The Effects of Learning Model and Motor Educability to Improve
Learning Outcomes of Hockey Game
Winnie Widjayanti, Yudy Hendrayana, Boyke Mulyana and Ucup Yusuf
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Model, Motor Educability, Hockey Learning Outcomes.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of tactical and technical models of learning in students
who have high and low motor educability in increasing the learning outcomes of hockey games. The outcomes
studied are the playing skill and basic skill of hockey game. Research method to reveal the problem is through
experimental method with 2x2 factorial design. The sample of this research were 20 male students by
saturation sampling at the students who participated in hockey extracurricular activity in SMA Negeri 26
Bandung. The study was conducted three times a week for 14 meetings including initial and final tests.
Instruments used to measure educational motors using the IOWA Brace Test, to measure learning outcomes
of hockey playing skills used in the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) and to measure
learning outcomes of hockey skills used basic hockey skills test that have validity and reliability. The writer
uses push, stopping, dribble, and shooting tests. The data obtained is processed with Statistical Product and
Service Solution (SPSS) version 16 using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The hypothesis of this research is
that there is a significant effects of Tactical Games Model (Tactical Games Model) and technic to increase
the learning outcomes of hockey game. Researcher are in the process of research so that has not obtained
results from this study.
Hockey is a competitive and dynamic sport that
requires players to move from one place to another by
applying a strategy to play and use the proper basic
techniques. To play hockey requires mastery of basic
techniques and advanced techniques. In this case it
takes a person's ability to learn a new movement or
motor educability. Motor Educability is the ability to
learn new and different skills of motion quickly and
easily (Sandhu, 2017).
The obstacles encountered by the physical
education teachers are the teacher-centered way of
thinking and teaching, not the students, thus it closes
the space for students to develop the ability to apply
tactics in play. Most of learning models used by
physical education teachers are still using direct
learning models or more emphasize on drill practice
techniques, where teachers commonly instruct their
students to perform the same movements repeatedly.
Teachers’ thought by giving a live demonstration to
the students, the material will be effectively delivered
and their students will more quickly understand the
Meanwhile the obstacles which faced by students
are they have not been able to apply appropriate
tactics and strategies to play and have not been able
to use the proper basic techniques. These because
students cannot survive and attack well, also less
support when their friends dominate the ball.
Learning activities become less conducive and
effective. Students tend to come from play and
become not creative in solving a problem in the game.
There are various learning models that can be
applied in learning of Physical Education. One of
them is Tactical Games Model (TGM). The
characteristics of the Tactical Games Model (Tactical
Games Model) is a learning approach based on a
sequence of games according to the stage of
development and learning activities such as the actual
game focusing on the tactical problem for students to
solve (Metzler, 2000). Griffin et al. (1997) also
argued that the tactical approach model is a plan that
proceeded to improve the performance of games
which the combination of tactical awareness elements
and the exercise of motion skills are exist in it.
Tactical Games Model (TGM) is an evolution of
Teaching game for Understanding (TGFU) initiated
Widjayanti, W., Hendrayana, Y., Mulyana, B. and Yusuf, U.
The Effects of Learning Model and Motor Educability to Improve Learning Outcomes of Hockey Game.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 486-488
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by Thorpe and Bunker (1986). This Tactical Games
model was conceived by Griffin et al. (1997) with
more formal instructional model.
Based on the above opinion it can be concluded
that the characteristics of the Tactical learning model
is that the students can solve the problem of playing
tactics through learning activities as in the actual
The Tactical Game Learning Model has
appropriate characteristics and suitable for improving
the learning outcomes of students' playing skills so it
can be as a solution in solving problems in applying
play tactics.
Writer willing to know how the results obtained
by students with high educability motor if they were
given the Tactical and Technical Game model to
improve the outcomes of learning to play hockey, and
vice versa to students who have low Motor
Educability. Is it effective to improve the learning
outcomes by hockey if given to both groups of
students, whether high or low Motor Educability, or
is it more effective if given to groups with only high
or low Motor Educability, as well as technical
learning models. Therefore, the writer wanted to do
research on "The Effect of Learning Model and Motor
Educability to Hockey Learning Outcomes".
The research was conducted in the category of
experimental study using Factorial Design 2 x 2.
Table 1: 2x2 Factorial Design for Tactical and Technical
Learning Model and Motor Educability Hockey Game
Learning Outcomes.
Learning Model (X)
Tactical Games
Games (X
Hockey Learning Outcomes (C)
A total of 20 students were divided into 2 groups,
10 students for the Tactical Model group, and 10
students for the Technical Model group. Each group
consists of 5 students with high Motor educability and
5 students with low educability motor. The Iowa
Brace test is used to measure motor educability. GPAI
is used to measure playing skills and to measure the
outcomes of learning hockey skills used push tests,
stopping, dribbling and shooting.
The research is still on process so that there is no
significant discovery. Broadly speaking, based on the
theory of experts and previous research found the
discovery as follows:
3.1 The Influence of Tactical Game
Models with High Educational
Motor to the Hockey Game
Learning Outcomes
Gray and Sproule (2009) researched that the
application of tactical learning can improve decision
making of students in playing compared with
conventional model.
Balakrishnan et al. (2011) in his research stated
that tactical learning approaches can improve
understanding of play and decision making in hand-
ball learning, compared to control groups using
traditional approaches. Research results from Gray et
al (2008) stated that tactical learning can improve the
perception of competence and excitement in learning.
The results of his research mentioned that Mc
Cloy and Young (1954) Sandhu (2017) stated that
Motor Educability is the ability to learn motion skills
quickly and easily so there is a relationship between
students' ability to learn new motion with the motor
educability level of the students.
Based on all the theoretical research and reviews
above, it can be assumed that a tactical game model
with high educational motor can improve the learning
outcomes of playing skills.
3.2 Interaction of Learning Model with
Motor Educability to Hockey Game
Learning Outcomes
Harrison et al (2004) researched the Effects of
Tactical and Technical Model on improving students'
playing ability, self efficacy and student perception in
volleyball. The results of his research mentioned that
neither the models is superior. Memmert and Roth
(2008) researched the effects of several approaches in
practice on team games to improve tactical creativity.
135 seventh graders involved in sports handball,
soccer and hockey as sample.
Based on all of the above expert opinions, writer
assumes that both the Tactical and Technical Game
Learning Model both can improve the learning
outcomes of hockey games.
The Effects of Learning Model and Motor Educability to Improve Learning Outcomes of Hockey Game
The conclusion of the research is the research
hypothesis because the research is still on process.
Hypothesis in this research answer four problem
formulation, as follows:
4.1 First Hypothesis
There is a difference in the effect of Tactical and
Technical Learning Model on Hockey game learning
outcomes significantly.
4.2 Second Hypothesis
There is a difference in the effect of Tactical and
Technical Learning Models to students with high
Motor Educability on Hockey game learning results
4.3 The Third Hypothesis
There is a difference in the effect of Tactical Learning
Model with the Technical Approach to students with
low Motor Educability to Hockey game learning
outcomes significantly.
4.4 Fourth Hypothesis
There is an interaction of Learning Model with Motor
Educability ability level to hockey game learning
outcomes significantly.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education