Environmental Reputation has a significant
positive effect on Financial Performance.
Environmental Management has no effect on
Financial Performance.
Green Advertising has a significant positive effect
on Financial Performance.
Based on the research conducted on the sub-sector of
textile and garment industry, it can be concluded that:
Green advertising has a positive and significant
impact on environmental management activities
in the textile and garment industry sub-sector.
Green advertising has a positive and significant
impact on the reputation of the environment in
the sub-sector of textile and garment industry.
Environmental management does not affect the
environmental reputation of the textile and
garment industry sub-sector.
The environmental reputation has a positive and
significant impact on the financial performance
of the textile and garment industry sub-sector.
Environmental management does not affect the
financial performance of the textile and garment
industry sub-sector.
Green advertising has a positive and significant
effect on financial performance in textile and
garment industry sub-sector.
Based on this research, there are some suggestions
for further research that is:
The number of companies as samples is added
to be more accurate, not only in the textile and
garment industry sub-sector but in other sub-
sectors so that the results can be more accurate,
detailed and accurate.
In this study the collected data is limited by the
number of sample companies so that the
analysis technique used is the PLS-SEM
method. Subsequent research could use
Covariance Based SEM or CB-SEM method in
performing data analysis and using Amos or
Lisrel software. This is useful for obtaining
maximum results due to standardization in CB-
SEM higher than PLS with more data samples.
Based on this research, there are some
suggestions for sub-sector companies of textile
and garment industry are as follows:
Green Advertising conducted by the company
has a positive influence on Environmental
Management, the sub-sector of textile and
garment industry as the object of this research
should keep improving the company's activity
communication in environmental management
to create the value of the conscious environment
by regularly updating the website with
information related to environmental protection.
Green Advertising conducted by the company
has a positive impact on the Environmental
Reputation. In the implementation, Green
Advertising is enough to raise the company's
Environmental Reputation. Companies can
emphasize the environmental impact of
products in marketing campaign activities and
sponsor environmental organizations so that the
Environment Reputation is in good category.
The company's environmental reputation affects
Financial Performance, the textile and garment
industry sub-sector must be able to improve
customer perception about the future prospect of
the company's environment by showing the
company's achievement in environmental
Green Advertising run by the company affects
the Financial Performance of textile and
garment industry sub-sector. With the existence
of Green Advertising then can improve the
company's Financial Performance through
Environmental Reputation. The company can
improve the company's environmentally
friendly image, so that customers are satisfied
with the company's efforts in reducing adverse
environmental impacts.
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