1997). This is in line with Subroto (2002) that
described about the aims of tactical approach in
teaching for the students as follows:
Mastering game performance through the
relation between game tactics with skill
Giving pleasure in activities;
Solving problems and taking decisions during
the game.
Based on the facts in the field and strengthened by
the theory, the writer concludes that the tactical
approach can be done by the school teachers on
physical education study because there are so many
benefits gained especially for the students’ creativity
and game performance prompt development (Dyson
et al., 2004).
According to the research result from the
beginning of the observation until cycle 2 step 2, it is
acknowledged that the students’ game performance in
basketball study is improved. The final result’s data
and the summary from the beginning of the
observation until cycle 2 step 2 can be described in
the table 4 as follows:
Table 4: Percentage Value.
Based on the researched done by the writer from the
beginning of observation until cycle 2 step 2, it is
known that the basketball game performance and
creativity includes the assessment of (dribble,
passing, and shooting) (Perkos et al., 2002). The
writer concludes that the fifth-grade students of
Labschool UPI Bandung’ basketball creativity
improvement using game implementation that
includes passing dribbling and shooting like 5 on 5
game has elevated, and it is useful to be implemented
to physical education study at elementary school.
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Results Average
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education