Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei
Zaki Zaini and Khairul Hidayatullah Basir
Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam
Keywords: Zakat management; Objective of Zakat; Role of Zakat; Performance Management.
Abstract: This study will look into how clear does the zakat institution in Brunei is aware of its intended objectives as
well the issues and challenges in achieving those intended objectives. This research uses quantitative
descriptive analysis method to measure the progress of zakat council in attaining the objectives of zakat.
Similarly in the sphere of zakat, zakat officers are the backbone of zakat management, they must have the
right attitude towards Zakat, they must strongly believe on the capability of Zakat especially in contributing
towards socio-economic justice as well as its role in achieving national vision 2035 and the global agenda
Paying zakat is one of the five main pillars of Islam
and in fact paying zakat is the second most important
act of worship after daily prayers. Zakat literally
means pure, growth, and technically zakat means to
purify, to clean and to grow while legally Zakat
means paying out the proportion of your excess
wealth and distributed to those who are specifically
prescribed in the Quran:
“Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for
the needy and for those employed to collect
[zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for
Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for
those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the
[stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by
Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise”
(Tawbah: 60) (Sahih International).
The collected Zakat fund should only be
distributed to the eight recipients: the poor, the needy,
the Zakat administrator (amil), the converts
(mu’allaf), those who are in bondage, the debt-ridden
(al-Gharimin), the way of God (fisabilillah), the
wayfarer (ibnu-sabil). Despite all the eight recipients
have been clearly mentioned in the noble Qur’an, yet
the criteria to specifically define each group might
vary from place to place.
The role of Zakat institution is very crucial in
shaping the impact of zakat in the society, the more
effective and efficient the institution is the higher the
impact of Zakat could have on the society and the
economy as a whole. Zakat should not be seen as
simply an act of worship but rather to observe zakat
as an important socio-economic tool. The most
literature discusses the extent of what zakat can
contribute to the society and the economy but yet such
positive impacts are yet to be realized especially its
role as to eradicate poverty. In order for zakat to be
treated an important tool in the economy especially
by the Government- zakat institution must play its
role accordingly. It can be learned that the
responsibilities borne by the zakat institution are
exceptionally comprehensive ranging from creating
awareness of paying zakat to contribute to achieving
global socio-economic agenda such as Sustainable
Development Goal. However, the role of zakat in an
economy must be clear, how it integrates with other
system and most important how do zakat and other
mechanisms would work together to achieve the
ultimate goal which is to achieve socio-economic
Objectives provide specific milestones with a
specific timeline for achieving a goal while Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) are measurable values
and can be compared that demonstrate and provide
evidence how effectively an organization is achieving
its key objectives (Intrafocus, 2014). All sets of
planned outputs must be aligned with the overall
mission and vision of the organization (Aminuddin,
2014). Hofstrand (2016) explains that, vision
provides a destination for the organization while
Zaini, Z. and Basir, K.
Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 54-59
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mission is a guiding light of how to get to the
The success of zakat in an economy can be traced
back to the era of caliph Umar when Zakat was
claimed able to eradicate poverty. During that era,
when zakat worker was discharged to distribute the
zakat fund, no one was willing to accept the zakat
proceed such act was believed to imply no one was
living in poverty since Zakat is only for those who are
in dire need. It can be learned that Zakat can play a
very significant role in fighting poverty and create
socio-economic justice. Zakat system has three main
components the payer, the administrator and the
The role of zakat institution is not only limited to
collect, deposit and distribute the zakat proceed, its
role is much more extensive and comprehensive. In
collection itself, Zakat institution plays a significant
role in determining the amount of collected zakat
fund, with more rigorous efforts in place the potential
of zakat fund can be easily achieved. The new
emergence of the source of income could create a
significant increase in zakat collection especially
dealing with those online money-making platform
which usually generates higher revenue compared to
the traditional source of income. However, such
initiatives can only be achieved if zakat institution is
clear with its objectives if zakat institution’s
performance indicator relies heavily on the increase
of collected zakat then more effort would be placed in
looking for other potential zakatable wealth else the
institution would adopt business as usual” in their
everyday zakat collection initiatives.
In dealing with depositing and distribution of the
collected zakat fund, zakat institution is subjected to
extreme pressure in making sure the distributed fund
able to achieve the objective of zakat. It is important
to note that the impact of zakat distribution is
overwhelming especially when the consideration of
the impact takes into account beyond the zakat
recipients. The effectiveness of zakat fund can result
to increase in confidence among zakat payer and to
some extent would contribute to the economic growth
of the country. Therefore zakat could play such an
important role if it is not treated as peripheral
economic tool but rather should be treated beyond
just a mechanism to redistribute wealth. Clearly, the
potential of zakat system heavily relies on the
ecosystem especially the zakat institution itself.
Hence, zakat institution needs to have a clear path of
where it will bring zakat system in the economy, if
the institution intents to steer zakat system into a more
prominent position in the economy, then the system
will be treated accordingly.
This study used to survey in order to gather data from
zakat officers pertaining to this subject. 21 responses
were obtained and this number is considered
sufficient considering the number of zakat officers in
the zakat council.
Majority of the questions of the survey consist of
agree and disagree questions, where the main
objectives of this survey are to get the perception of
the zakat officers and hence getting their view on
certain matters based on agree and disagree, is
considered appropriate.
This research uses quantitative descriptive
analysis method to measure the progress of zakat
council in attaining the objectives of zakat.
With various possible potential of zakat being
discussed, this can only be achieved with how well
the zakat managers willing to push their efforts as
well as having faith in the system of zakat. For every
initiatives being carried out by zakat council, zakat
council must be clear with the objectives and the role
of each assistance being provided to the recipients.
In order to see the effectiveness of every assistance
procided by the zakat council, members of the zakat
council must strongly understand the role of the
assistance in helping the zakat recipients as well as
the expected outcome of each assistance being
provided by the council.
It is imperative for the zakat council to ensure that
every member of their workforce has similar
perception on the role of zakat as it will help to drive
their energy in the same direction. Having everyone
on the same page can steer all their efforts more
efficiently especially during hard times, not all
assistance being tailored by the council will turn out
to be successful, but if everyone has a strong belief
that the zakat assistance programme will achieve its
intended objective.
Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei
Figure 1. Perception of the role of Zakat.
However, based on the analysis on the perception
of the role of zakat among zakat officers has shown a
very concerning trend among the zakat officers in
Brunei. Of all the 12 items listed not even the most
basic objectives of zakat gets full one-hundred
percent of agreement, for instance only 81% of zakat
officers believe that zakat can reduce poverty,
reducing poverty can be considered as a basic role of
zakat where most literature discussed that zakat may
not be able to eradicate poverty but can help to reduce
poverty. Although perception of zakat in reducing
poverty gets the highest rate from zakat officers in
Brunei but this figure (81%) is still considered quite
minimal since the basic role of zakat is to help in
reducing poverty. Other items also suffer low rating
from zakat officers indicating that zakat may not be
perceived as an important economic tool.
Zakat can actually contribute to economic growth.
For this reason, zakat council in particular zakat
officers must be aware on how zakat can actually
contributes to economic growth, it is important for the
zakat officers to realise that they are part of the whole
nation economic system, and such would also boost
confidence and commitment among zakat officers if
they learn that their role is very important in the
nation economic system. However, only 62% of the
zakat officers believe that zakat can contributes
towards economic growth and another that shares the
same rating of 62% from zakat officer is the role of
zakat to increase the quality of life.
At least 57% of the zakat officers believe that
Zakat can eradicate poverty although perception on
eradication poverty is quite utopian but there exist
some optimism among zakat officers on the role of
zakat in eradicating poverty, 52% of the zakat officers
believe that zakat can increase recipients’
productivity, this rate can be considered as quite low
especially considering that zakat assistance
programme should be tailored to improve the
productivity of the recipients. Most of the
contemporary assistance programmes offered by
welfare institution such as zakat institution are
dedicated to increase the productivity of the recipients
rather than solely acting as a relief. Cash asssistance
programme is no longer a popular option among zakat
council as it may encourage idleness, therefore most
academic scholars are in the opinion that zakat
assistance programme must be shaped to inculcate
independence and boost recipients productivity.
However assistance programme that aims to boost
recipients productivity usually encouter various
challenges especially with regards to the
sustainability and the success of the programme.
However, the success of such programme can only be
realised if zakat managers are committed and
preserve in pushing all the challenges aside and
remain positive. However, with only 52% of the zakat
officers believe that zakat can increase the
productivity of the recipients might indicate some
concern especially the success of the programme is
leveraged on the commitment and preseverance of the
zakat managers. A proper awareness programme for
zakat managers should be conducted to align the
objectives of programme with the perception of zakat
officers on the role of zakat as a medium to boost
productivity of recipients.
Figure 2: Perception of Zakat administration.
According to the studies done by Yusoff (2011)
Zakat spending and scholl enrolment are important
determinants of economic growth in Malaysia,
implying such results into Brunei’s context, and it is
Zakat council
has fully
achieve its
Still have gaps
Need strong
with other
Need more
and experise
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
the country’s vision to see nation of Brunei to be
highly educated and skilled individuals and Zakat
should play its role as well to achieve this vision,
however less than half (43%) of the zakat officers are
in the opinion that zakat can increase knowledge and
skills of zakat recipients. Zakat also have high
potential to be source of social finance such as Qard
al-Hassan, such assistance can help zakat recipients
to start-up their own business where majority of the
recipients would have difficult access to conventional
financing which usually place more restriction as
compared to social finance. It cannot be denied
capital is important factor in contributing to the
success of a business, however with limited
restriction to financing through banks would usually
hamper the intention of zakat recipients to start their
own business. However, if Zakat fund can be used as
alternative to conventional financing, this would
clearly be a good initiatives to promote productivity
and independence, but surprisingly less than half of
the zakat officers believe that zakat can be utilised as
a source of social finance.
Only 38% of the zakat officers believe that zakat
can increase consumption as well as reduce
unemployment. It is very surprising to learn only
38% of zakat officers believe zakat can increase
consumption even though zakat can clearly help to
increase zakat recipients’ consumption, when zakat
recipients received cash assistance it would increase
their income and hence would increase their
purchasing power. Another item that receive similar
rating is the role of zakat in reducing unemployment,
only 38% of zakat officers believe that zakat can help
to reduce unemployment, this proportion is very
worrying to learn when small proportion of zakat
officers are in the opinion that zakat can help to
reduce unemployment. However, zakat assistance
programme should be shaped to inculcate
independence and employment is one of them, so
thererfore any aisstance programme should be shaped
to encourage employment among zakat recipients.
Finally, the last two items received the least rating
from zakat officers, only 33% of zakat officers
believe that zakat can help to achieve Brunei Vision
2035 and only 29% of zakat officers believe zakat
can help to achieve SDG 2030. Clearly, zakat officers
are less optimistic with regards to the role of zakat in
achieveing the national vision 2035 let alone the
global vision SDG 2030. Therefore a proper
initiatives must be in place to help zakat officers to
have clearer view on how zakat can be steered to
achieve national vision 2035 as well as SDG 2030.
With regards to the zakat administration in
Brunei, this study has found very interesting findings
among zakat officers where only 14% of zakat
officers believe that zakat administration in Brunei
has achieved its full potential, so clearly majority of
the zakat officers are not in the opinion that zakat has
achieved its full potential and this indicates zakat
officers believe that there is so much more to achieve
in zakat administration in Brunei and this can be
reflected with another finding where 90% of zakat
officers believe that there are still gaps for
improvement. It is very pleasing to learn that zakat
officers are not in the state of denial but are more open
with their view on the zakat administration in Brunei.
This also indicate there is an opportunity for other
agencies to work with Zakat council in Brunei such
as training programme for zakat officers as well
collaborating in designing the assistance programme
for zakat recipients. If zakat council is in the opinion
that there is so much more to improve then this also
means that they are willing to learn from other
agencies as well to work together and this can be
proven from the findings out of the survey where 95%
of zakat officers believe zakat council in Brunei needs
strong collaboration with other organization, this also
can help zakat council in Brunei to deal with the issue
of lacking in expertise as well as shortage of
workforce since 90% of the zakat officers believe
they need more workforce and expertise, however
with the current economic situation in Brunei hiring
more workers are not usually welcomed by top
management so therefore a more intensified
collaboration with other agencies sharing pool of
resources including expertise is strongly required.
Having clear vision, mission and objectives for
any organization is extremely crucial as discussed
earlier. For this reason, every organization must
establish its vision, mission and objectives as these
would help the organization to steer itself steadily
with more focus. Establishing vision, mission and
objectives should be coordinated accordingly
including making sure every personnel in the
organization learn and observe the organization’s
vision, mission and objectives without any hesitation.
There is no point having vision, mission and
objectives if they are not fully observed and abided
by each personnel as it would beat the purpose;
therefore Zakat council must understand that it must
have vision, mission and objectives to drive the
council in the right direction and most importantly to
drive every single personnel in the council in the same
and planned direction.
Based on the figure above, there exists some
concern as almost one-quarter of the zakat officers are
not aware of the council vision, mission and
objectives. Such observation is very worrying
Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei
especially close to one-quarter of the zakat officers
are not aware whether the council have its vision,
mission and objectives. Therefore top management in
the council must take a proper action to help these
officers to learn the vision, mission and objectives of
the council, some action plan can be put in place
including a workshop or training for dedicated
officers and well-sighted signage of the council
vision, mission and objective in the office. Signange
must be place that can be clearly seen from every
officers office-desk so it helps to remind the officers
of what is the vision, mission and objectives the
council envisage to achieve in years to come.
Similarly all efforts must be measured
accordingly to ensure the council is aware with its
progress in reference to the objectives to be achieved.
Without proper Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) in
place, members of the council will not aware their
position in reference to the objectives to be achieved.
However, there seems to exist some misalignment
among zakat officers where only 57% of zakat
officers opine that Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) are in place but the remaining do not seem to
aware whether KPIs are in place, however based on
further analysis none of the officers who opined to
perceive KPIs are in place actually understand what
their KPIs are since no single consistent response
when the respondents were inquired to detail out the
KPIs. Therefore, this finding signals a very worrying
scenario where there exist severe misalignments
among zakat officers, every officer must be on the
same page especially with regards to what they
supposed to achieve out of their everyday task, hence
more efforts need to be done especially in driving all
the energy in the same direction to ensure every zakat
officers are working together to achieve the common
Surprisingly only 14% opine that Zakat council
involve in Brunei Vision 2035, this proportion is
considered to be very low especially knowing that
Zakat is an important economic tool, if Zakat is
important economic tool it should not be treated as
peripheral especially taking into account its potential
contribution to Brunei Vision 2035. It is unacceptable
to learn that a very small proportion of zakat officers
agree that zakat contributes to Brunei Vision 2035
when in fact Zakat council is part of the government
institution, therefore a proper initiatives must be in
place to make sure the role of zakat council in
achieving Brunei Vision 2035. Without clear view of
where Zakat council is in the system that involves in
driving the country would hamper the potential of
zakat council in contributing towards Brunei Vision
2035. 67% of the zakat officers are in the opinion that
zakat council do not regularly participate in activities
relating to Brunei Vision 2035, despite one of the goal
in Brunei vision 2035 is to achieve sustainable and
dynamic economy where Zakat supposed to play a
very important role especially if zakat reach its fullest
It is very surprising to learn that only 19% of the
zakat officers are aware of Sustainable Development
Goals 2030 despite zakat council is an important
socio-economic institution of which objectives of
such institution usually reinforces and coincides with
the vision, mission and objectives of Sustainable
development goals, it is considered worrying to learn
such a minimal proportion of zakat officers are aware
of sustainable development goals, proper action must
be taken such as training or awareness programme to
enhance officers’ understanding and awareness of
sustainable development goals as well as to identify
its role in achieving this global agenda. This can be
reflected with only 24% of zakat officers believe
zakat can help to achieve SDG 2030, without doubts
zakat can help in achieving sustainable development
goals given that zakat is managed in the most efficient
and effective way without compromising its main
objectives to serve the first eight recipients of zakat
as prescribed in the Qur’an.
Clearly, this study has indicated very interesting
findings with regards to the perception of zakat
officers on the role of zakat. Perception of zakat
officers on zakat will shape and contribute towards
the success of achieving zakat objectives, how does
one able to see his project to reach the intended
outcome if he never believes the project will be
successful? One must strongly believe in the
capability of his project to ensure he will do whatever
it takes to see the success of his project as one’s belief
will shape his commitment, perseverance and
positivity. Similarly in the sphere of zakat, zakat
officers are the backbone of zakat management, they
must have the right attitude towards Zakat, they must
strongly believe on the capability of Zakat especially
in contributing towards socio-economic justice as
well as its role in achieving national vision 2035 and
the global agenda 2030. However, based on the
findings of this study, there seems to exists pessimism
among zakat officers on the role of zakat especially in
achieving national vision 2035 and global agenda
2030. If academics and scholars are in the opinion
that zakat has so much potential in achieving socio-
economic justice while the other main stakeholder
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
that drives this hopes and dreams are not on the same
page then something must be quickly done to ensure
every stakeholders are on the same page. Everyone
can move in the right direction but not necessarily in
the same direction, hence everyone in the system
must understand that they are interrelated, one’s
action will affect others and to see the synergy to be
fully realized all stakeholders must realign their
attitude towards zakat in order to see the success of
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Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei