average score of the students
overhand pass. In the initial test, the students
average score was 32.9. While in the final test the
students’ score increased to 34.4.
This implies that giving the treatment of
reciprocal model is linear with the improvement of
overhand pass skills on the students.
Correspondingly, the statistical calculations show
that t counts 89.16 and t table2.05 with a sig
Initial Score Final Score
Initial Score Final Score
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
significance value of 0.05. Therefore t calculate
89,16> t table 2.05, with significance level of 0.05, it
means that the reciprocal learning model gives
significant influence to the result of students’
overhand pass learning in volleyball game in
extracurricular activity at SMA Pasundan 2 Cianjur.
Figure 3: Findings Results of Implementation cooperative
and reciprocal model in sport.
Figure 3 shows the average gain of group scores
of students who are given cooperative and reciprocal
learning model. It can be seen that the average gain
of group scores given reciprocal learning was (1.46)
greater than the group gain score given cooperative
learning model (1.33). This means that the reciprocal
learning model has more significant effect compared
to the cooperative learning model to the overhand
pass learning outcomes in the volleyball game on the
extracurricular students in SMA Pasundan 2 Cianjur
(Wang, 2012).
This is in line with the results of the statistical
calculation of the independent samples test table for
the column of variances assumed variables (t-test), it
is known that tcount = 4,450 and ttable value 2.05.
Due to the value tcount = 4.450> ttable value 2.05,
then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted at the level of
significance α = 0.05 (5%). This means that the
reciprocal learning model is more significant than
the cooperative learning model on the learning
outcomes of overhand pass in the game of volleyball
in extracurricular students in SMA Pasundan 2
Cianjur (Fraenkel, 2006).
Improvement of overhand pass on the volleyball
game learning process given cooperative and
reciprocal learning models will show positive
results. The success of this cooperative and
reciprocal model is characterized by the increasing
skill of overhand pass on learning volleyball in
schools significantly. This model has a significant
impact on the overhand pass learning results on the
game of volleyball. With the existing theory, it
would be better if the research is continued and
studied more deeply in order to obtain a higher level
of validation of this model and that it can be useful
for teachers who use it.
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Cooprative Reciprocal
Gain Score
Improvement of Overhand Pass Learning Outcomes through Cooperative and Reciprocal Learning Models in Extracurricular Volleyball
Games in High School