Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family Religiousity
Environtment to Customer Decision: Survey on Bank BRI Syariah
KCP Bandung Kopo
Elza Damayanti, Agus Rahayu, and Juliana Juliana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, {agusrahayu, julian}
Keywords: Ratio Profit Sharing, Religiosity, Decisions.
Abstract: The population of Muslims in Indonesia reached 87%. Opening of branch offices has increased every year.
This has the potential for Islamic banks to engage Muslim consumers who still use the services of conventional
banks to switch to using the services of Islamic banks with emotional, spiritual approach. The reality is not
that simple. Most Muslim customers feel comfortable using a conventional bank and did not make any interest
or usury. On the other hand other people already choose Islamic banks because of their adherence to their
religion (Islam). This study aimed to examine the effect of profit sharing knowledge and religiosity family
environment on the decision become customers in Islamic banks. The population in this study all customers
of BRI Syariah KCP Kopo Bandung totaling 5,244 by the number totaled 100. Sample selection is done using
the method of random sampling. This study used survey method with eksplantoris approach. This method is
quantitative with the design of causality. The analysis used is multiple linear regression using SPSS. Based
on the results of hypothesis testing with multiple linear regression, it was found that at the 95% confidence
level, family religiosity environmental factors and knowledge sharing ratio positive and significant impact on
customer decisions choose Islamic banks. The partial, environmental factors religiosity of the family is the
most dominant factor in influencing customer to take decision to choose Islamic banks.
Indonesia is the largest Muslim country with a
presentase of Muslim population which reached 87%.
With the percentage of Muslim population, Indonesia
has the potential to develop Islamic banking system
is much faster than another Muslim countries. It is
characterized by the increasing number of sharia
banks in Indonesia each year. Based on the data
obtained from the OJK of the year 2008-2017, the
number of Islamic banks experienced a significant
increase until 5.6%. In the competition of an
increasingly competitive banking industry, Islamic
banking must strive to increase its revenue through a
variety of ways. One of them is to increase the
collection of funds from the public in the form of
savings. One savings interest by the customer is
saving with mudharabah where customers will
receive remuneration in the form of revenue sharing.
With these circumstances, this could be an
opportunity for the Islamic banks engage Muslim
consumers who have a conventional bank account to
switch to Islamic banks using an emotional approach
spiritual Muslim consumers themselves. The aim is
that Muslim consumers aware of the spiritual bond
with his religion (Islam). In fact it is not easy to
perform an emotional approach to them, because the
majority of people still materialist to the exclusion of
the benefit in choosing a bank, for example due to the
high bank interest tempted.
In carrying out the functions of banks in raising
funds, some people consider that with the
conventional system there are things that are not in
accordance with the society's belief that
predominantly Muslim Indonesia in particular
rejecting the determination of remuneration and the
determination of the load, known as interest. Some
groups of customers decide to choose Islamic banks
because of religiosity. For customers who are already
bound by the provisions of the teachings of Islam,
then the decision in choosing banking services not
only based on purely economic profit motive but also
by emotional and spiritual considerations.
Damayanti, E., Rahayu, A. and Juliana, J.
Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision: Survey on Bank BRI Syariah KCP Bandung Kopo.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 235-239
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
Decisions made customers closely related to the
behavior of Muslim consumers in deciding to buy a
product. Muslim consumer behavior is closely related
to the principles of clean and unclean paradox of
goods and services that they consume. As well as
spending in the way of Allah means that they continue
to put the interests of social expenditures in the form
of zakat, donation and charity.
PT BRI Syariah KCP Kopo Bandung is a business
unit engaged exclusively serve the banking services
based on Islamic principles. Based on the data
acquisition that an increasing number of customer
savings Syariah BRI KCP Kopo Bandung increasing
every year. This happens because customers will
benefit from the knowledge of existing savings
products to the Syariah BRI KCP Bandung Kopo is
increasing and the price of services of Islamic banks
in the form of profit-sharing finance affordable by
customers. The profit sharing arrangement contained
in Shariah Bank that affect the customer's decision to
choose shariah bank. Judging from products that have
a more favorable outcome for the customer compared
to conventional banks.
Research conducted Khasanah & Gunawan
(2014) and Daulay (2010) states that the system of
profit-sharing system has a positive and significant
impact on the decision to save in Islamic banks.
Research conducted Lestari (2015) and Masiur,
Arfan, and Shabri (2015) states that the factor of
religiosity is very significant effect on the decision to
vote in Islamic banks.
Based on the problems arising above, the author
interested in conducting research under the title
Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family
Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision.
2.1 Consumer Muslim Behavior
Schiffman and Kanuk (1994) defines consumer
behavior is as shown consumer behavior in locating,
purchasing, using, evaluating and spent products and
services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Unisex which states that consumer behavior is an
action that is directly involved to acquire, consume
and spend your products and services, including the
processes that precede and follow this action.
(Sumarwan, 2002).
Muslim consumer behavior can be identified:
(Wibowo & Supriadi, 2013).
1. The paradox of Halal-Haram
As we know that Islam has noticed the quality
and purity of goods to be consumed as
manifested in the Quran and Hadith.
2. Principles of Mercy / Spending in the Way of
The principle of a Muslim consumption is
generosity and social and altruistic widely, in
contrast to conventional principles that
maximize individual satisfaction with ignoring
others. Therefore, Muslim consumers still get
the maximum satisfaction level even though
their income for consumption and expenditure
divided in the way of Allah (zakat, donation,
2.2 Consumer Decision
Decision-making process often involves some
decisions. A decision involving between two or more
alternative actions (or behaviors). Arise purchasing
decisions for their purchases of goods or products
objective to be fulfilled. Kotler & Armstrong (2008:
149) states that "Purchase decision is the buyer's
decision about wich brand to purchase". While
Schiffman and Kanuk (2007: 625) defines a buying
decision sebahai following: "A decision on action is
a selection from two or more alternative choice". (The
decision to buy is a choice of two or more alternative
Kotler (2000: 185) states that the decision-making
process is a problem-solving approach that consists of
five phases as follows:
1. Intro to problem
2. Search Information
3. evaluation of Alternatives
4. Buying decision
5. Post-Purchase Behavior
In Islam, the decision-making process is described
by Al-Qur'an is more general in nature, meaning that
can be applied in all activities. In addition the concept
of decision-making in Islam more emphasis on
fairness, this is based on the example of the attitude
of judges must firm and fair in deciding a matter of
justice. As stated in the Al-Imran ayat 159 the
            
Meaning: "So due to the grace of Allah do you apply
gentle towards them. If you were to be harsh again be
rude, they would distance themselves from all around
you. Therefore pardon them and ask forgiveness for
them and consult them in the affairs. Then when you
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
have been determined, then put thy trust in Allah.
Allah loves those who put their trust in Him."
2.3 Knowledge of Sharing Ratio
2.3.1 Consumer Knowledge
According to Ratchford (2013) Consumer knowledge
is something that can explain the behavior of
consumption, providing a unique insight of human
knowledge capital in the decision. Consumer
Knowledge refers to the understanding of consumers,
their needs, wants and goals.
2.3.2 Sharing Ratio
Ratio contained in the Islamic banking system is the
principle business activities that are based sharing
agreements distribution of profits or losses with a
specified share of the number of funds between the
owner of the funds (shahibul maal) with those who
use the funds (mudharib) where profits are shared
according to the agreement together. There is a
fundamental difference between interest and profit
sharing ratio in Islamic banking. Khasanah &
Gunawan (2014). Profit ratio determined at: (Karim,
1. Percentage.
2. For profit and for loss.
3. Guarantee.
4. Besanya determine the ratio.
5. How to resolve losses.
2.3.3 Religiosity Environment Family
According Sungkar (2010) religiosity is defined as
the extent to which an individual has committed to
recognize and implement the teachings of religion
with the attitude and behavior reflects on her life. So
the environment is a family religiosity religiosity
aspects contained in the family environment.
There is also the five dimensions of religiosity by
Glock and Stark, among other things: (Masiur, Arfan,
& Shabri, 2015)
1. Dimensions belief / faith in Islam, the
encouragement and the hope of someone who is
religious and sticking to theological views and
values of their religion came to recognize the truth
of religious doctrines.
2. Dimensions concerning the behavior ritual
worship, obedience, or adherence to the doctrine
by conducting religious activities in accordance
with existing rules.
3. Dimensional relationships among people and
economic activity (muamalah).
4. Dimensions spiritual experience, containing
feelings, perceptions and sensations in a person in
touch with supernatural powers (inner experience)
after a person perform religious activities, such as
peace of mind after the prayer, the coolness of
heart after reading the Al-Quran.
5. Dimensions of religious knowledge / science
involves minimal and basic knowledge that
should be possessed by someone about his
6. Dimension practice or consequence is the result of
the previous dimension that appears in everyday
life or can be referred to as the actualization of
religious values that have been internalized and
being integrated into various aspects of life.
This research is using quantitative causal method.
The object in this research are customer od BRI
Syariah, one of Islamic bank in Indonesia with total
100 sample respondents out of 5.244 population by
using random sampling technique. In addition, data
collection technique are questionnaires.
Meanwhile, in order to have high level of
accuracy, the questionnaire should to test the validity
and reliability through SPSS 23.0.
The research hypothesis states that the knowledge of
revenue sharing and religiosity environment
influence the decision of a customer of Bank Syariah
BRI KCP Kopo Bandung. Based on the results of the
F test that the value of F is 14 701 more than Ftable
(3:09) with a probability level of under 0:05 namely
0,000, so it can be said that the total number of
independent variables such as knowledge sharing
ratio and environment religiosity family
simultaneously affect the dependent variable is the
decision to choose Islamic Bank.
Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision: Survey on Bank BRI Syariah KCP
Bandung Kopo
Table 1: T Test.
Unstandarized Coefficients Standarized Coefficients
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 28,109 6,749 4,165 ,000
X1 ,051 ,041 ,111 1,241 ,218
X2 ,397 ,077 ,460 5,146 ,000
Based on the results of the regression of primary
data by using Statistic Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS), the results are:
= 28,109 + 0,051
+ 0,397
This means that without the influence of any
factor, customers of Bank BRI Syariah already
indicate decisions to save at the level of 28 109. If
knowledge sharing ratio (X1) increased by 1%, then
the customer's decision will increase by 0.051%. If
the family religiosity environment (X2) increased by
1%, then the customer's decision will increase by
From this table the results of R Square R Square
magnitude is equal to 0.233. This showed that the
independent variables studied investigators that
knowledge of revenue sharing and religiosity family
environment explained 23.3% of the dependent
variable that decision. While the remaining 76.7% is
explained by other variables that are not independent
variables studied.
4.1 Test Simultaneously
The effect of variable revenue sharing knowledge and
religiosity family environment simultaneously by
testing with a confidence level of 95% ( 0:05) values
obtained Fhitung 14.701> Ftable 3:09 and significant
value of 0.000. This means that the actual influence
of environmental knowledge and religiosity ratio)
jointly against the decision of saving is very high,
reaching the 95% confidence level (high significant).
Thus Ho refused and H1 accepted, so that it can be
concluded that there is a very significant influence
between knowledge and revenue sharing joint family
religiosity environment against the decision to
become customers of Islamic banks.
4.2 Partial Test
The result of the effect of variable revenue sharing
knowledge and religiosity family environment
partially standardized coefficient obtained that level
of knowledge variable ratio is 0111 and the value of
1,241 t < t table 1.984 and significant value of 0.218.
This means that there is no influence between
knowledge sharing ratio of the customer's decision to
choose Islamic banks. Thus Ho as they arrive and H1
rejected, so that it can be concluded that there is no
significant influence of the ratio of knowledge of the
decision to save.
Based on the results of the t test, note the positive
knowledge of revenue sharing is not significant at the
5% against the decision. This is presumably because
despite knowledge of consumers about the sharing
ratio is high but customers save on hajj savings and
dreams in Bank BRI Syariah is only based on
religious practices and not overly expecting reward
revenue sharing. This is in line with research
conducted Ulfa (2016) in which the profit sharing
ratio has no significant effect on the customer's
Furthermore, impact of environment variable to
the purchasing decision family religiosity
significantly with a value below 0.05 is 0.000. These
results show the positive influence of family
religiosity environment on purchasing decisions, it is
evidenced by the value of t count equal to 5,146 and t
table is 1,984. This is in line with research conducted
by Bashir (2013), Masiur, Arfan, & Shabri, (2015)
and Shofwa (2016) show that the principles of
religion (religiosity) is a major determinant of the
logical decision to use Islamic banking.
Knowledge of Revenue sharing and family religiosity
environment BRI Syariah bank customers to
positively influence the decision to choose Islamic
banks. This is because customers are already
convinced of the halal and the security of the funds
they save in BRI Syariah. The magnitude of the
results of R Square of 23.3% while 76.7% are not
examined in this study.
5.1 Implications and Recommendations
This study will provide an overview of customer
consumption behavior against the decision to choose
Islamic banks, which will strengthen the
understanding of Islamic banking institutions
regarding the products and services that will be
marketed. Recommendations from researchers for
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Islamic banking institutions is to disseminate to the
public about the need to be increased effort to
introduce to investors about the characteristics of
Islamic banking products.
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Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision: Survey on Bank BRI Syariah KCP
Bandung Kopo