The top-level managers interviewed in Financial
Services Company A and C are the CEOs of the
companies. CEOs occupy the highest positions in
the company, their primary responsibility is to
manage the overall operations and resources
including strategic decision making. Thus, a single
CEO representation is considered to be sufficient to
provide the information and assessment required in
this study. Due to unfortunate clash in the schedule,
COO and HRM representations of Financial
Services Company B were interviewed in place of
the CEO of the company. Finally, two HRM
representatives of Financial Services Company D
were interviewed to gain some insights from the
company. The interview was conducted directly. All
of the informations provided are sufficient to answer
the semi-structured questionnaires which were
compiled based on literature review. The
participants further ensure that the data provided will
not be used for any purpose other than this research
and that the confidentiality of the data will be kept.
As elaborate as the elements of Human Capital can
be, the Human Capital can basically be seen as the
driving wheel of the organization, thus signify its
importance. The results of the interviews indicate
that the respondents consider Competencies and the
Development of Organizational Competencies as
human capital elements that play important roles in
firm performance. The main objective of financial
services industry is to achieve customer satisfaction
which will influence firm performance. Thus, the
respondents believe that employees’ soft skills in the
field of communication is a valuable competence
that will better support their work.
The findings of this study indicate that
companies in financial services industry do not
demand a correspending educational background
with the field of the companies. In regards to
customer service staffs, companies put more
emphasis on good communication skill as well as
employees adeptness and creativity in understanding
and providing informations about savings and loan
services provided by the companies. Daily morning
briefing and monthly evaluation are performed
regularly to measure how far the employees achieve
the expected performance. As stated in the
“... our main focus is the amiability of the employees
towards both the old and new customers...”
"... improvising employees in communicating has
became company's main service to hone employees’
soft skills ..."
"... the ability to adapt to new people poses a
challenge for the employees; the employees are
expected to appear like he or she has known the
customers for a long time ...”
As for the staffs who work as tellers, owing to the
fact that they directly deal with the system as well as
companies’ financial statements, they are expected
to have the basic computer skills needed, even if
they don’t have the educational background of the
discipline. Several cases of human error can be
immediately identified through monthly evaluations
as well as informal reports in the daily briefing.
"... the analysis and its accuracy in transaction
process become an important point for employees
owing to the fact that they will be faced with
unbalanced amount of money when they make any
mistake ..."
Nevertheless, the companies do not impose
different operational hours for different position. All
of the employees work with the same working hours
(Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 2 pm) while in
case of overtime, the employee will get
compensation in the form of overtime pay.
"... we value employees who prioritize their time and
thus spur other employees to be more disciplined ...”
Other findings of the study show that employees
receive educations and trainings in regards of related
themes. In addition to honing individuals’ capability,
the company also expect to dig the employees
competence deeper so that they can improve firm
performance. The four companies impose
sustainable training programs and are deeply
committed to the long-term career development of
their employees. The companies provide their
employees with facilities as well as leeways for
employees who wish to continue their education to a
higher level without diminishing any of their rights
as employees, as long as the employees do not
neglect his/her responsibilities.
"... the obligation of the employees is to get their job
done on time without leaving any work for the day
after, this is one of the expected impacts of the
training programs imposed to the employees..."
The companies realize that not all of their
customers can position themselves as their partners,
some of their clients - for instance – position
themselves as kings. Consequently, there are times
when customers would expect to be served in
employees’ break or lunch time.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy