The Effect of the Quality of Service and Sharia Banking Products to
Consumer Satisfaction
Ratna Siti Zaenab, Eeng Ahman, and Suci Apriliani Utami
Fakultas Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Quality of Service, Sharia Banking Products, Multiple Linear Regression.
Abstract: In recent developments, the Sharia banking industry has declined in performance compared to conventional
banking. Total customers of Sharia banking are still smaller than conventional banks. At present, the growth
of customers in the Sharia Bank industry averages around 15-20 percent. The existence of Sharia Bank in
Indonesia has not been fully supported by supporting factors that enable Sharia banking to continue to grow
and run well. Many things are prepared by Bank Sharia to make them an option that will ultimately be trusted
by its customers. The more alternatives that exist, the greater the customer's demand for high-quality service
with a good and right approach. In reality, there is an imbalance between customer expectations and the reality
of the services provided by the bank. Not a few customers who express criticism and complaints because the
services provided are less or even unsatisfactory. Criticisms and complaints that can lead to negative
perceptions of customers. If it is allowed to continue continuously can lower the level of customer confidence.
This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and products of Sharia banking to customer
satisfaction (Survey of Branch Office of Bank Jabar Banten Sharia Bandung). This study uses primary data.
The research method used is descriptive method of causality with multiple linear regression analysis. Variable
Dependent in this research is customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the independent variables in the research
are the quality of services and products of Sharia banking. Based on the results of research known that the
quality of service (X1) have a significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y). While Islamic banking products
(X2) have a significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y). As well as independent variables (X1) quality of
service and (X2) Sharia banking products simultaneously affect the dependent variable (Y) customer
The Director of Research, Development,
Arrangement and Licensing of Syariah Banking of
Financial Services Authority (OJK), Dhani Gunawan
Idat, said that total customers of sharia banking are
still smaller than conventional banks. At present, the
growth of customers in the Sharia Bank industry
averages 15-20 percent (OJK, 2016).
Based on syariah banking statistics, the number of
sharia banks has reached 12 Sharia Commercial
Banks, 22 Sharia Business Units and 163 Sharia Rural
Banks with a total office network of 2,301 offices
throughout Indonesia. In the latest developments, the
sharia banking industry has declined in performance
compared to conventional banking (Rusydiana,
2016). For example, reflected in non-performing
financing or relatively high non-performing
financing. Nor is the measurement of efficiency lower
than that of the conventional banking industry. The
existence of Syariah Bank in Indonesia has not been
fully supported by the supporting factors that enable
sharia banking to keep growing and running well.
Many things are prepared by sharia banks to make
them an option that will ultimately be trusted by its
customers. The more alternatives that exist, the
greater the customer's demand for high-quality
service with a good and correct approach
(Wijayaningratri & Budiyanto, 2015). Islamic banks
can increase value to customers by generating
products that have advantages and the benefits of the
product. Increasing the value can be done through the
quality of services provided by sharia banks to its
customers (Tumangkeng, 2013). So as to create
customer satisfaction as a consumer).
In reality, there is an imbalance between customer
expectations and the reality of services provided by
the bank (Khatimah & Rahardjo, 2011). Not a few
Zaenab, R., Ahman, E. and Utami, S.
The Effect of the Quality of Service and Sharia Banking Products to Consumer Satisfaction.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 228-230
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
customers who express criticism and complaints
because the services provided are less or even
unsatisfactory. Criticisms and complaints that can
lead to negative perceptions of customers. If it is
allowed to continue continuously can lower the level
of customer confidence. It is not impossible for
customers to switch to other companies because they
feel that other companies are better able to provide
services that can satisfy them. This should be the
focus of every banking concern. Because until now,
the aspect of service in the banking world is a thing
that must be managed very well.
Previous research has revealed that research on
the effect of service quality on satisfaction has no
significant effect and hypotheses are rejected by
Harini (2015). Research on the quality of service to
customer satisfaction in Malaysian banking sector is
also done and the result that guarantee, reliability,
empathy and responsiveness have positive
relationship but no significant effect on customer
satisfaction as service quality dimension (Munusamy,
Chelliah, & Mun, 2010) . In the study of Akhtar, et al
(2016) conducted in Cairo, that there is a positive and
significant relationship between service quality and
customer satisfaction. The product quality
significantly influence customer satisfaction (Ismail,
The method used in this research is descriptive
method of causality. According Sugiyono (2013)
descriptive research method is a study conducted to
determine the value of variables independently, either
one variable or more (independent) without making a
comparison or connect with other variables.
In causality research method that is causal
relationship. So there are independent variables
(variables that affect) and dependent (influenced).
Therefore, the method of causality in this study aims
to examine how the influence of service quality and
products of Banking Syariah on customer satisfaction
(Ferdinand, 2014).
The data used is the primary data obtained directly
from the original source provided to customers of
customers of Bank Jabar Branch Office Banten
Syariah Bandung, the results of questionnaires or
questionnaires by providing a set of questions or
3.1 Quality of Service Affects Customer
Based on the result of hypothesis testing from the
influence of service quality to customer satisfaction
can be known the relation of independent variable to
dependent variable. As for the acquisition of t-count
value and the level of significance in the variable
quality of service to customer satisfaction is the result
of regression analysis obtained t count value of 3.629
greater than t table 1.988 and significance value (sig.)
0.000 smaller than 0.005. Then it can be concluded
that H0 rejected dam H1 accepted, which means the
quality of service (X1) significant effect on customer
satisfaction (Y).
So it can be concluded that the higher the quality
of service the higher the customer satisfaction. This
conclusion is based on the results of the analysis
which shows a significant value of 0.00 that is below
3.2 Sharia Banking Products Affect
Customer Satisfaction
Based on the result of hypothesis testing of the
influence of Sharia banking products on customer
satisfaction can be known the relevance of the
independent variable to the dependent variable. The
acquisition of t value and significance level on
syariah banking product variables to customer
satisfaction that shows that the regression analysis
results obtained t count value of 3.511 greater than t
table 1.988 and significance value (sig.) 0.001 is
smaller than 0.005. Hence it can be concluded that H0
is rejected and H1 accepted, which means Islamic
banking products (X2) have a significant effect on
customer satisfaction (Y).
To know area that shows the ideal region of
syariah banking product variables from the results of
processing and data analysis through the distribution
of questionnaires to 100 respondents Jabar Bank
customers Banten Shariah obtained score of 3093
from the highest score 4000, it can be concluded that
the product Bank Jabar Banten Shariah on satisfaction
the customer as a whole belongs to the high category.
The Effect of the Quality of Service and Sharia Banking Products to Consumer Satisfaction
3.3 Quality of Service and Products of
Sharia Banking Simultaneously
Affects Customer Satisfaction
Based on the results of empirical research shows that
the quality of service and products of Sharia banking
affects customer satisfaction. This conclusion is
obtained based on the interpretation in the table value
of F table 3.94 which states that F arithmetic (70,524)
is greater than F table (3.94), it can be concluded that
the independent variables X1 service quality and X2
of Islamic banking products simultaneously affect the
dependent variable Y customer satisfaction.
So it can be concluded that the higher the quality
of service and Islamic banking products, the higher
the customer satisfaction. This conclusion is based on
an analysis result that shows a significant value of
0.000 under 0.05. The results of this study proves that
the quality of service and Islamic banking products
simultaneously affect customer satisfaction.
Quality of service on customer satisfaction as a whole
fall into the high category. From the results of
processing and data analysis obtained score score
3164 from the highest score 4000. Furthermore,
Islamic banking products on customer satisfaction as
a whole fall into the high category. From the results
of processing and data analysis obtained score of
3093 from the highest score 4000. And on the
satisfaction of Jabar Bank customers Banten Sharia as
a whole fall into the category of being. From the
results of processing and data analysis obtained score
score 3186 from the highest score of 4500.
Quality of service (X1) has a significant effect on
customer satisfaction (Y). So it can be concluded that
the higher the quality of service the higher the
customer satisfaction.
Sharia banking products (X2) have a significant effect
on customer satisfaction (Y). In this case it can be
concluded that the better the quality of the Sharia
banking products provided by the Bank, the more
customers will be satisfied with the Sharia banking
products that have been given by the Bank. The
independent variables (X1) service quality and (X2)
of Islamic banking products simultaneously affect the
dependent variable (Y) customer satisfaction. So it
can be concluded that the higher the quality of service
and Islamic banking products, the higher the
customer satisfaction.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy