children aged junior high, because effectively used
to improve the durability of the child and be able to
teach traditional games for children in order to
maintain the heritage.
4.2 Suggestion
Based on the results of the development model of
resistance training junior high school age children, it
is necessary to put forward some suggestions by
investigators in connection with the product. The
suggestions put forward include utilization advice,
suggestions dissemination, and suggestions of
further development.
4.2.1 Suggestions Utilization
Product development is a development-based model
of endurance exercise traditional games for children
aged junior. If the model of development models
based endurance exercise traditional games for
children ages SMP used in extracurricular activities
and as an ingredient in learning in every school.
In addition, if the model of endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children ages SMP
used as a guide in extracurricular activities and
learning process in physical education at school,
then to the teachers or trainers should further
improve professionalism in order to use this model
in extracurricular activities and learning can take
place effectively and efficiently.
4.2.2 Suggestions Dissemination
Product development model of endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children ages SMP in
the form of this manual empirically proven
effectiveness is good to improve the durability for
children aged SMP, the product of this development
can be disseminated to a wider target, especially to
teachers or coach extracurricular junior futsal. But
before being distributed researchers advise, so
guidebooks model of endurance exercises based on
traditional games for children aged junior high
school need to be produced much more, so that later
more teachers or coaches junior who can understand
and be able to master the traditional game as a
training or learning.
4.2.3 Suggestions Further Development
In developing product models endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children aged SMP
further, researchers have some advice, namely: (a)
on the product development model of endurance
exercises based on traditional games for children
aged junior, still require further investigation and
trial of intensive and continuous, as well as the
effect on the broader scope which has the
characteristics of a more diverse (heterogeneous), to
obtain feedback to make improvements to the
product; (b) Subject involved in the evaluation and
testing needs to be expanded to involve more experts
or exercise physical condition as well as teachers or
trainers as users and students as subjects; (c) The
need assessment in the development of the next on
the degree of variation and conformity with
chronological age, is expected is a shape model of a
more varied, innovative, and stimulate students /
participants to be more enthusiastic in training (d) It
is expected that the existence of researchers who can
develop resistance training models based traditional
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Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School