indicator, and the means and costs necessary to
carry out those activities.
However, this research only ran two FGD stages,
problem analysis and alternative analysis. The FGD
was held in August 2017 at the office of the
Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN).
4.2 Assessment Process
In general the assessment process covers the
following activities:
Determining appraisal objectives;
Determining appraisal methods;
Data collection;
Data analysis;
Value determination;
Composing the assessment report.
In conducting the assessment, an appraiser should
have sufficient knowledge of appraisal theories. In
addition, to successfully do the appraisal, the
appraiser is also required to understand the appraisal
tools prepared by DJKN. In an effort to assist and
improve the quality of the results of the appraisal,
DJKN has made various assessment tools outlined in
the form of regulations (Regulation of the Minister of
Finance, Regulation of the Director General of State
Assets, and Circular of the Director General of State
Assets). The rules are structured to facilitate the
assessors in conducting the assessment. The appraisal
tools contain detailed assessment guides that are
organized according to the type of object and purpose
of the appraisal. Therefore, in order for the results of
the appraisal to remain qualified, the appraisers must
understand the basics of appraisal along with its
appraisal tools and apply them in the appraisal
4.3 The Policy Basis on the
Implementation of Quality
Assurance (QA)
The competency of an assessor is largely determined
by how well the appraisal recruitment process is
carried out. A good recruitment process to fill the
position is the one undertaken under the terms of the
required competency. To have an appraiser with the
desired competencies, DJKN applies several
requirements the prospective appraisers have to
fulfill. Those requirements are:
Civil Servant of DJKN;
Physically and mentally healthy;
Being the holder of Strata I / Sarjana certificate;
Never been subjected to disciplinary penalties in
the last 3 (three) years;
Having passed appraisal training with a
minimum of 200 hours training practice;
Having competency as an appraisal, evidenced
by the letter of recommendation from the
In order to gain a recommendation from the
Director of DJKN Appraisal, the appraiser candidate
will be tested in advance or undergo a competency
verification test which is conducted in the form of:
Written test, which tests the candidate’s
knowledge of appraisal theory. Through this
written examination, the candidate’s
understanding of the appraisal theories will be
Interview. Before becoming an appraiser,
usually a DJKN employee has ever participated
as a team member for an appraisal project. This
happens in accordance with existing regulations.
So before being appointed as an appraiser a
DJKN employee is likely to have appraisal
experience. This interview is meant to find out
and explore further on the candidate’s past
experience and understanding of any related
appraisal theories.
After passing the written examination and
interview process, the DJKN’s Director of Appraisal
will decide whether to give or not the
recommendation to the prospective appraiser.
The legal basis for the implementation of Quality
Assurance is the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance Number 64 / PMK.06 / 2016 pertaining the
Government Appraiser within the Directorate
General of State Assets, article 24 paragraph 1,
stating that: The Director carries out the appraisal of
Appraisers of the Directorate General at Head Office,
Regional Office, and Service Office in the forms of:
Technical guidance on the implementation of
Appraisal Performance Analysis;
Improvement of the Quality of Appraisers; and
Periodical Assessment of the Competency Level
of Appraisers.
To carry out the legislation mandate, DJKN uses
quality assurance as a means to guide all DJKN
The Quality Assurance (QA) assessment given to
all DJKN assessors is implemented in the following
Written test, testing participants about appraisal
theory. This written examination will measure
how far the prospective appraisers understand
the theories of the appraisal;
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy