The Implementation of Movement Problem-Based Learning Model in
Soccer-Like Games
Nurul Fauzi and Sucipto Sucipto
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Movement Problem Based Learning Model, Study Result, Play Skill, and Soccer-Like Games Activity.
Abstract: This research aims to improve students’ skills of soccer-like games through the implementation of movement
problem based learning model. The research method used in this study is classroom action research. The
research is conducted at Tagog State Elementary School on 25 4
grade students. The research process is
divided into II cycles; every cycle consists of 2 steps. Every step uses various mobile tasks that are packed in
a form of games. The data is collected by using GPAI instrument. All collected data are analyzed by using
percentage technique afterwards. The average of overall data is 59%, and 66% for cycle I step I, 68% for
cycle I step II, 72% for cycle II step I, and 76% for cycle II step II. Based on data analysis result, it is concluded
that the implementation of model movement problem based learning can improve the students’ playing skill
in learning soccer-like games. It is recommended that, in presenting learning material soccer like games, it
should be provided with mobile tasks packed in form of games.
One of the learning method used by physical
education teacher is movement problem based
learning model in order to make the students able to
solve the problem on their own (Albanese and
Mitchell, 1993). Besides developing problem solving
skill, material and selfstrengthening, the model also
adjusted with the type of study material, students’
characteristics, and also the students’ situation or
where the studying process is conducted.
Therefore, the implementation of model
movement problem base learning is adjusted with the
Elementary Students’ soccer learning activity
concept, that is the students search and find the basic
soccer learning problem then being directed to think
and solve the problem based on their own experience.
Based on the description above, it is necessary to
conduct a research about the implementation of
movement based learning model in performing play
skill with the aspect of taken decision, performing
skill, and giving support in soccer-like games
learning (Akwei, 1998). This research result is
expected to give input for the teacher in developing
and improving the learning quality of soccer-like
games at Tagog Elementary School.
2.1 Research Design
Research design is the means or method used in
research, so the formulation of problem and
hypothesis can be answered and tested accurately.
This research used classroom action research.
(Hopkins et al., 2002). The class action research
(CAR) is a systematic study about the effort to
improve the studying quality by a group of people
through simple step and reflection of the result of the
action (Mettetal, 2012).
2.2 Research Subject
The subject of this CAR is the 25 4
grade students
of Tagog State Elementary School consisting of 13
boys and 12 girls. The students’ average height is 130
cm, weight 26 kg, and age 11 years old. The students
of this school come from various family backgrounds
and diverse parents’ professions such as traders,
employees, farmers, etc.
Fauzi, N. and Sucipto, S.
The Implementation of Movement Problem-Based Learning Model in Soccer-Like Games.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 438-439
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.3 Data Collection
The research data is arranged by source of data, type
of data, technique of collecting data, and data analysis
technique (Suryabrata, 1983).
2.4 Data Analysis
The collected data from every observation activities
of research cycle implementation uses qualitative and
quantitative analysis, since the data is in the form of
numbers and words (narration) using percentage to
see the tendency that happens in the process of study.
The analysis process begins from the start until the
end of the step of the implementation. The criteria and
measurement of the research success is based on
individual studying evaluation. The formula to
analyse the average value and success level
percentage is: (Abduljabar and Darajat, 2012).
Finding Average Value (Χ):
= Average
X = Scores Gained
N = Amount of data
= States the amount
Finding percent value according to Purwanto
(2014) is as follows:
The writer uses observation sheet that given to the
observer, namely student observation sheet (Herdiansyah,
2013). This observation sheet contains passing skill
psychomotor aspect assessment.
According to the observation above, the students’
result in attending Physical Education class,
especially in improving play skill in soccer-like
games, is excellent as they gain 76% for the average
result, hence it can be considered as satisfactory
(Mardapi, 2015), exceeding the researcher’s minimal
target of 75%. Based on the result mentioned, the
study result of Tagog State Elementary School is very
Figure 1: The chart of Overall Values of Play Skill in Every
On the chart above, it can be seen that cycle I step
I achieved 66%, improved 7% from preliminary
observation of 59%. Furthermore, cycle I step II
reached 68%, with 2% increase from the cycle I step
I. Then, from cycle II step I we gain 72%, which
improved from cycle I step II by 4% and further
increase in cycle II step II with 76% result.
Based on the research result, starting from
preliminary observation until cycle II step II, it is
concluded that the 4
grade Tagog State Elementary
School students’ skills of soccer-like games improved
from 59% to 76%.
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NP =
x 100
The Implementation of Movement Problem-Based Learning Model in Soccer-Like Games