Factors that Influence the Customers Interest in Choosing Micro
Case Study: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi
Yulita Puspitasari
, Mokh. Adib Sultan
and Rida Rosida
Islamic Economics and Finance Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
yulita.puspitasari95@student.upi.edu, {adiebsultan, rida.rosida}@upi.edu
Keywords: Rational Market, Emotional Market, Spiritual Market, Customer Interest.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the phenomenon of the low number of customers of financing in sharia banking,
this is seen from the lack of public interest, especially the perpetrators of SMEs to take micro financing in
Islamic banks. The purpose of this research is to know the reason of interest of customer choose micro
financing and which market become the most dominant factor. The research method used is explanatory
survey with data collection technique through questionnaire. Population in this research is micro financing
customer in BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi with sample counted 136 respondents with simple random sampling
technique. Data analysis technique used is method analyst CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) by using
Lisrel. The research findings show that the rational market, the emotional market and the spiritual market
have a positive and significant impact on customers' interest in choosing microfinance, the most dominant
market is the rational market. The implications obtained from this research if the perception of customers on
the market rational, emotional market and spiritual market is higher, the higher the interest of customers and
the impact of high number of customers of sharia banks.
UMKM has become the backbone of the Indonesian
economy and has a proportion of 99.9% of the total
56.74 million business units in Indonesia (Marta,
2016). as for obstacles that must be faced by business
actors such as, lack of access to capital, weak business
network and limited facilities and infrastructure
(Hafsah, 2004). Such constraints, can be overcome
with the support of banks in channeling funds to the
actors of SMEs. But about 60-70% of actors of SMEs
do not have access to finance through banking
Banking such as conventional bank or syariah
bank is the channeling of funds for business actors,
especially the actors of SMEs. However,
conventional banks provide additional fees or interest
on each transaction is one that is forbidden by Islamic
religion. Given that 85% of the population of
Indonesia is the majority of islamic religion
(Republika.co.id, 2017). Islamic banks as one
solution to face the problem. As according to
Muhammad Ayyub (2007) the purpose of Islamic
banks that can create prosperity micro business
The channeling of funds for financing of micro
business or other financing can be proven by the
interest of the people who start using financing or
collecting funds in syariah bank, along with the data
on the number of customers of sharia bank:
Figure 1: Data Number of Financing (in Million).
Source: Ipot News, 2016.
2013 2014 2015 2016
Puspitasari, Y., Sultan, M. and Rosida, R.
Factors that Influence the Customers Interest in Choosing Micro Financing - Case Study: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 245-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on Figure 1.1, the number of customers of
sharia banks until the year 2016 is still very small, as
well as the decline in the number of customers from
the year 2013 to the year 2014 by 23%. As for the
cause of the lack of public interest in sharia banks
such as, the lack of syariah bank, the number of
responses of sharia banks is the same as conventional
banks and the age of sharia banks are still quite
young, so it has not fully cultivate public confidence
to use syariah bank (Yoga, 2016).
In addition, the large population in Indonesia, led
to competition between sharia banks and
conventional banks. Competition is conducted to
attract public interest in financing or collect funds to
choose to do financing in accordance with the criteria
or conditions desired (Abhimantra, Maulina, &
Agustianingsih, 2013). Research Alkatiry (2015)
argued that the existence of customers who switch
from conventional banks to sharia banks due to the
financing pattern, the ratio and the increasing number
of sharia bank offices.
Allah (SWT) mentions in Al-Qur'an the letter of
Al-Baqarah verse: 278-279. "That if the person who
believes in Allah will leave something related to usury
(conventional bank) and if not to switch then Allah
will be hostile to that person If he has left usury then
Allah SWT will give property for that person".
Researchers take one branch of the BRI Syariah
BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi, The following data of
micro customers BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi:
Figure 2: New Customer Data.
Source: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi (2017).
Based on Figure 2 above can explain that customer
interest in BRI Syariah is still small and somewhat
fluctuating, hence the researcher want to find information
about the reason of interest of customer choose to use
financing in bank BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi.
In relation to the problems or opinions of previous
research, that humans are motivated by the interest that
encourages the occurrence of muamalah, as proposed by
"Hermawan Kartajaya and Muhammad Syakir Sula (2006)
that there is a division of sharia market segment to affect
customers such as rational market, emotional market and
spiritual markets ".
The previous research related to the research to be
studied. The study reinforces that the rational factors that
serve as one of the reasons customers choose a
particular bank that is from Ghozali Maski (2010) and
Diah Wahyuningsih (2014). Researchers also found
some previous research related to the emotional
market that is M.R. Hirmawan (2015) and Lilis
Yulianti (2011) mentioned that the results of his
research shows the factor of belief or religiosity
affecting the interest of the customer. Khafiatul
Hasanah (2016) research uses spiritual marketing in
marketing the product so as to help attract customers.
Interest is part of the component of consumer
behavior in the attitude of consuming, the tendency of
a person to act before buying decisions, actually
implemented (Husein, 2005: 45).
Interest here is the interest of customers according
to Muhammad Djumhana (2003: 282) customers are
consumers of services in banking. The interest of
customers in doing micro financing according to
Muhammad (2002) funding provided by one party to
other parties to support planned investment. The
purpose of financing is to seek profitability for
financing, to help businesses that require funding
such as capital and investment and to help the
government develop SMEs business.
Differences in interest in customers can be
collected in the form of customer market segments in
a banking system such as rational markets, emotional
and spiritual markets (Kartajaya & Sula, 2006).
Rational market according to Hermawan
Kartajaya and Muhammad Syakir Sula (2006: 1) is a
collection of customers where the customer is very
sensitive to price differences, service quality and
product variety. The indicators are from Ghazali
Maski (2010) and Diah Wahyuningsih (2014) as
follows: profit factor, service quality factor, bank
characteristic factor, knowledge factor and physical
object factor.
Emotional market according to Hermawan
Kartajaya and Muhammad Syakir Sula (2006: 1) as a
collection of customers who come to the company or
syariah syariah finance for the consideration of halal-
haram. indicators of the emotional market are: the
religiosity factor (Karim.A, 2011) and the attributes
of sharia (Muhammad, 2004).
The spiritual market according to Hermawan
Kartajaya and Muhammad Syakir Sula (2006: 4-6) is
6 7 6
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
a collection of customers in considering products and
services against the spiritual values that are believed.
Spiritual marketing indicators on the spiritual market
according to Hermawan Kartajaya and Muhammad
Syakir Sula (2006: 5): theistic, ethical, realistic and
Objects in this study are micro customers who do
financing at Bank BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi and done
in the Year 2017. Type of research using field
research (field research). The method used is
descriptive quantitative method. Research design is
explanatory. Population of 206 customers and using
sample 136. Data collection techniques using
questionnaires. Data analysis used such as descriptive
analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
using Lisrel application 8.7. In the confirmatory
factor (CFA) analysis there is a model conformity
test, CFA analysis of validity and reliability,
coefficient of dominant variable.
The result of descriptive analysis of respondent
characteristic of BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi customer
is seen from gender mostly male, which is 69 from
136 respondent, then from majority age 45-54 year.
The last education is dominated by high school
education. Type of business majority farm vegetables
Type of financing is often taken the ib 75.
The nominal amount of financing taken by the
customer is Rp. 26,000,000-55,000,000. The
financing installment period taken by customers is 3
years on average. The business turnover that
customers get is an average of under 5,000,000
because of the large number of farmers who have the
risk of crop failure.
Model conformity test, the suitability of the
model is evaluated through a review of the goodness
of fit criteria.
Table 1: Goodness of Fit Testing Research Model.
Absolute Fit Measures
0,90 Model
Root mean square error
of approximation
RMSEA 0.08
berarti model fit
dengan data, 0.9
1.0 berarti
model cukup fit
dengan data
Expected cross-
validation index (ECVI)
Incremental Fit
Adjusted goodness-of-fit
0,90 Model
Normed Fit Index (NFI)
0,90 Model
Tucker-Lewis Index
0,90 Model
Parsimonious Fit
Comparative fit index
0,90 Model
Incremental fit index
0,90 Model
Relative fit index (RFI)
0,90 Model
Parsimonious normed fit
index (PNFI)
0,90 Model
Parsimonious GFI
0,90 Model
Based on Table 1 can be seen that the value of
RMSEA 0.037 indicates that the fit model, while
based on other indicators the model is quite fit. It is
proved that research can be continued.
Table 2: CFA analysis results validity and reliability.
Based on Table 2 can be seen that all indicators
have a factor loading (λ) 0.5, this indicates that all
indicators on each variable declared valid. All CR
values> 0.7 and All VE values 0.5 indicate that each
Factors that Influence the Customers Interest in Choosing Micro Financing - Case Study: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi
variable has good reliability. Then the research can
Figure 3 Model CFA and Variable Dominant.
Source: Data Processing Results (2017)
Rational market is a collection of customers who
come to banks that are sensitive to price differences,
service quality and product variety. Customer
response to the rational market is very high against
several factors that exist in rational markets such as
profitability, service quality, bank characteristics,
knowledge and physical objects of a banking.
Based on the results of statistical tests of rational
market variables have a positive effect on customers'
interest in choosing micro financing. This can be seen
from the direction of the coefficient of rational market
variable with positive value (0.0832) then the first
hypothesis is accepted. Rational market variables also
significantly influence the interest of customers in
choosing micro financing seen from the value of t
arithmetic greater than t table (5.743> 1.96). This
means that the rational market has a considerable
influence on customer interest. Rational markets rank
first in influencing customers' interest. This is due to
the high assessment of customer perceptions of
rational factors that affect customers choosing
financing in BRI Sharia.
The statistical test results based on sub-variables,
the first factor that has a big influence for the rational
market that is the physical object of 0.903. That's
because, if more and more locations or branch offices
are provided, the more people are interested in
becoming a customer because of the strategic location
close to the place of business or residence. Then the
more syariah banks provide comfort then the
customers are more satisfied, and the more ATM
facilities the more easier for customers to transact so
that customers tend to choose Islamic banks that can
facilitate their activities.
Both factors of service quality with the amount of
influence of 0890. This is because, if more employees
improve the professional nature will be able to assist
customers in developing their business so that
customers more trust with employees. Then from the
faster service provided to customers the more
customers feel happy and if employees have
extensive knowledge about sharia products, then
customers will get more information about sharia.
Finally, if the employees establish good relationships
with customers, making customers feel comfortable
The three factors of knowledge with the amount
of 0.845. This is because, that sharia banks have been
widely disseminating information related to sharia
products one of them through BRI Syariah website
and brochures that have been distributed so that more
customers who know information about products in
BRI Sharia. Then BRI Syariah keep the bank's good
name so as to get a good image in the eyes of
The four factors that affect the rational market are
bank characteristic factor with the amount of 0807.
This is because, that BRI Syariah has observed the
principles of sharia so that customers feel confident
and secure using products in BRI Sharia. Then BRI
Syariah has a variety of products so that customers
can choose products that suit the needs and
capabilities of customers.
The five profit factors are 0.788. This is because,
BRI Syariah provides installments that are considered
a light customer in accordance with the ability of
customers as well as a flexible installment period to
facilitate customers in completing the financing.
The results of this study are supported by previous
research conducted by Ghozali Maski (2010), Diah
Wahyuningsih (2014), Ikin Ainul Yakin (2016),
Naeem Akhtar (2016), Ahsanul Haque (2009), Hayat
Awan (2011), all of these variables can affect the
interest or decision of customers in choosing Islamic
The Influence of Emotional Market on Customer
Interest in Choosing Financing Emotional market can
be interpreted as a collection of customers who come
to Islamic banks for reasons of halal-haram, it is
driven by the practice of usury. A person who thinks
emotionally will put forward the values of religious
or religious values in every transaction or in building
a business. Emotional thinking actually has two
perspectives of time ie the perspective of the present
time and the time perspective in the afterlife. So
customers who have a high level of religiosity will
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
use sharia banks as mualamalah transactions although
the benefits are small as long as it is halal.
Based on the results of statistical tests of the
emotional market variables positively affect the
interests of customers in choosing micro financing.
This can be seen from the direction of the coefficient
of positive emotional market value (0.462) then the
second hypothesis is accepted. Emotional market
variables also significantly influence the interest of
customers in choosing micro financing seen from the
value of t arithmetic greater than t table (3.697> 1.96).
This means that the emotional market has an
influence on customer interest. Emotional markets
rank third in influencing customers' interest. This is
because, still less high assessment of customer
perceptions of the emotional factors in choosing
financing in BRI Sharia.
The statistical test results based on sub-variables,
the first factor that has a big influence for the
emotional market is the attribute of sharia amounted
to 0.802. This is because the more BRI Syariah
provide clarity related to financing products until the
process of liquefaction so that customers do not have
to fear the clarity of the process of financing. Then
BRI Syariah prohibits the existence of gambling-
related businesses so that customers can avoid
unlawful business. The more transaction activity
using sharia principles so customers can get used to
the principles in everyday life. Lastly, BRI Syariah
implements the prohibition of production of goods or
services contrary to Islam, it can be able to covert
customers to develop halal business.
Both factors religiosity with a value of 0.797, this
is because the more customers are committed in
running the principles of halal business so customers
must have a high level of religious adherence and
consider all business activities according to sharia and
customers avoid the element of usury.
The results of this study are supported by previous
research conducted by M.R. (2016) Ahsanul Haque
(2009), Hayat Cloud (2011), Dita Pratiwi (2012),
Asma Roshidah (2015) Idris (2011), Iqbal (2016)
mentions that the factor of religiosity significantly
influence the interest of customers in choosing
Islamic banks. Then research Lilis Yulianti (2011)
and Anita Rahmawaty (2014) that the attributes of
Islamic products have a positive and significant
impact on public interest in transactions in sharia
banks. This is because syariah bank has more value
about sharia principle
The Influence of Spiritual Market on Customer
Interest in Choosing Financing
The spiritual market is a collection of customers
in considering the products and services to the
spiritual values that are believed and are not thinking
about the things that are worldly. A person who thinks
spiritually will consider the suitability of products and
services to the spiritual values he or she believes.
Thinking spiritually implies that every act or action
performed brings the maslahah to all and brings inner
peace of mind to oneself.
Based on the results of statistical tests, the
spiritual market variables have a positive effect on
customers' interest in choosing micro financing. This
can be seen from the direction of the coefficient of
positive emotional market value (0.721) then the third
hypothesis is accepted. Spiritual market variables also
significantly influence the interest of customers in
choosing micro financing seen from the value of t
arithmetic greater than t table 5.389> 1.96). This
means that the spiritual market has an influence on
the interests of customers. The spiritual market has
ranked second as a market that affects customers'
interests. That is because, the assessment of customer
perceptions that are less high on the spiritual factors
in choosing financing in BRI Sharia.
The results of statistical tests based on sub-
variables of spiritual marketing, the first factor that
has a major influence for the spiritual market is, the
value of maslahah (theistic) of 0.821. That's because
that the more customers feel the maslahah obtained in
the form of maslahah world and the hereafter the
customer increasingly use financing products in BRI
Sharia. Secondly, there are 0.763 employees who are
beryiar (realistic) where, the more employees provide
information or motivation with regard to combine
business with religious value where more customers
feel confident to use the financing products in BRI
Third of the existence of employees BRI Sharia
morals (ethical) with the amount of value of 0.646.
This is because with the high moral morale of
employees will add a good view of the customer to
the sharia bank, so customers feel happy to transact
with employees and make customers choose to use
financing products in BRI Sharia. Fourth of the
existence of the factor can lift the human level
through its economy with the amount of 0.631. This
is because the more BRI Syariah can develop a
customer business that impacts up the human level, it
can grow customer confidence in the performance of
BRI Syariah. The fifth of the factors of inner
calmness, which has an effect of 0.627. This is
because the higher the customer feels the inner
calmness then the more customers choose to use the
financing in BRI Sharia.
The results of this study is supported by previous
research conducted by Khafiatul Hasanah (2016) that
Factors that Influence the Customers Interest in Choosing Micro Financing - Case Study: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi
theistic (maslahah and tranquility are born inner),
ethical (moral character), realistic (flexible in beryiar)
and humanistis (raising the human level) have a
significant effect on customer decision Islamic Bank.
Based on research that has been done by researchers,
can be drawn conclusion as follows: Customer
interest in BRI Syariah is categorized high on the
rational market, then the emotional market is
categorized less and the spiritual market is
categorized less. Customer perception on rational
market such as profit factor, service quality, bank
characteristic, knowledge and physical object tends to
be high, and customer interest tends to be high. Thus
there is a positive influence between the perception
on the rational market with customer interest.
Customer perceptions on the emotional market
such as, the value of religiosity and attributes of
sharia tend to be less, and customer interest tend to be
less. Thus there is a positive influence between the
perception on the emotional market with the interest
of the customer. Customer perceptions on spiritual
markets such as, spiritual marketing (theistic, ethical,
realistic and humanitarian) tend to be less and
customer interest tends to be less. Thus there is a
positive influence between the perception on the
spiritual market with the interest of the customer.
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