The Implementation of Tactical Approach in Big-Ball Game
Learning to Improve Student’s Creativity
Bayu Adiyaksa Juanda, Didin Budiman and Rusli Ibrahim
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No.299 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Tactical Approach, Big-Ball Game, Student’s Creativity, Improving Creativity.
Abstract: The lack of practicing and understanding of the teachers in basketball game learning will weaken the students’
creativity and play skill in the activity. Forming teaching strategy to improve student’s creativity and play
skill needs to be done by the teacher to understand the physical education studying process. The method used
in this research is Class Action Research (CAR). The writer uses questionnaire to research the creativity of
the fifth grade UPI Labschool Elementary School students with 25 student samples, and use chosen
observation sheet to test the students’ play skill. The processed data result from preliminary observation shows
that the students’ ability value is still very low in basketball game creativity and skill, thus the writer continues
the research until it reaches the standard set by the writer, and also there has to be an improvement in every
cycles from preliminary observation research until cycle 2 step 2. The final result proves that there is an
improvement in basketball game performance and creativity of fifth grade students of Labschool UPI
Elementary School Bandung.
One of the physical education materials is basketball
which is included in required material that has study
result as one of its purposes. It is positioned for the
physical education teachers or educators to be
oriented to basketball competency standards and it is
also necessary for them to pay attention to the
students’ contentment, creativity, characteristic,
ability and competency standards development that
also have to be adjusted with the learning objectives
that have to be achieved (Beebout, 1916). In
basketball learning, there are many teachers that
haven’t given a suitable basketball learning method
which is monotonous. Basketball has been taught
from early age, so the learners need the right learning
materials that are correctly and creatively arranged.
Based on the writer’s observation, the study results of
some fifth-grade students of Labschool UPI
Elementary School already own the ability and skill
in basketball game, but their lack of interest and
creativity raise a perception that basketball is not too
exciting, thus the potential possessed by the fifth-
grade students of Labschool UPI Elementary School
to join some basketball championships and
competitions is just passed by. There are a lot of
factors that cause the fifth-grade students’ of
Labschool UPI Elementary School’s basketball study
result and interest are still low.
In this study improvement process the writer
conducted a study that consists of pre-cycle, cycle 1,
and cycle 2. Each cycle needs 4 steps, they are
planning, implementation, observation, and reflection
(Kemmis et al., 2014). The writer conducted cycle 1
and cycle 2 studies at Lab School Elementary School
Bandung consecutively in March, school year of
2016/2017 according to the schedules approved by
the school. The writer arranged the lesson plan in
every cycle in order to improve the study explicitly
and unravel the study improvement strategy for the
study components in the core of main activity by
using tactical approach learning method (Grubesic et
al., 2017).
Juanda, B., Budiman, D. and Ibrahim, R.
The Implementation of Tactical Approach in Big-Ball Game Learning to Improve Student’s Creativity.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 458-460
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
2.1 Research Instrument
Research instrument can be seen on the table 1 as
Table 1: Students’ Creativity Test Students’ Creativity
Instrument Grille.
2.1.1 GPAI (Game Performance Assessment
Instrument) Test
Game performance assessment basically needs
observation accuracy during the game. Griffin et al.
(1997) in Hoedaya’s writing (2001) have created an
assessment instrument named GPAI. Henceforward,
GPAI translated to Indonesian becomes Penilaian
Penampilan Bermain shortened to IPPB (Kirk, 2007).
It aims to help the teachers and coaches in observing
and logging the game performance during the game.
Teachers (Observers) can find by themselves what’s
need to be observed that’s adjusted with the main
lesson given that time. The data assessment forward
can be seen on the table 2 as follows:
Table 2: Game Performance Setting.
Game performance described on table 2.
Table 3: Game Performance Observation (Hoedaya, 2001).
Notes: C= Correct, IC = Incorrect, E = Efficient, IE =
In table 3 above is a game performance
observation. The advantage of GPAI is its flexibility.
Teachers (observers) are able to decide the
components observed at that time. When using GPAI,
the writer identifies all of the seven components that
are applied to the game and review one or many
criteria. In every component that identify the good
decision and tactical performance. In this research the
writer focuses on the three game performance aspects
in every component, they are: decision making
(Correct or Incorrect), performing skills (efficient or
inefficient), and giving support (correct or incorrect).
Then we observe every student in the game study and
record events from the knowledge and tactical
performance on certain component.
From the class actions implementation, the gained
results for creativity pre-observation are 3,2. 3,81 for
Cycle 1 Step 1, 4,81 for Cycle 1 Step 2. Whereas for
basketball game performance pre-observation gains
50, 51 for Cycle 1 Step 1, 62 for Cycle 1 Step 2, 72
for Cycle 2 Step 1, 86 for Cycle 2 Step 2. It shows the
fact that the teaching presentation using tactical
approach with various games described
systematically by the teachers can improve the
students’ game performance creativity (Griffin et al.,
Game Performance
Decisions taken
The players try to pass to the
free team mates
Controlled pass to the target
Skill Execution
The players move to take free
position to receive the pass
Sub- Components
(Supriadi , 2001) quoted by
Jamridafrizal (link)
Creativity is a process of
creating something unique,
original, and valuable. the
characteristics of creativity
can be grouped into two
categories, cognitive and
incognitive: "Cognitive
characteristics are:
1. Originality
2. Flexibility
3. Smoothness
4. Elaboration
5. Evaluation
While the characteristics of
incognitive are:
a. Thinking different
b. Not doing the same
c. Finding new
d. Having different
e. Thinking of another
a. Making movements
b. Giving various
c. Doing it different
d. Looking at different
point of view
e. Using variations
a. Asking a lot of
b. Giving a lot of
c. Learning faster
d. Enthusiastic
e. Confident
The Implementation of Tactical Approach in Big-Ball Game Learning to Improve Student’s Creativity
1997). This is in line with Subroto (2002) that
described about the aims of tactical approach in
teaching for the students as follows:
Mastering game performance through the
relation between game tactics with skill
Giving pleasure in activities;
Solving problems and taking decisions during
the game.
Based on the facts in the field and strengthened by
the theory, the writer concludes that the tactical
approach can be done by the school teachers on
physical education study because there are so many
benefits gained especially for the students’ creativity
and game performance prompt development (Dyson
et al., 2004).
According to the research result from the
beginning of the observation until cycle 2 step 2, it is
acknowledged that the students’ game performance in
basketball study is improved. The final results data
and the summary from the beginning of the
observation until cycle 2 step 2 can be described in
the table 4 as follows:
Table 4: Percentage Value.
Based on the researched done by the writer from the
beginning of observation until cycle 2 step 2, it is
known that the basketball game performance and
creativity includes the assessment of (dribble,
passing, and shooting) (Perkos et al., 2002). The
writer concludes that the fifth-grade students of
Labschool UPI Bandung’ basketball creativity
improvement using game implementation that
includes passing dribbling and shooting like 5 on 5
game has elevated, and it is useful to be implemented
to physical education study at elementary school.
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Human Kinetics Publishers (UK) Ltd.
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spill cleanup efforts: A tactical approach and evaluation
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Hoedaya, 2001. Esensi Pembelajaran Melalui Pendekatan
Taktis, Tarsito. Bandung.
Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., Nixon, R., 2014. The action
research planner Á doing critical participatory action
Kirk, D., 2017. Teaching Games in Physical Education:
Towards a pedagogical model. Revista Portuguesa de
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Perkos, S., Theodorakis, Y., Chroni, S., 2002. Enhancing
performance and skill acquisition in novice basketball
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Activities Performed
Results Average
Skill Results
Cycle 1 Step 1
Cycle 1 Step 2
Cycle 2 Step 1
Cycle 2 Step 2
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education