Maintaining Elderly Health Related Fitness (HRF) through Dance
Nurlan Kusmaedi, Mustika Fitri, Surdiniaty Ugelta, Kuston Sultoni and Supardi Udung Atmadja
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Aerobic Dance, Fitness Dance, Elderly, Health Related Fitness (HRF).
Abstract: Elderly people are very susceptible to various diseases, especially non-infectious diseases such as high
blood pressure, stroke, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. The presence of these
increasing numbers of elderly if not properly anticipated will be a national tragedy. The more awake and
increased physical fitness of society will reduce the risk of death by non-infectious diseases. The purpose of
this research is to know the effectiveness of aerobic exercise with SKJ 2012 on the increase of physical
fitness to Health Related Fitness (HRF) in middle aged group. The research method used is experiment
method with the two group pretest-posttest design. The population taken as the sample of the study was the
elderly association in Bandung City and the sample in this study was the middle aged of 10 people for
Aerobic Gymnastics and 10 people for SKJ 20m. Data processing using t-test statistics for each gain score
and assisted with computer program SPSS for windows. Conclusions of this study Aerobic exercises are
more effective in improving Health Related Fitness (HRF).
Progress in the field of health, has a lot of human
benefit, with the discovery of various drugs for
diseases, especially infectious diseases that
originally no medicine is now there such as for
malaria, tuberculosis or tuberculosis, some cancers,
in addition found also ways to avoid outbreaks of
various deadly diseases including immunization and
healthy living behaviors, so that humans are more
health-conscious (Haapanen-Niemi, 2000). This will
increase the life expectancy of humans. Global life
expectancy increased from 65.3 years in 1990, to
71.5 years in 2013 (Naghavi, 2015).
Increasing life expectancy becomes an important
issue that can affect not only health but also long-
term quality of life (Kusmaedi et al., 2017). Based
on the results of the National Socio-Economic
Survey (Susenas) in 2011 the number of elderly
Indonesian population has reached 18.27 million
people or about 7, 58 percent of the total population
of Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2012).
This needs to be anticipated early. Increasingly
elderly people then the implications need to handle
health, both in a preventive, curative, and
rehabilitative. What is meant by preventive handling
is to prevent the occurrence of diseases or
complications associated with lack of movement.
Curative is able to provide an alternative for disease
curing efforts (exercise is medicine). Rehabilitative
is expected to restore the disruption of body function
due to disease and disability. Promotive is expected
to improve physical fitness and endurance (Johnson,
It needs serious handling from various parties,
both central government, local government, and
community institutions. Elderly must be empowered
in order to live independently independence in bio-
psycho-sociological life. They must be biologically
able to live his life independently, psychologically
able to position himself in relation to God and all his
creations, and sociologically able to socialize with
the community environment (Giriwijoyo 2007). The
presence of these increasing numbers of elderly if
not properly anticipated will be a national tragedy.
The more people exercise will increase the
person's physical fitness (community). The more
sustained and increased physical fitness of the
community will reduce the risk of death by non-
infectious diseases such as heart disease, high blood
pressure, and stroke, reducing the number of
illnesses mentioned above (Garber et al., 2011)
Health sports conducted by the community are
many kinds such as: leisurely walk, jogging,
leisurely cycling, and gymnastics fitness. There are
many kinds of sports gymnastics that are done by the
Kusmaedi, N., Fitri, M., Ugelta, S., Sultoni, K. and Atmadja, S.
Maintaining Elderly Health Related Fitness (HRF) through Dance.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 478-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community both in the studios, in the fitness center,
and in government agencies. Like the SKJ created
by Kemenegpora Indonesia once every four years,
from SKJ in 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004,
2008 and 2012.
In relation to the above description, the
researchers would like to research more about the
Comparison of Aerobic Gymnastics Effectiveness
and SKJ 2012 Against Health Related Fitness (HRF)
of the Middle Aged Elderly.
The method used in this research is the experimental
method with The Two Group Pretest-Posttest design.
Namely by providing treatment to both groups
which includes two independent variables that
become the scope of research subjects, namely (1)
Aerobic Gymnastics, and (2) Gymnastics Fitness
2012 (SKJ 2012). Attribute variable of this research
is Middle Age Man (age 45-59 years) and dependent
variable that is Physical Fitness related to Health.
The sampling technique is random sampling
because the researchers take the mothers between
the ages of 45 to 59 years old including the Middle
Age group which is divided into two groups of 10
people for aerobic exercise and 10 people for SKJ.
The instruments used to view HRF are Testing
the Elderly includes Cardiorespiratory endurance: 6-
minute walk test (6 MWT), flexibility: Chair seat
and reach test (CSRT), Muscle strength and
endurance: Chair stand test (CST) and Arm curl test
Coordination and agility: 8 Foot up and go test (8
The purpose of this study is to determine whether
there are differences in the impact of the provision
of treatments in the form of aerobic dance with SKJ
2012 in the elderly. To answer the question then
selected 20 elderly people who then divided into two
groups namely the treatment group given aerobic
dance and control group who were given SKJ 2012
gymnastics before and after the provision of
treatments conducted in the form of Health related
fitness test. The test results are listed in table 1.
Table 1: Pretest Posttest.
Based on table 1. It is known that the total fitness
of both groups has increased from pre-test to post-
test. In the treatment group the total fitness value at
the time of pre-test was 248.18 to 286.65 at the time
of post-test. The total fitness score of the control
group at pre-test is 258.96 to 275.45 at the time of
The statistical analysis that is used to see if
aerobic treatment is more effective in improving
health related fitness compared with SKJ gymnastics
is by comparing the average gain score (post-test
value minus pre-test value) of each group with
independent sample t test. The result is as follows
table 2:
Tabe 2: Independent Samples Test.
t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-tailed)
variances not
There was a significant Gain Score difference
between the groups treated with aerobic exercise and
the group treated with SKJ (P <0.05). Then it can be
concluded that the provision of treatments in the
form of aerobic exercise is more optimal in
improving physical fitness of the elderly than the
provision of physical fitness in 2012. This proves
that aerobic exercise (aerobic exercise and SKJ
2012), if it is done regularly, measurably, and
systematically can improve physical fitness. It turns
out to be a moderate intensity exercise (Low Impact
Aerobics) but it enters the pulse of an exercise zone
according to age, with duration of 20 minutes, and
performed four times a week is good for
significantly improving physical fitness. Frequency
Maintaining Elderly Health Related Fitness (HRF) through Dance
of exercise three to five times per week; exercise
intensity 55/65% to 90% maximal pulse rate; long
exercises 20 to 60 minutes continuously, or a
minimum accumulation of 10 minutes throughout
the day, have a good effect on improving physical
fitness (Behm, 2015; Seo, 2012; Stahle, 1999).
The same thing is stated by Giriwijoyo (2007)
that sports enough health within 10 to 30 minutes
with an intensity of 65 to 80% DNM with a
frequency of 3 to 5 times per week. So the
experimental treatment of the researcher is
appropriate, exercise time 20 minutes, intensity 60%
to 85% DNM, and frequency four times a week
Physical activity is an important factor in
maintaining physical fitness for the elderly. One of
the forms of physical activity that can be done is to
do gymnastics. There are several types of exercises
that can be done by the elderly, such as aerobic, SKJ
etc. Aerobics is more effective in improving health
related fitness (HRF) in middle aged people.
The research was funded by the Institution of
Research and Community Service of Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education