reflected by their financial stability. Previous
research (Slamet and Mardani, 2015; Santoso et al.,
2016) have shown that financial stability of Islamic
banks in Indonesia is not as stable as conventional
banks. These studies have compared the two-
banking system using Z-score which is a common
practice ever since Altman introduce it (Altman,
1968). The weakness
A relatively more flexible methodology is by
using Q-index which also incorporates
multidimensional magnitudes. This index has a
flexibility in determining the value of index itself
which taking account for dimension of pressure,
efficiency, and intermediation. In each of these
dimensions included some factors that determine the
index value of each dimensions. Not only it has
flexibility in including dimensions and their factors,
but also flexible in determining the weights for its
dimensions and factors, specifically unique because
this index is considering a unique financial condition
for each bank and the macroeconomic condition
where they are belonging. By evaluating each
dimension and their contributing factors, this index
could be more useful for the bank itself, regulators
(central banks, financial institutions supervision
body, and deposit insurance institutions). This index
would give a detail insight the source of instability
for a bank, a group of banks (conventional or
Islamic), and banking system as a whole. A better
policy could be implemented to enhance banks
Q-index is used previously to measure
Indonesia’s financial stability which consist banking
sectors and financial sectors (Gunadi et al., 2013). It
has not been used to compare conventional banks
with Islamic banks, and individual banks one on
another. In this study, we will do two steps of
analysis. The first, we will calculate Q-index score
to get the stability score of Islamic banks and the
second, econometric model will be employed to
analysis the factors affecting stability of Islamic
Schinasi (2004) defined financial stability in terms
of financial system ability to facilitate and enhance
economic processes, manage risks, and absorb
shocks. Moreover, financial stability is considered a
continuum: changeable over time and consistent
with multiple combinations of the constituent
elements of finance. A financial system is in a range
of stability whenever it is capable of facilitating
(rather than impeding) the performance of an
economy, and of dissipating financial imbalances
that arise endogenously or as a result of significant
adverse and unanticipated events.
In Indonesia, banking sector have larger portion
in the financial system. Therefore, financial stability
requires a soundness of banking sector. Indonesia
implement dual banking sector, there are
conventional banks and Islamic banks. Karim, et al
(2016) studied the relation between macroeconomic
indicators and bank stability. The bank stability
measured with Z-Score. After getting z-score,
regression model employed to measure the relation
between bank stability and macroeconomic
indicator, i.e. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in US
dollar, Interest rates (IR) in percentage and
Consumer Price Index (CPI). The empirical findings
suggest long run relationship between the stability of
commercial banks and macroeconomic factors.
The findings also suggest the long run
relationship between the stability of overall banking
industry and macroeconomic factors. However, there
is no evidence of long run relationship between the
stability of Islamic banks and macroeconomics
factors. Z-score used broadly to measure stability of
banks, however z-score only capture the risk of
banks in proxy with standard deviation of return on
asset (ROA).
Gunadi, et al (2011, 2013), develop financial
stability measurement called Q-Index. Q-index was
composite model, which capture some variables
from banking sector and financial market. Stability
for banking sector constructing for 3 indexes, there
are pressure index, intermediation index and
efficiency index. For each index, have several
variables weighted with Turning Point Analysis
(TPA) Method.
In this study we have three methods, the first we will
calculate stability index of Islamic banks using Q-
Index, the second we will be conducting test equality
of mean to measure the difference of stability
between the large Islamic banks and the small one,
and in the last, we will employ the panel
econometric model. Sources of data of this research
are secondary data, that would be collected from
Bank Indonesia, Indonesian Financial Service
Authority, and bought from private research
institution that has collected financial data of
Indonesian banks. The data is in quarterly data and
has a time frame from 2006 to 2016 that would
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy