the absence of gender equality in the level of
mortality, the rate of natalitas, access to education,
training, employment and property. Charmes &
Wieringa (2003), explained that the empowerment of
women linked to physical problems, socio-cultural,
religion, politics, law and economics. Kishor (2008)
indicators in women empowerment is financial
autonomy, participation in the modern sector,
partispasi to work, sharing roles and decision making,
family structure, equality in marriage, the
emancipation of women .
Empowerment women's economic program in the
conventional perspective has shifted the role of
women as mothers became the head of the household
should ' menafkahi family. This happens due to the
applied system of capitalism which significantly
shows the despicable treatment of women because
women assess as a viable commodity being exploited
for the sake of bringing material. Capitalism also
measure the participation of women in nation
building only from the contributions of material.
Economic empowerment programs for women who
are digencarkan by the Government, is only partial
and does not touch the root problems of poverty.
As for some of the indicators that have been
developed by previous researchers in the confirm
dimensions which keywords do empowerment
against poor women, including CIDA 1996
(empowerment in the field of legal, political,
economic, and social) Jejeebhoy, 1995 (Autonomy of
knowledge, make decisions, physical, emotional,
social, and economic self reliance), Kishor 2000
(Financial Autonomy, participation in the modern
sector, the time used for work, Division of role in
taking decisions, family structure, equality in
marriage, the devaluation of women, emancipation of
women). Amartya Sen (1999) introduced the concept
of gender inequality in the level of birth and death,
access to school facilities, training and higher
education, employment opportunities, rights of
ownership, homework and in decision making
(Malhotra & Schuler, 2005).
Dimensions of empowerment against poor
women which is more comprehensive and
multidimensional, including women's empowerment
Index which consists of Economic Decision Making
(who spend money, buy a House, buy a daily
necessities, Household Decision Making (health care,
child health, cooking, family planning), the Freedom
of Movement (to visit relatives, go out of home, went
to the hospital yourself, go to the shopping with other
people. As for the making of this score is the same as
that used Human Development Index (Haque, et.al,
Further Chaudhry & Nosheen (2012) explained
that the empowerment of women are influenced by
education, access to media, socio-cultural norms in
society, the level of women's participation in
household work and summarized in the Cumulative
Women Empowerment Index (CEMP) consisting of
Personal Autonomy Index (RELEVANT), Familiy
Decision Making Index (FDMI), Economic Domestic
Consultation Index (EDCI), and Political Autonomy
Index (POAT). Other interesting and important things
(Chaudhry & Nosheen, 2012) concluded that that will
have an effect on the empowerment of muslim
women is Islamic knowledge which later became part
of the Women Empowerment Index.
This research method using a descriptive approach to
quuantitative i.e. describing the Islamic women's
empowerment index or Islamic Women
Empowerment Index (IWEI) which is defined as an
increase in the capacity of women to enhance the
power of their internal in gaining access to the source
material and nonmaterial in order to achieve the Falah
(Khan & aunt, 2011). This index consists of four
indicators, namely Family Decision Making Index
(FDMI); Economic Decision Index (EDI); Physical
Movement Decision Index (PMDI) and Political
Autonomy Index (PAI). This index is a modification
of Islamic Women Empowermen Index (IWEI) built
by m. Haque, T.M., i. Tareque (2011) and Chaudhry
& Nosheen (2009). As for the population in this
research is the housewife who is mustahik zakat in
DPU Misykat DT. Sample withdrawal technique is
done with purpossive sampling, namely the
withdrawal of samples based on several criteria,
including a housewife that is actively involved in
charity institutions and empowerment program has its
own income from his profession as small traders or
laborers. The sample obtained with techniques the
number of respondents as many as 100 people.
Here are the determination of cut-off point or class
interval of the average (mean) is as follows: 1-3 scale
(low score), the scale of 3.1-5 (medium score) and the
scale of 5.1-7 high score. The first indicator, namely
Family Decision Making Index (FDMI) shown on a
few things, namely the respondent's involvement in
decisions made by the family, such as determine the
Constructing Women Empowerment Index Based on the Islamic Paradigm