Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser
Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase
Ahsan Rafsanjani, Mokh. Adib Sultan and Rida Rosida
Economics and Islamic Finance Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Kota Bandung, {adiebsultan, rida.rosida}
Keywords: Wardah Cosmetic, Hijabers Community Bandung, Islamic Branding, Celebrity Endorser, Consumer
Abstract: Application of halal marketing on cosmetics also known as Islamic branding as a precise strategy undertaken
by Wardah to get the Muslim consumer market segment, where cosmetics are marketed in accordance with
physical and spiritual need of Muslim consumers (Aoun and Tournois, 2015). Both need ate encouraged by
the command of Allah Swt to consume the halal and forbid from the haram. To strengthen the strategy of
Islamic branding and reinforce the impression halal in the eyes of consumers, Wardah also recruitmen some
public figures as celebrity endorser Wardah cosmetics and than Wardah has halal cosmetic positioning from
the beginning (The Wardah Effect) and now wardah into cosmetics whose sales value skyrocketed compared
to other cosmetic manufacturers. This study aims to determine the influence of Islamic Branding and Celebrity
Endorser: Implications of Purchase Decision Wardah Cosmetic (Survey on Member of Hijabers Community
Bandung). This research uses descriptive and verifikatif method. The data obtained from the method of data
presentation of respondents (questionnaires) with the 80 sample of member. The analysis technique used in
this research are product moment analysis and multiple linear regression. The results show that Islamic
branding, celebrity endorser and consumer decisions are in high score category. Correlation calculation results
show the variable of Islamic branding with consumer decisions have a correlation of 0.508, while celebrity
endorser with consumer decisions has a correlation of 0.556. This means that Islamic branding and celebrity
endorser variables have a positive correlation with the middle classification with the decision of the consumer
member hijabers community Bandung. R Square value of 0.343 or 34% means that decision is influenced by
Islamic branding and celebrity endorser 31%, while the rest is 66% influenced by other factors that are not
studied by the researcher.
Women's need for cosmetics to protect certain parts
of the body in order to stay in good condition and
change the appearance to be more beautiful directly
increase demand in the cosmetics market (Anggraeni,
2017). If you look at the growth rate of women in
Indonesia from Year to Year increase, where the Year
2010 there are 237,641,326 people with 119,105,833
are women and Year 2015 there are 254,9 millions
with 128,1 millions are women (Anton, 2015; Badan
Pusat Statistik, 2016).
Table 1: Cosmetic Sales Data in Indonesia Year 2009-2014
(in Trillion Rupiah).
Year Market Value Growth
2009 28,76 9,7%
2010 31,56 8,87%
2011 37,38 18,4%
2012 42,61 14%
2013 49,61 16,4%
2014 49,61 19%
Table 1 shows that the total sales of the cosmetics
industry in 2009 reached 28.76 trillion and in 2015
cosmetics sales experienced an extraordinary
increase of 64.3 trillion. The growth of the cosmetics
industry from year to year always experienced a
dynamic increase of about 14% per year with an
average value of cosmetic exports reached Rp. 12
Rafsanjani, A., Sultan, M. and Rosida, R.
Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser - Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 440-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Trillion which marks a surplus of 85% of export
value. It is also very influential on the employment of
75,000 direct workers and 600,000 indirect workers
under the auspices of 760 cosmetics companies
(Kemenperin, 2014).
Tabel 2: Top Brand Cosmetic from Indonesia Year 2016.
Name of
Name of
1 Wardah 6 Emina
2 Inez 7 Sariayu
3 Make Ove
8 M. Botanica
4 PAC 9 Polka Baut
5 C. Colours 10 Mustika Ratu
Based on Table 2 in the Year 2016, the most
famous brand at the moment and become a role model
of the cosmetics industry in Indonesia is held by
Wardah brand from PT. Paragon Technology and
Innovation that builds halal positioning from scratch
in the minds of consumers. Based on the results of
interviews with HRD Manager from PT. Paragon
Technology - DC Bandung stated that Wardah last
few years experienced an average growth of about
50% - 60% per year while other brands only increased
10%, and in the scale of production has reached 95
million pieces of products per year and 10 products of
which enter the product line best.
Wardah comes with its charm and religiosity to
target Muslim consumers, a segment where a Muslim
is subject to God's will in trust and action (Wilson and
Liu, 2011). And Muslims and Muslims are
commanded by Allah Azza wa jalla to consume the
halal again good. The following is the Qur'an:
“"O 'mankind! Eat of what is in the earth lawful and
good; and do not follow the footsteps of Satan Surely
he is a manifest foe for you.” Al-Baqoroh:168.
Allah Almighty ordered a Muslim to consume the
lawful and good that is on this Earth which Allah
Almighty has proclaimed, and forbade consume that
has been forbidden. The law of things is permissible,
unless there is a shohih and sharih null proscribed it
(Qardhawi, 2007). Likewise cosmetics, may be used
as long as the material and the manufacturing process
does not contain things that are forbidden.
According to a previous study conducted by
Aisyah (2016) stated that the intention and decision
to buy kosher cosmetics and personal care products
will be higher if consumers are motivated because of
their religious duty to consume halal products.
Moreover, previously no one has released a kosher
idea on cosmetics and increased awareness of middle
class Muslims will obedience to the rules of religion
halal halal into lifestyles (Yuswohadi et al., 2014).
Overall Wardah uses a good approach to Muslim
consumers by adapting products to Islamic rules
because the target market is also Muslim (Aisyah,
2016). At this time, the approach is known as Islamic
branding, where the product is marketed according to
the needs of Muslim consumers physically and
spiritually, where producers pay attention to
complience covers the halal material and production
process and attention to the needs of Muslim
consumers (Aoun and Tournois, 2015; Maamon,
2016) .
The use of the Islamic branding strategy on
Wardah cosmetics does not necessarily directly bring
Wardah's name but Wardah also educates the market
using celebrity endorsers as a social influence in
which public figures can influence the public and
position Wardah as kosher cosmetics in the minds of
their customers. Recruiting several celebrity
endorsers aims to get several target sakaligus markets
that match the celebrity endorser image that has a
social influence, and the use of some celebrity also
aims to make marketing not monotonous (Hsu and
McDonald, 2002; Schimmelpfennig, 2013)
Public figures selected as celebrity endosers are
those who are very persuasive and acknowledged by
the public for having a social influence and have the
ability to convey positive messages to the
surrounding community due to physical, intellectual
skills, athletic abilities and lifestyles possessed by
individuals, these public figures are employed by
company at a certain period to advertise the
company's products (Seno and Lukas, 2007; Suki,
Based on Pracista and Rahanatha (2014), the
credibility of celebrity endorser has a positive and
significant effect on brand equity. The better the
credibility of celebrity endorser then the equity brand
(brand equity) was berbading straight because
celebrity endorser has a social influence.
How is Islamic branding and celebrity endorser
to consumer decisions Wardah cosmetics based
on the perception of members of Hijabers
Commonity Bandung?;
How big is Islamic branding influencing
consumer decisions of members of Hijabers
Community Bandung to buy Wardah
How much celebrity endorser affects the
consumer decision of members of Hijabers
Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser - Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase
Community Bandung to buy Wardah
How big is Islamic branding and celebrity
endorser together can influence consumer
decisions of members of Hijabers Community
Bandung to buy Wardah cosmetics?.
Schiffman and Kanuk (Sangadji and Sopiah, 2013)
define the decision as an option to choose from
several alternatives. Kotler and Keller (2012)
suggests that purchasing decisions are a consumer
process of evaluating the options available to select
one of these products. Selection of a product is also
influenced by the needs and desires of consumers
themselves, not escaped also influenced by several
factors that stick to or are highlighted on the product,
such as price, size and more.
While in view of Islamic perspective, Allah
Almighty ordered to consume according to need
without exaggeration, and Al-Ghazali divided the
fulfillment of needs into three levels, namely: the
need (dhoruriat) pleasure or comfort (hajaat). and
luxury (tahsiniyat) (Muntholip, 2012).
Islamic branding or also called crescent marketing
(Wilson et al., 2013). Islamic branding is a new field
of academic research that focuses on how to market
products that are compatible with Islam and have a
target market of Muslim consumers (Maamoun,
2016). Alserhan (2010) Mention to be said that a
product is Islam when the product is in accordance
with Islamic law, originated or resided in the Islamic
State and target market targeted by the product is
Muslim consumers.
Celebrity endorser is a strategy used by product
companies to market a product or educate the market
through a public figure known by the market in order
to increase sales volume. Juanda and Sondang (2014)
and to improve it could use some celebrity endorser
tailored to the company's target market (Hsu and
McDonald, 2002).
The Methode in a reseacrh is a descriptive and
verifikative method. Research design in this study
using the design of causality research, which in this
study is known to illustrate the truth on independent
variables and dependent that describe the cause and
effect of the measure of the strength of the
relationship and the direction of its influence. The
selected research object is the member of Bandung
community hijabers which is an active container of
the veiled women who remain beautiful wrapped with
cosmetics. Technical Data collection in this study
using explanatory survey method, which conducted a
survey by taking 80 samples from 400 member
hijabers community Bandung next spread the
questionnaire to 80 samples. This data analysis
technique using analysis method of pearson product
moment and multiple linear regression.
Based on the research results in the field, it is known
perceptions Wardah respondents are as follows figure
Figure 1: Perceptions of Respondents Against Wardah
Products from Indicators of Islamic Branding.
Source: Research Result (2017).
The overall data of the largest Islamic branding
indicator is halal material and certification, where the
perception of Bandung community hijabers is of the
opinion that Wardah uses halal ingredients in its
production process plus the use of halal certification
permits that add to consumer trust. The lowest of the
indicators of Islamic branding according to the
perception of hijabers community Bandung is
imaging religiosity, and indeed in fact Wardah not too
imaging high religiosity or obedient.
0 200 400 600
N. Ideal
N. Total
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Figure 2: Perceptions of Respondents Against Wardah
Products from the Celebrity Endorser Indicators.
Source: Research Result (2017).
Recapitulation of the highest celebrity endorser
indicator in contributing score that is physical
attraction owned by celebrity endorser. The indicator
can explain that what Wardah is doing is recruiting
celebrity endorsers who have physical attractiveness
to attract the attention of consumers and also to
imaging Wardah in the eyes of consumers just by
looking at celebrity endorser. The weakest inductor is
the belief in the content delivered by the celebrity
endorser where the consumer is more confident or full
power when there is a recommendation from a friend
or word of mouth. Perceptions of respondents against
wardah products from purchasing decision indicators
can see in figure 3.
Figure 3: Perceptions of Respondents Against Wardah
Products from Purchasing Decision Indicators.
Source: Research Result (2017).
The highest score on consumer purchasing
decisions is on Indicator is Wardah cosmetic
distribution channel where member hijabers Bandung
community very easy to get Wardah cosmetics,
wherever and whenever.
After performing the validity test using the
classical assumption test, furthermore testing the
relationship between variables of Islamic branding,
celebrity endorser and consumer decision by using
pearson product moment. Here's the result in table 3:
Table 3: Research Result with Pearson Product.
Source: Research Result (2017).
It is known that the value of correlation coefficient
between Islamic branding with consumer decision is
0.508 with a significant level taken is 0.05 or 5% fault
tolerance, then the value of sig. 0.000 is below 0.05
(0.000 <0.05) which means there is an Islamic
branding relationship with consumer decisions. To
see how closely the relationship between variables
can be seen from the results of the correlation
coefficient (0.508) by comparing it with the table 50
which became the reference interpretation of the
correlation coefficient r value of the correlation table
0.508 is at the coefficient interval of 0.40 to 0.599
which indicates a sufficient level of relationship high,
by looking at the Relationship Level Coefficient
Next to see the relationship between celebrity
endorser with consumer decisions can be seen that the
0.000 significant level is below 0.05 so it can be said
that celebrity endorser has a real correlation with
consumer decisions. While the correlation value of
0,556 between celebrity endorser with consumer
decision signifies high enough relationship because
0,556 is in interval 0,40 - 0,599. The correlation
between celebrity endorser with consumer decision is
higher than the value of Islamic branding correlation,
then the celebrity endorser variable is stronger
correlation with Islamic branding.
Table 4: t-test
Source: Research Result (2017)
0 500 10001500
N. Ideal
N. Total
0 1000 2000
Jalur Distr.
Repeat Order
N. Ideal
N. Total
t Si
.B Std. Erro
33,545 6,382 5,256 ,000
IB ,442 ,221 ,247 1,997 ,049
CE ,359 ,114 ,391 3,156 ,002
a. De
endent Variable: Ke
Pearson Correlation 1 ,667
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 80 80 80
Pearson Correlation ,667
1 ,556
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 80 80 80
Pearson Correlation ,508
Sig. (2-tailed) ,000 ,000
N 80 80 80
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser - Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase
In table 4 obtained t calculation is obtained for
3.156. For = 0.05 and degrees of freedom df = n - k
= 80 - 2 = 78 because using a two-tailed test it uses
/ 2 and t counts 1,990. By comparing t count and t
table, it is found that thount of celebrity endorser is
3.156 bigger than t table (3,156> 1,990). Thus, there
is influence between celebrity endorser to consumer
Table 5: F-Test.
Source: Research Result (2017)
In table 5 we get the result of sig value. 0.000 is
under 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) which means there is
influence of Islamic branding and celebrity endorser
to consumer decision. Based on the data table 5.
significance value is at 0.000 <0.05 then it can be said
that islamic branding and celebrity endorser have a
simultaneous influence on consumer decisions. Given
the value of Fcount of 20,110 while the Ftable value
on degrees of freedom df (n1) = k-1 = 3-1 = 2 and df
(n2) = n-k = 80-3 = 77 then the result of Ftable is 3.12.
From hypothesis test known that Fcount> Ftable that
is (20,110> 3,12) hence hypothesis H0 refused and
H1 accepted, mean islamic branding and celebrity
endorser have simultaneous influence to consumer
Table 6: R
Source: Research Result (2017)
In table 6, the value of significance is at 0.000 <0.05
then it can be said that the Islamic branding and
celebrity endorser has a simultaneous influence on
consumer decisions. Given the value of Fcount of
20,110 while the Ftable value on degrees of freedom
df (n1) = k-1 = 3-1 = 2 and df (n2) = n-k = 80-3 = 77
then the result of Ftable is 3.12. From hypothesis test
known that Fcount> Ftable that is (20,110> 3,12)
hence hypothesis H0 refused and H1 accepted, mean
islamic branding and celebrity endorser have
simultaneous influence to consumer decision.
Based on research that has been done to the member
Hibers Bandung community to determine the
influence of Islamic branding and Celebrity endorser
of Consumer Decision, it can be drawn conclusion as
follows: Level Islamic branding on cosmetics
Wardah according to the perception of Bandung
community hijabers as a whole fall into the high
category. Description Celebrity endorser and
Consumer Decision on the member hijabers
community Bandung is in the high category.
The picture of Islamic branding tend to be high
and consumer decision is high, so that Islamic
branding have a high positive effect on consumer
decision on hijabers member of Bandung community.
Description Celebrity endorser tend to be high and
consumer decision high, so celebrity endorser have
positive effect to decision of kosumen at member
hijabers community of Bandung. Islamic branding
and celebrity endorsers have a high tendency towards
consumer decisions. Thus, Islamic branding and
celebrity endorser have a positive effect on consumer
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Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser - Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase