auditor’s professional scepticism for both male and
female auditors, in order to provide the right
opinion, because they will be useful to improve the
integrity and credibility of the public accountant
profession. This study has a number of limitations.
In this study, the method used is only the survey
method (i.g. spreading the questionnaire), without
conducting interviews. Therefore, the results
obtained only based on data collected through
written questionnaires. Further research is expected
to add data collection methods, such as interviews or
observations, to understand more about the actual
state of respondents. In addition, future research is
expected to not spread the research questionnaire at
the time the auditor is performing many audit tasks
that are usually done at the end of the year. It is
necessary to note in order to get more research
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy