they give good response when they are faced with
the fraud ethical question.
3.6 Income to Ethical Perception
We find that the income gives positive influence
towards ethical perception, yet insignificantly. This
result rejects the proposed hypothesis. We presume
this evidence is caused because the remuneration
system for the respondent. As auditors, beside get
the fixed income, they also get variable income for
additional assignments they have. Therefore, the
financial needs of them have been already fulfilled
and the income does not influence the ethical
3.7 Love of Money to Ethical
We find that the level of money negatively
influences the ethical perception insignificantly. It
means the higher people’s level of love of money, it
does not make that they will behave unethically.
This finding is not in line with other study. Tang and
Chiu (2003) explain that love of money was strongly
related to the concept of “greed”. They also found
the direct path between the love of money and
unethical behavior among employees in Hong Kong.
Tang and Liu (2012) also found that it is not the
income (money), but the motive (love of money)
which cause people to behave unethically. Love of
money may cause the dissatisfaction with income
which leads to unethical behavior of employees; the
more people love money the higher probability of
people will be dissatisfied with their income. The
higher level of love of money tend to make people to
behave more unethically. However, we find
dissimilar result.
We consider this proof indicates that the auditors
in BPKP have a good professional commitment.
Elias (2006) shows when a person has high
professional commitment, it will increase their
ethical perception. This finding is supported by the
fact that the BPKP keep renewing the integrity
agreement with the auditors and other employees.
This contract works as a guarantee that all of the
employees will work with high professional
commitment in accordance to the work ethical
From this study, gender and love of money that
affect the ethical perception. In term of ethical
perception, both female and male auditor tend to
have same ethical level Considering the fact that this
is a very new topic and the research is still rare,
hence future research is indispensable. The
variables, methods, or population of the study can be
expanded. Also, the population can be taken from
practical and other professional accountants (such as
public accountants, governmental accountants in
BPK, etc.).
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