The Role of Family Economic Programs in Reducing Poverty
Sri Herianingrum, Nisrina Firdaus, Tika Widiastuti
and Irham Zaki
Department of Economic and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
{sri.herianingrum, tika.widiastuti, Irham.zaki},
Keywords: Economics Family Programs, Economic Empowerment, Institution Aisyah Muhammadiyah, Poverty.
Abstract: Poverty is the main problem faced by the nation of Indonesia where one of the measurements of poverty in
terms of the expenditure side, while in Islam there is a more comprehensive indicator in measuring poverty,
i.e. maqashid sharia. The institutions ' Aisyiyah was instrumental in reducing the problem of poverty, one of
them with a program of economic families. The purpose of this research is to know the role of the family
economic program on the institutions ' Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah in economic empowerment perspective
trends of maqashid Sharia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative approach with case studies.
Data collection is done with the interview and documentation. The technique of the validity of the data
using triangulation technique data. Technical analysis by reduction of the data, the presentation of the data,
and draw conclusions. The results of this research are the institutions ' Aisha was instrumental in the
economic empowerment of people through economic family program. This program consists of, the
program's synergy with government agencies, training and mentoring. The success of this program can be
viewed from the maintenance indicator trends, namely the maintenance of Islamic religion, soul, intellect,
lineage, and treasure. Five of these aspects have been met in the process of economic empowerment.
In Indonesia, poverty is a major problem that is
being faced and is still unresolved. In 2010 recorded
the total population residing in the poverty line after
roughly 31 million and an economic gap reached
0.38%. In 2011, poverty declines when compared to
the 2010, namely amounting to 30 million
inhabitants. On the other hand, the economic gap in
Indonesia thus increased from 0.38 to 0.41. The
amount of poverty in Indonesia from year 2012-
2013 continues to decline, among others being 29
million inhabitants, but the level of the gap during
that period still remains the same i.e. 0.41. (BPS,
2010-2013) This proves that the decrease in the
number of poverty is not necessarily directly
proportional to decreasing economic disparities. One
of the ways that you can assign in overcoming
poverty is through family economic improvement
program. This program is a program of
empowerment of women, which the program
activities empowering women is in fact tantamount
to empower nation. In this context, empowerment is
suitable for women whose encouraging women to
In Indonesia, there is one of the da'wah
institutions that the main focus is for the
empowerment of women, i.e. 'Aisyiyah.
Autonomous institution Aisyiyah established by
Muhammadiyah that focus on women's
empowerment. In East Java province, one of the
areas ' superior Aisyiyah in economics is an area of
Sidoarjo. Things aspects influenced PDA ' Aisyiyah
Sidoarjo excelled in economics is because the PDA '
charitable efforts have Sidoarjo Aisyiyah seeded in
the field of Economics, namely Cooperatives As-
Sakinah which has programs of economic and
employment tribunal progam. The leadership of the
region ' Aisyiyah Sidoarjo (PDA) can run as
expected, one of which is the family's economic
program (BUEKA). The role of cooperatives As-
Sakinah in the program BUEKA in the PDA
Sidoarjo as funding, escort, training, and marketing.
PDA Sidoarjo is one area of success in running
this program because of the existence of a
partnership between local government, the Aisyiyah,
and other related parties. Regional authorities in
question here is a service of KOPERINDAG
(cooperative, industry and trade) of the town of
Sidoarjo, East Java region and a role to provide
training related to the effort. PDA Sidoarjo was cast
Herianingrum, S., Firdaus, N., Widiastuti, T. and Zaki, I.
The Role of Family Economic Programs in Reducing Poverty.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 21-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in terms of accompaniment to keep the motivation
group in entrepreneurship. The gap between rich and
poor people hard-dieliminir, need for the role of
program to adress them. Based on the above
background, this paper examines the role of the
economic program of the family in reducing
2.1 Empowerment (Tamkîn) in Al-
Qur’an Perspective
Tamkîn words in the dictionaries of the language is a
form of mashdar from fi'il (the verb) makkana. The
word has the same meaning with the word amkana.
The word
is concerned with the words
. The author of al-fî al-Lughah Muhith said in
Sanrego and Taufik (2016:75) that
 and
mean they are herbivorous, dragon eggs stored
somewhere). In the Hadith mentioned, "let birds that
live in the nest or place of residence."
The author of Al-Shihhah fî al-Lughah carries
another meaning of the word
in Sanrego and
Taufik (2016:75-76) namely:
"God gives power and strengthens it over something.
These people have a positionor power or influence
over something. Or that person has the ability to do
something. "
According to Ibn Darid in Jamharah al-Lughah
in Sanrego and Taufik (2016:76):
"Fulan has food on the side of the ruler it meant he
had a position."
Thus the word tamkîn shows the capability of
doing something, sturdiness, strength, power,
influence, and have a seat somewhere, either in hissi
(can be felt or material in nature) or are ma'nawi
such as its sturdy or overdrive people on the side of
the ruler. Sense of the word tamkîn in the language
of economics can be termed empowerment, where
empowerment cannot be separated from the power
of the individual or group who have the opportunity
to use her power into their hands and redistributed
their power to the weak. Empowerment aims to
improve the strength of the disadvantaged.
Defining empowerment with tamkîn was also
mentioned by Raihan. Raihan in Sanreego and
Taufik (2016:77):
"Sustainable Empowerment (at-tamkîn al-
mustadâm) the intent is to give full powers to the
community in order to grow and could reach the
development and understand it from all sides."
2.2 Institutional Economics Function
Countries with good institutions better able to
allocate resources more efficiently, so that
economics can work better. Strong also will bear the
right economic policies and credible, so that various
forms of market failure could be resolved.
Conversely, a bad institution will only become a
burden that will always impede the economy to
work properly. Policy born of an institution that is
bad is also potentially a major failure in the policy
level (policy failure). This of course would further
exacerbate the disadvantages posed by the existence
of a market failure.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative
approach with case studies. Data collection is done
with the interview and documentation. The
technique used to check the validity of the data is
triangular engineering data. Technical analysis by
reduction of the data, the presentation of the data,
and perfect conclusions. The interview is conducted
to the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chairman of the
Assembly's economic and employment in Sidoarjo, a
member of the BUEKA. Treasurer of the
cooperative As-Sakinah, as well as documentation
that describes the development of the program of
economic empowerment.
Economic empowerment, which is done by Aisha
with the economic program of the family known as
BUEKA for the region of Sidoarjo is performed with
the synergy of multiple party roles and functions of
each. The goal of the program to achieve the
synergy of stakeholders is economic empowerment.
Economic empowerment here involves four
stakeholders who have a role and function. These
stakeholders include PDA Sidoarjo, Cooperative As-
Sakinah, the Government and sponsors, as well as
the community of Sidoarjo itself, particularly the
members of the BUEKA. The first stakeholder is the
leader of the 'Aisyiyah (PDA) Sidoarjo. PDA
Sidoarjo is a main party in the process of economic
empowerment of women, because the PDA Sidoarjo
is a propagation Institute consists of women who
contributed to advancing women Indonesia by doing
the empowerment of women, especially in the field
of Economics in the area of Sidoarjo. The second is
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
the stakeholder Co-operatives As-Sakinah. As-
Sakinah cooperative is a cooperative incorporated
Sharia law since 1999 a main container for PDA or
Sidoarjo in doing economic empowerment in the
area of Sidoarjo. By doing this, As-Sakinah
cooperative empowerment divide members'
Aisyiyah incorporated in it in a small groups. The
third is the Government stakeholders and sponsors.
The Government that involved in the empowerment
is Dinas KOPERINDAG (cooperatives, SMES,
industry, trade) either in the region or in the region
of Sidoarjo, East Java. That question is the sponsor
of all parties who participate in supporting this
program, such as the brand product. The fourth is the
community stakeholders Sidoarjo, a member of the
BUEKA and is the most important parties in
economic empowerment programs because they are
the subject of economic empowerment in the area of
The role undertaken by the PDA Sidoarjo as the
initiator has the ideals of economic boost and create
concepts on economic empowerment programs.
Expected with economic empowerment, will
improve the welfare of the family and the overall
economy will improve the people especially in the
area of Sidoarjo. The role of Cooperatives As-
Sakinah is as finance support i.e. as a provider of
funds for PDA Sidoarjo to support members of the
BUEKA who have difficulties of capital. The role of
Government and the sponsors in the program is as a
facilitator in support of the program. The role of
Community Member BUEKA, Sidoarjo, i.e. as
aspirator which play an important role in the running
of programs because they are the subject of
economic empowerment whereby each step from
concept formulation, implementation, and evaluation
the program should take into consideration the
aspirations of those so that the program can run well
and smoothly.
PDA Sidoarjo has executive functions that run
the whole programs of MUSYKER results
(Deliberation of work). Meanwhile, the functions of
Cooperatives As-Sakinah is doing the financing
against BUEKA groups that have difficulties venture
capital so as to increase the economic purpose
through the women can run well and smoothly. The
function of the Government and sponsors is to
empowerment where they focus in the field of
mentoring through training, education and skill
enhancement. The function of the community, i.e.
Member of Sidoarjo BUEKA, as a participatory
contribute real economic empowerment program
because they become power to facilitate economic
empowerment programs. The overall synergy of the
efforts of stakeholders in facilitate the economic
empowerment program is oriented so that the
improved economy, human resources and quality
products can be realized and the well-being of the
people as a whole can be achieved.
On PDA Siodarjo has a special department that
handles about increased economy of the people's
Assembly, namely the economy and Employment.
The vision of economic and Employment Tribunal is
to develop, enhance, and empower economic
communities, whether through entrepreneurial
development as well as skills training and
networking efforts. Economic and Employment
Tribunal is one Division namely entrepreneurship
Division which has the goal of developing
entrepreneurship to increase income of economic
One of the barriers experienced by women and
other entrepreneurs in the business is the capital
problems. To solve these problems, the PDA
Sidoarjo in Assembly economy and Employment as
well as cooperative As-Sakinah, assists its members
to make it easier to get venture capital so it can
streamline the process of establishment and
sustainability efforts members.
The existence of the Tribunal of the economy
and employment and Cooperative As-Sakinah
together form a pattern of economic empowerment
of women through small groups. So far BUEKA
members continue to experience increased due to a
massive recruitment patterns and easily accepted by
the society. Recruitment of members through regular
payroll activities from members' Aisyiyah and
sympathizers, then followed with a personal
After members of the BUEKA have got an extra
effort and skill, Sidoarjo PDA will also provide
training related to technical issues encountered
members when running its business. If there are
technical problems, need for activity identification
of technical problems faced by members will then be
held training to solve the problem of members. For
example when it has established the business, the
venture will not usually directly sell and it is due to
the marketing hasn't been fullest so people don't yet
know our efforts. Based on this kind of phenomenon
is certainly the Sidoarjo PDA will do training about
marketing. In conducting this training, they could
cooperate with the Office of KOPERINDAG or
invite experts who already comply with this material
to fill their fields. This training cycle will not be
stopped in one round but will run repeats
The Role of Family Economic Programs in Reducing Poverty
The success of the role of the PDA Sidoarjo in
doing economic empowerment is a member of the
BUEKA in the self-sufficiency encouraged him to
set up a business. An increase in the independence
of the members of BUEKA can be seen from the
increase in the income of the members from the
results of his efforts. But the income is not the only
indicator that determines the independence of the
members, it is also determined by the members
awareness to meet the aspect of Sharia through the
income has been generated and the facilities have
been given PDAS Sidoarjo through the BUEKA
program. Thus, later the independence aspects of
member when viewed from the aspects of Sharia
includes not only about trends the world needs
maintenance only but also the needs of the afterlife
as well. The level of activity in the program BUEKA
is something very important in economic
empowerment program itself.
The next indicator of religious observance is
demonstrated by significant changes to the Fund's
ZIS issued before and after following the BUEKA.
BUEKA members are said to be independent if the
Fund issued ZIS increased between before and after
following the BUEKA.
The next indicator which will be described next
is about the maintenance of the soul. When observed
with the daily life of soul maintenance can be done
by maintaining the health of myself and family. In
the assessment of this indicator, the Member is said
to be independent if after following the BUEKA and
revenues increased, the members were able to do
things that can prevent ourselves from pain, e.g.
check-up, taking the supplement or herbal remedy,
or even following the insurance.
The third indicator used in the aspects of Sharia
is satisfy the needs of sense BUEKA members for
following the program. BUEKA members are said to
be independent, if the gain insight about science or
field of endeavor, cooperation, and others. One of
the indicators of Shariah maqashid is the preseved of
descent. Because BUEKA is one of the programs
that aim to improve the family economy, especially
through women by way of developing
entrepreneurship, then descent indicator is shown in
awareness of the sustainability of the business that
owned by members of the BUEKA that will be
passed down to his children so as not to be
concerned at the shortcomings in terms of the
economy. This is in accordance with the verse of the
Qur'an namely letter An-Nisa verse 9:
Meaning: and fear Allah those who wish to leave
behind their children who are weak, they are worried
(welfare) against them. Therefore let them cautious
to God and let them pronounce words correctly.
(QS. An-Nisa [4]: 9)
The fifth indicator used in the aspect of
Maqashid Sharia is satisfy property BUEKA
members. Maintenance of property used in this
research is to observe whether the following
BUEKA program, members experiencing changes in
income, maintenance of daily necessities, such as
food and beverage consumption, purchasing
furniture or vehicles, good effort as well as for
household use, recreation, and ability in saving.
Based on the results of research and also the
discussion in the previous session, then the
conclusions that can be drawn are:
In carrying out the economic empowerment of
people through economic program family, Sidoarjo
PDA do synergy stakeholders with various parties,
namely cooperative Aisyiyah, Government and
sponsors, as well as Sidoarjo community, specially
members of the family economy programme. To
run the family's economic program, the Sidoarjo of
economy and Employment assembly in the primary
container is establishing cooperative As-Sakinah
which together perform economic empowerment
through a variety of activities, namely, mentoring,
training, financing, and marketing. PDA Sidoarjo
was instrumental in the city's economic
empowerment through economic program Sidoarjo
family. It can be seen from the maintenance
indicator trends, namely the maintenance of Islamic
religion, soul, intellect, lineage, and treasure. Of the
five aspects of it, are met in a review of economic
The recommended suggestions after doing this
research are as follows: For the first PDA Sidoarjo
doing the training not only on business issues, but
also do training for worship, such as Zakah because
there is still some informants huge already but his
efforts still do not know how to Zakah.Secondly, the
training effort is expected to be more focused and on
target. Is more focused and precise target was still
awaited the entrepreneurs who got the skills but not
in accordance with their fields and ultimately would
not have practiced that skill.
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The Role of Family Economic Programs in Reducing Poverty