the preference for sharia financing included in the
category of being. This means that although the level
of religiosity in terms of obedience in worship has
been very good, but this is inversely proportional to
muamalah. This is in accordance with the research
Nasrullah (2015) which states that the people of
Indonesia has not made the value of Islamic values
as a way of life. Whereas Allah in the Qur'an has
ordered the Muslims to implement the rules of Islam
in kaffah.
Furthermore, the authors will describe the
acquisition of the t-count value and the significance
level of the service quality variable to the
preferences of business actors in choosing access to
finance. according to Parasuraman (1985) is the
quality of service is a measure of how well a service
is provided in accordance with customer
expectations. Providing quality service means
shaping customer expectations consistently.
Tabel 3: T-Variable Test Results X3.
Source: Research Result (2017)
Hypothesis testing through t test on this service
quality variable is done with significance level of
5% or 0,05 at trust level equal to 95% with df = n-k
(70-4) = 66 so that t value of table is equal to
1,99656. meaning there is no significant influence
between the quality of service to the preferences of
business actors in choosing access to Islamic
finance. This is in contrast to previous research
conducted by Dusuki and Abdullah (2006) who
found that the quality of services, including staff
friendliness, competence, prompt and efficient
service are important factors in influencing the
selection of banks in Malaysia.
Tabel 4: Test Results -F and Coefficient of Determination
Test (R2).
Source: Research Result (2017)
So it can be said that the total of all independent
variables are financing product, the level of
religiosity and service quality simultaneously affect
the dependent variable that is the preference of
business actors in choosing access of conventional
and syariah micro financing. Based on the
estimation result, it is found that the value of R2 is
0.370, meaning that the contribution of independent
variable to dependent variable is 37% and the
remaining 63% is influenced by other factors outside
the research model.
Financing products for business actor in Andir
market are included in good category, this is because
respondents are very selective in choosing financing
products especially in terms of price (interest / profit
/ margin). Then in terms of the level of religiosity of
business actors are included in the high category.
However, this high level of religiosity is not directly
proportional to the obedience of business actors in
terms of muamalah in accordance with sharia.
Furthermore, in terms of service quality obtained by
business actors in Andir Market included in either
category. This is because the majority of
respondents are customers of conventional financial
institutions that have excellent service quality.
The result of the research shows that the variable
of financing product especially from the price factor
is the variable which has significant effect to the
preference of trader of Andir Market in Selecting
Conventional and Sharia Micro Financing Access.
While the other two variables are the level of
religiosity and service quality has no significant
effect on market preferences Andir Market Traders
in Choosing Access Conventional and Sharia Micro
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy