Decisions made customers closely related to the
behavior of Muslim consumers in deciding to buy a
product. Muslim consumer behavior is closely related
to the principles of clean and unclean paradox of
goods and services that they consume. As well as
spending in the way of Allah means that they continue
to put the interests of social expenditures in the form
of zakat, donation and charity.
PT BRI Syariah KCP Kopo Bandung is a business
unit engaged exclusively serve the banking services
based on Islamic principles. Based on the data
acquisition that an increasing number of customer
savings Syariah BRI KCP Kopo Bandung increasing
every year. This happens because customers will
benefit from the knowledge of existing savings
products to the Syariah BRI KCP Bandung Kopo is
increasing and the price of services of Islamic banks
in the form of profit-sharing finance affordable by
customers. The profit sharing arrangement contained
in Shariah Bank that affect the customer's decision to
choose shariah bank. Judging from products that have
a more favorable outcome for the customer compared
to conventional banks.
Research conducted Khasanah & Gunawan
(2014) and Daulay (2010) states that the system of
profit-sharing system has a positive and significant
impact on the decision to save in Islamic banks.
Research conducted Lestari (2015) and Masiur,
Arfan, and Shabri (2015) states that the factor of
religiosity is very significant effect on the decision to
vote in Islamic banks.
Based on the problems arising above, the author
interested in conducting research under the title
Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family
Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision.
2.1 Consumer Muslim Behavior
Schiffman and Kanuk (1994) defines consumer
behavior is as shown consumer behavior in locating,
purchasing, using, evaluating and spent products and
services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Unisex which states that consumer behavior is an
action that is directly involved to acquire, consume
and spend your products and services, including the
processes that precede and follow this action.
(Sumarwan, 2002).
Muslim consumer behavior can be identified:
(Wibowo & Supriadi, 2013).
1. The paradox of Halal-Haram
As we know that Islam has noticed the quality
and purity of goods to be consumed as
manifested in the Quran and Hadith.
2. Principles of Mercy / Spending in the Way of
The principle of a Muslim consumption is
generosity and social and altruistic widely, in
contrast to conventional principles that
maximize individual satisfaction with ignoring
others. Therefore, Muslim consumers still get
the maximum satisfaction level even though
their income for consumption and expenditure
divided in the way of Allah (zakat, donation,
2.2 Consumer Decision
Decision-making process often involves some
decisions. A decision involving between two or more
alternative actions (or behaviors). Arise purchasing
decisions for their purchases of goods or products
objective to be fulfilled. Kotler & Armstrong (2008:
149) states that "Purchase decision is the buyer's
decision about wich brand to purchase". While
Schiffman and Kanuk (2007: 625) defines a buying
decision sebahai following: "A decision on action is
a selection from two or more alternative choice". (The
decision to buy is a choice of two or more alternative
Kotler (2000: 185) states that the decision-making
process is a problem-solving approach that consists of
five phases as follows:
1. Intro to problem
2. Search Information
3. evaluation of Alternatives
4. Buying decision
5. Post-Purchase Behavior
In Islam, the decision-making process is described
by Al-Qur'an is more general in nature, meaning that
can be applied in all activities. In addition the concept
of decision-making in Islam more emphasis on
fairness, this is based on the example of the attitude
of judges must firm and fair in deciding a matter of
justice. As stated in the Al-Imran ayat 159 the
Meaning: "So due to the grace of Allah do you apply
gentle towards them. If you were to be harsh again be
rude, they would distance themselves from all around
you. Therefore pardon them and ask forgiveness for
them and consult them in the affairs. Then when you