Value Added Intellectualgv Coefficient) of an Islamic
bank, the higher it will create a value-added for the
bank. Value added is a competitive superiority which
able to improve the return on assets of the bank.
This strengthens the stakeholder theory by Ulum
(2009: 6), who states that when the manager able to
manage the organization maximally, especially in the
attempt to create value for the company, it means that
manager has been filling the aspect of both ethics and
theory. The context of value creation is by utilizing
all the company's potential, either employee (human
capital), physical capital, or structural capital. The
well the management of all this potential, the more it
will create value added for a company which able to
encourage the company financial performance for the
importance of stakeholder. The result of this study
also support the resource-based theory that the good
resource management will increase the value added
of company in order to compete in business industry.
This result supports the research conducted by
Ulum (2007) who concluded that intellectual capital
positively significant difference toward the company
performance now and in the future (ROA, ATO, and
GR). This research also support the research
conducted by Chen et al. (2005) in Ulum (2009:101)
if the utilization of intellectual capital is good, the
company profitability will increase so the company
performance will be better. Therefore, the company
ability to gain profit with the total assets owned will
increase if the company able to maximizing the
intellectual capital performance.
The knowledge into company's resources are
inherent knowledge and owned by each people on the
company which able to use to the importance of
company. Those knowledge resources are abstract
and often called as intangible assets or intellectual
capital. Those resources are more potentially provide
the competitive superiority than tangible resources
(Nasih, 2012). Nowadays in order to facing the
competition, knowledge has an important role. As
already explained by Quran on surah Ar-Rahman 33:
syaral-jinni wal-insiinistata
tum an tanfużu
O jinn and mankind if you are able to pass beyond
the regions of heavens and earth, then pass. You will
not pass except by authority from Allah (Ministry of
Religious Affairs, 2010: 532).
3.3 The Effect of Partially Good
Corporate Governance
Implementation toward the Return
on Asset of Islamic Bank.
This result showed that GCG implementation
variable calculated from self-assessment result of
GCG implementation in the form of composite value
is not partially significant difference toward return on
assets of Islamic bank in Indonesia. It can be seen
from the probability value (t-statistic).
According to the data, it can be seen that the
probability level (t-statistic) of 0,2890. That
significance value is higher than 0,05 so H01 is
accepted and Ha1 is rejected. According to
Permatasari and Retno (2014), the GCG composite
value had no significant difference on ROA of
Islamic bank so it can be concluded that good
implementation of the bank did not guarantee the
improvement of the bank performance.
This research also supports the research which
already conducted by Permatasari and Retno (2014).
The research conducted by Permatasari and Retno
showed that GCG implementation quality does not
affect the bank performance. Meanwhile, this result
rejects the research conducted by Tjondro and Wilopo
(2011) who stated that GCG had a positive effect
toward the profitability of the banking company.
The GCG implementation quality will be better if
the GCG composite value is low. It means, the better
of bank governance implementation then the better of
bank performance. However, the good GCG
implementation does not guarantee the bank ROA
performance as the result of this research which
showed that the quality of GCG implementation does
not partially significant difference toward ROA of an
Islamic bank.
For instance, Victoria Islamic Bank on 2014 had
a composite value of 1,930 and already applied the
good GCG implementation. However, the ROA of
Victoria Islamic Bank on 2014 suffered loss of -
0,0187. This loss because too cautious in distributing
fund so its distribution is not frontal which led to the
decline of profit. Furthermore, Victoria Islamic Bank
on 205 had a high composite value of 3,000 it means
the GCG implementation of Victoria Islamic Bank is
quite good. However, the ROA of Victoria Islamic
Bank on 2015 suffered loss of -0,0236. The decline of
ROA because the less of cautious in distributing
funds, so a lot of financing problems which led to the
decline of profit.
The implementation GCG quality is a company
operational activity mechanism to run in accordance