Rumah Zakat regularly publishes financial reports on
the website of Rumah Zakat. After obtaining the
index score of each indicator, the index score for the
institution indicator of Rumah Zakat DIY can be
calculated as follows:
= 0.30X
+ 0.20X
+ 0.30X
+ 0.20X
= 0.30(0) + 0.20(0.75) + 0.30(1) + 0.20(1)
= 0.65
According to the results above, the index score for
the institutional indicators of Rumah Zakat DIY is
0.65, which means that the performance of the Rumah
Zakat is satisfactory. The highest index value is
achieved in the distribution and reporting variables
while the lowest index value is in the collection
Based on the calculation of institutional indicator
index of BAZNAS DIY and Rumah Zakat DIY, it can
be known that BAZNAS DIY received index score of
0.77 and Rumah Zakat received index score of 0.65.
Therefore, it can be deduced that BAZNAS DIY has
higher index value than Rumah Zakat DIY in 2014-
2015. However, in Indonesia, private zakat sector
proves to be more active and creative in mobilizing
zakat funds (Saidurrahman, 2013).
According to the result, indicator index of the
performance of BAZNAS DIY and Rumah Zakat
DIY was satisfactory. For collection variable,
BAZNAS DIY received higher index score than
Rumah Zakat DIY. This is because the number of
zakat collection that BAZNAS DIY collected in
2014-2015 has increased. Meanwhile, Zakat fund that
collected by Rumah Zakat DIY in 2014-2015 has
decreased. Despite the decline in the collection
aspect, the amount of fund collected by Rumah Zakat
DIY is greater than the fund collected by BAZNAS
DIY. For management variable, BAZNAS DIY and
Rumah Zakat DIY received the same index score (a
score index of 0.75), which means that both
performances in management aspect was satisfactory.
Moreover, for the distribution variable,
BAZNAS DIY and Rumah Zakat DIY received a
quite high index score. So that, their performance in
distribution aspect was more than satisfactory.
Finally, for the reporting variable, Rumah Zakat DIY
has better performance than BAZNAS DIY. The
reporting variable of BAZNAS DIY received the
lowest score index, which indicated that the reporting
variable was unsatisfactory.
BAZNAS DIY and Rumah Zakat DIY are
expected to have evaluations in improving their
performances. It is necessary for BAZNAS DIY as an
institution managed by the state to improve the
reporting aspect in order to increase public trust. In
the future, it is expected that BAZNAS DIY can have
audited financial reports with unqualified opinion and
sharia audit reports which are published periodically.
Meanwhile, Rumah Zakat DIY is expected to
improve its performance on the collection aspect, so
that there will be an increase in the collection zakat
funds. The findings in this study are expected to
contribute to the existing knowledge on the
performance of zakat institutions in Indonesia.
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A Framework to Evaluate the Performance of Zakat Institutions - A Case Study on Zakat Institutions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia