5 C. Colours 10 Mustika Ratu
Source: www.bitebrands.com
Based on Table 2 in the Year 2016, the most
famous brand at the moment and become a role model
of the cosmetics industry in Indonesia is held by
Wardah brand from PT. Paragon Technology and
Innovation that builds halal positioning from scratch
in the minds of consumers. Based on the results of
interviews with HRD Manager from PT. Paragon
Technology - DC Bandung stated that Wardah last
few years experienced an average growth of about
50% - 60% per year while other brands only increased
10%, and in the scale of production has reached 95
million pieces of products per year and 10 products of
which enter the product line best.
Wardah comes with its charm and religiosity to
target Muslim consumers, a segment where a Muslim
is subject to God's will in trust and action (Wilson and
Liu, 2011). And Muslims and Muslims are
commanded by Allah Azza wa jalla to consume the
halal again good. The following is the Qur'an:
“"O 'mankind! Eat of what is in the earth lawful and
good; and do not follow the footsteps of Satan Surely
he is a manifest foe for you.” Al-Baqoroh:168.
Allah Almighty ordered a Muslim to consume the
lawful and good that is on this Earth which Allah
Almighty has proclaimed, and forbade consume that
has been forbidden. The law of things is permissible,
unless there is a shohih and sharih null proscribed it
(Qardhawi, 2007). Likewise cosmetics, may be used
as long as the material and the manufacturing process
does not contain things that are forbidden.
According to a previous study conducted by
Aisyah (2016) stated that the intention and decision
to buy kosher cosmetics and personal care products
will be higher if consumers are motivated because of
their religious duty to consume halal products.
Moreover, previously no one has released a kosher
idea on cosmetics and increased awareness of middle
class Muslims will obedience to the rules of religion
halal halal into lifestyles (Yuswohadi et al., 2014).
Overall Wardah uses a good approach to Muslim
consumers by adapting products to Islamic rules
because the target market is also Muslim (Aisyah,
2016). At this time, the approach is known as Islamic
branding, where the product is marketed according to
the needs of Muslim consumers physically and
spiritually, where producers pay attention to
complience covers the halal material and production
process and attention to the needs of Muslim
consumers (Aoun and Tournois, 2015; Maamon,
2016) .
The use of the Islamic branding strategy on
Wardah cosmetics does not necessarily directly bring
Wardah's name but Wardah also educates the market
using celebrity endorsers as a social influence in
which public figures can influence the public and
position Wardah as kosher cosmetics in the minds of
their customers. Recruiting several celebrity
endorsers aims to get several target sakaligus markets
that match the celebrity endorser image that has a
social influence, and the use of some celebrity also
aims to make marketing not monotonous (Hsu and
McDonald, 2002; Schimmelpfennig, 2013)
Public figures selected as celebrity endosers are
those who are very persuasive and acknowledged by
the public for having a social influence and have the
ability to convey positive messages to the
surrounding community due to physical, intellectual
skills, athletic abilities and lifestyles possessed by
individuals, these public figures are employed by
company at a certain period to advertise the
company's products (Seno and Lukas, 2007; Suki,
Based on Pracista and Rahanatha (2014), the
credibility of celebrity endorser has a positive and
significant effect on brand equity. The better the
credibility of celebrity endorser then the equity brand
(brand equity) was berbading straight because
celebrity endorser has a social influence.
How is Islamic branding and celebrity endorser
to consumer decisions Wardah cosmetics based
on the perception of members of Hijabers
Commonity Bandung?;
How big is Islamic branding influencing
consumer decisions of members of Hijabers
Community Bandung to buy Wardah
How much celebrity endorser affects the
consumer decision of members of Hijabers