content but also from its packaging and distribution
system. Eco-friendly products also need to be
supported with product attributes that show their
eco-friendly side, such as eco-friendly certificates or
ecolabel certificates.
The consumer purchase decision is one of the
concepts in purchasing behavior in which the
consumer decides to act or do something in utilizing
the product or service. Green Marketing Strategy
and Product Attribute have a positive and significant
influence to Purchasing Decision of Green Products.
Green Marketing Strategy has positive and
significant influence on the Purchase Decision of
Green Products. Product attributes have a positive
but insignificant effect on the purchasing decision of
Green Product. The company's management should
improve the marketing strategy of the product by
increasing promotion, giving price discount, or
customer education activities so that consumers are
more aware of the existence, benefits and
advantages of green products offered by the
company which will be used by consumers. For
consumers, Product attributes are not a major
consideration in purchasing products so the
management of the company should innovate
primarily on packaging labels and product benefits,
so that consumers can understand better about the
product both in terms of quality, composition and
assurance of the product.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the
management and employees of The Body Shop,
Hypermart Supermarket, and Fresh Mart in Manado
City as well as respondents who have been willing to
answer the questionnaire that has been distributed.
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