Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental
Management in the Garment and Textile Industries
Damayanti Octaviaand Dita Permata Sari
School of Economics and Business, Management of Business in Telecommunication and Informatics, Telkom University,
Jalan Telekomunikasi, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Green Advertising, Environmental Management, Environmental Reputation, Garment and Textile Industries.
Abstract: Garment and textile industries is one of the country’s foreign exchange contributors. This industry is
prioritized to be developed because it has role in economy of Indonesia. But garment and textile industry have
a weakness in competitiveness. Wasteful use of energy is one of the competitive advantage weakness, because
that has impact on industry cost and the environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the values of
green advertising and environmental management in garment and textile industries. Research method used is
quantitative method and analysis technique using SEM-PLS tool. Sample in this research is 50 respondents
from 9 companies. The results of this research are green advertising has significant effect on environment
management, environmental reputation, and financial performance. Environmental management has no effect
on environmental reputation. The environmental reputation significant effect on financial performance.
According to the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry Statistics Data 2015, the projection of
climate change shows an increase in average
temperature (climatology) ranging from about 0.65
in the period 2016-2040, 1.2
C in the period 2046-
2070, to about 1,5
C in the period 2076-2100
Climate change is largely due to human activity.
The eight largest contributors of carbon emissions are
cement, steel, pulp and paper, textile, ceramics,
fertilizer, petrochemical, and certain food and
beverage industries ( Based on
these data, textiles are one of the largest carbon
emitters. But on the other hand, the textile industry is
one of the ten potential commodities
( Potential industries must be
developed and managed with the right environmental
management, these two ways encourage economic
growth and reduce impact on the environment.
According to Industry Minister, The Indonesian
Government try to encourage environmentally
friendly industries ( Business and
environmental knowledge, as well as systems,
practices, and routines should be upgraded, to
encourage economic benefits and environmental
protection (Albertini, 2013).
Environmental pollution generated by the
manufacturing industry, causing consumers become
more aware of the environment (Chen, 2011 in Chen
and Chang, 2013).
Consumer environmental awareness is created by
environmental pollution increased and the
implementation of green marketing. Green marketing
has a positive impact on consumers. Consumers are
becoming more aware to protect their environment
and, in the future, consumers will prefer
environmental friendly products. Marketers and
policy makers must be aware of this consumer
behavior shifting (Khandelwal and Bajpai, 2011).
Consumer awareness is not accompanied by a
belief in green products. Therefore, green advertising
is very important in communicating the company's
environmental friendly practices to audiences
(Khandelwal and Bajpai, 2011). The occurrence of
changes in the message delivered in green
advertising. The 1980s and 1990s message delivered
focused on fuel efficiency. The 2000s message was
focused on the benefits of consumers and wider social
wealth (Ahern et al., 2012).
Consumer's hesitancy to green advertising,
because the message conveyed less meaning of the
environment deeply and most of the research does not
include the measurement of the depth of
environmental messages (Cummins, et al., 2014).
Octavia, D. and Sari, D.
Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental Management in the Garment and Textile Industries.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 458-463
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Therefore, companies should focus on implementing
environmental policies and management, so that
consumers are trust and company acquire green
reputation from consumers (Abdelzaher and
Newburry, 2016).
Based on the data and previous research, this
article aims to know:
Does Green Advertising have an effect on
Environmental Management?
Does Green Advertising affect the Environment
Does Environmental Management Affect
Environmental Reputation?
Does Environmental Reputation Affect
Financial Performance?
Does Environmental Management Affect
Financial Performance through Environmental
Does Green Advertising Affect Financial
Performance through Environmental
Management and Environmental Reputation?
2.1 Green Advertising
Green advertising is an advertisement that offers
consumers how convenient using eco-friendly
products or services as social responsibility (Ahern et
al., 2012). Green advertising is how deep the
environmental focus is in advertising (Cummins et al,
Green advertising should focus on green claims
that are easily observable, easy to understand clearly,
practically, and useful for protecting the environment
(Leonidou et al, 2011). Therefore, green advertising
is a part of environmental marketing strategy that can
help company to achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage, and superior performance (Leonidou et al,
Hypothesis 1, green advertising has an effect on
environmental management.
A green brand image was built by the company
when creating green adverting with a message context
that provides environmental protection (Hu, 2012). In
his research Ko, et al (2013) green marketing that
focuses on green products and green advertising is
strongly related in building the company's reputation.
Providing clear information and authentic
environmental claims is the success of green
advertising in generating a good reputation within the
industry (Dean and Pachechho, 2014).
Hypothesis 2, Green advertising affects the
environmental reputation.
2.2 Environmental Management
Environmental management is a practice related to
the environment and ensures human continuity to live
on Earth indefinitely (Cummins et al, 2014).
According to Irwan and Suzana (2016) environmental
management practices are a tool for organizations to
manage the impact of the organization's activities on
the environment. There are four reasons why
companies go green, namely: (a) profitable business,
(b) part of CSR activities, (c) government regulations,
(d) cost and benefit issues (Trott, 2013). According
Jeong et al (2014) implementation of environmental
management is very useful, therefore the company
must be consistent in running environmentally
friendly practices. Industries that depend on nature
and constrained by limitations, must carry out
environmental management within their company
(Yu and Ramanathan, 2016).
According to Mayer et al (2012) cited by Yadav
et al (2016), the company's commitment to the
environment plays a role in improving green
reputation. For some companies, green reputation is
one of the most important factors. The company's
reputation is closely linked to the implementation of
environmental management (Ko et al, 2013).
Hypothesis 3, Environmental management affects the
environmental reputation.
2.3 Environmental Reputation
According to Banyte and Gageikiene (2008) cited by
Sarkar (2012) green marketing reinforce the brand
image. Generally, green marketing refers to
promotional and advertising activities that refer to the
environment. Companies that do green marketing not
only get a good response from consumers but also can
cut production costs, so the price offered to
consumers is more economical (Sarkar, 2012).
Hypothesis 6, Green Advertising has an effect on
Financial Performance through Environmental
Management and Environmental Reputation.
According to Yusof (2012) the environmental
reputation affects the value of spending. It can be said
that if a product has a good environmental reputation
then consumers will spend money to spend more
company products.
Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental Management in the Garment and Textile Industries
Hypothesis 4, Environmental Reputation Affects
Financial Performance.
2.4 Financial Performance
Effective implementation of green marketing
encourages a customer trust to the company, which
affects business performance (Ko et al, 2013).
Environmental performance is the output of
environmental management. Environmental
performance has a positive relationship with financial
performance (Albertini, 2013).
If the reputation of the company is good then it
will affect consumer purchase intention (Ko et al,
2013). This can be interpreted that the company's
reputation affects the company's financial
performance. According to Yu and Ramanathan
(2016) the implementation of environmental
management has an effect on the improvement of
company performance.
Hypothesis 5, Environmental management affects
financial performance through environmental
In this research, data analysis technique used is
structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM is a
composite of two separate statistical methods,
Factor analysis developed in psychology and
Simultaneous equation modeling developed in
econometrics (Ghozali, 2011: 3).
According to Wright (Jogiyanto and Abdillah,
2015: 140) SEM is a statistical technique for testing
and estimating causal relationships by integrating
factor analysis and path analysis.
The SEM type used in this study is PLS-SEM.
Partial Least Squares (PLS) is a SEM-based statistical
model designed to solve multiple regressions when
specific data problems occur, such as small sample
size, missing values, and multicollinearity (Jogiyanto
and Abdillah, 2015: 161). PLS is a variance-based
structural equation analysis (SEM) that can
simultaneously perform testing of measurement
models as well as testing structural models (Jogiyanto
and Abdillah, 2015: 164). The measurement model is
used to test the validity and reliability, while the
structural model is used for causality test (hypothesis
testing with prediction model) (Jogiyanto and
Abdillah, 2015: 164).
In this study using Nonprobability Sampling.
Nonprobability sampling is a sampling technique that
does not provide the same opportunity for each
element or member of the population to be selected as
a sample (Sugiyono, 2016: 218). The type of research
used in this study is purposive sampling. According
Sugiyono (2016: 218) purposive sampling is a
technique of sampling data sources with certain
considerations. This particular consideration, such as
the person who is deemed to know best about what
we expect, or perhaps he as the ruler will make it
easier for researchers to explore the object or social
situation under study. According Jogiyanto and
Abdillah (2015: 66) purposive sampling is a sample
selection technique when the researcher does not have
data about the population in the form of sampling
frame and the researcher then chooses the sample
based on certain criteria and the researcher's
assessment to direct the selected sample according to
the research objectives.
The sampling criteria are based on the following:
Respondents are part of manufacturing
companies of textile sub-sector and garment
sub-sector listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange
which carry out environmental management.
Respondent is a staff / equivalent, supervisor /
equivalent, or also manager / equivalent part of
textile manufacturing and garment
manufacturing company listed on BEI
responsible for environmental issues and
product safety.
Based on the criteria of sampling above, the
company that became the sample of this study
amounted to 9 companies because it meets the criteria
of sampling, 8 companies are not sampled in this
study because it does not implement environmental
management. The total sample taken is 50 samples.
This study uses several test models, namely Indicator
Reliability, Internal Consistency Reliability,
Convergent Validity, and Discriminant Validity.
Inner model test to know relation between construct,
significance value and R-square from research. The
inner model test is performed using the R-square
value of the endogenous construct (dependent
variable) and t-test on each exogenous latent variable
(independent) to the endogen dependent variable
construct from the bootstrapping result.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Table 1: Results of R
in endogenous latent variables.
Latent Variable
Value R
Environmental Management
Environmentally Conscious
Product Stewardship (PS)
Environmental Reputation (ER)
Financial Performance (FP)
It is known from Table 1 that the value of R2 for
endogenous latent variables of Environmental
Management (EM) in this structural model has a
value of 0.292 which means that the exogenous latent
variable Green Advertising (GA) influences the
endogenous latent variable of Environmental
Management (EM) of 29.2% and 70.8 % influenced
by other factors outside of these variables. The value
of R2 shows that the model belongs to a substantial
(weak) classification.
Then the value of R2 for Environmentally
Conscious Manufacturing (ECM) in this structural
model is 0.757 which means the exogenous latent
variable of Environmental Management (EM) affect
endogen variables Environmentally Conscious
Manufacturing (ECM) of 75.7% and 24.3% other
factors beyond those variables. The value of R2
shows that the model belongs to a substantial (strong)
Then the value of R2 for Product Stewardship
(PS) in this structural model is 0.714 which means
exogenous latent variable of Environmental
Management (EM) affect endogenous latent variable
Product Stewardship (PS) equal to 71,4% and 28,6%
influenced by other factors outside of these variables.
The value of R2 shows that the model belongs to a
substantial (strong) classification.
The R2 value for Environmental Reputation (ER)
in this structural model is 0.310 which means
exogenous latent variable Environmental
Management (EM) and Green Advertising (GA)
affect endogenous Product Stewardship (PS) of
31.0% and 69.0% by other factors outside the
variable. The value of R2 shows that the model
belongs to a substantial (weak) classification.
The endogenous latent variable of Financial
Performance (KK) in this structural model has an R2
value of 0.079 which means the exogenous latent
variable Environmental Management (EM), Green
Advertising (GA), and Environmental Reputation
(ER) affect endogenous latent variable Financial
Performance (FP) equal to 7.9% and 92.1% are
influenced by other factors outside of these variables.
The value of R2 shows that the model belongs to a
substantial (weak) classification.
Table 2: Hypothesis test results.
Path Coefficient
t test
t table (5%)
Based on the result of path coefficient value and
t-statistics value in Table 2, it shows all hypothesis of
positive path coefficient value and T-statistics> 1,96
meaning significant then all hypotheses supported.
The conclusions of the test results for each hypothesis
are as follows:
Green Advertising has a significant positive effect
on Environmental Management.
Green Advertising has a significant positive
impact on the Environment Reputation.
Environmental Management has no effect on
Environmental Reputation.
Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental Management in the Garment and Textile Industries
Environmental Reputation has a significant
positive effect on Financial Performance.
Environmental Management has no effect on
Financial Performance.
Green Advertising has a significant positive effect
on Financial Performance.
Based on the research conducted on the sub-sector of
textile and garment industry, it can be concluded that:
Green advertising has a positive and significant
impact on environmental management activities
in the textile and garment industry sub-sector.
Green advertising has a positive and significant
impact on the reputation of the environment in
the sub-sector of textile and garment industry.
Environmental management does not affect the
environmental reputation of the textile and
garment industry sub-sector.
The environmental reputation has a positive and
significant impact on the financial performance
of the textile and garment industry sub-sector.
Environmental management does not affect the
financial performance of the textile and garment
industry sub-sector.
Green advertising has a positive and significant
effect on financial performance in textile and
garment industry sub-sector.
Based on this research, there are some suggestions
for further research that is:
The number of companies as samples is added
to be more accurate, not only in the textile and
garment industry sub-sector but in other sub-
sectors so that the results can be more accurate,
detailed and accurate.
In this study the collected data is limited by the
number of sample companies so that the
analysis technique used is the PLS-SEM
method. Subsequent research could use
Covariance Based SEM or CB-SEM method in
performing data analysis and using Amos or
Lisrel software. This is useful for obtaining
maximum results due to standardization in CB-
SEM higher than PLS with more data samples.
Based on this research, there are some
suggestions for sub-sector companies of textile
and garment industry are as follows:
Green Advertising conducted by the company
has a positive influence on Environmental
Management, the sub-sector of textile and
garment industry as the object of this research
should keep improving the company's activity
communication in environmental management
to create the value of the conscious environment
by regularly updating the website with
information related to environmental protection.
Green Advertising conducted by the company
has a positive impact on the Environmental
Reputation. In the implementation, Green
Advertising is enough to raise the company's
Environmental Reputation. Companies can
emphasize the environmental impact of
products in marketing campaign activities and
sponsor environmental organizations so that the
Environment Reputation is in good category.
The company's environmental reputation affects
Financial Performance, the textile and garment
industry sub-sector must be able to improve
customer perception about the future prospect of
the company's environment by showing the
company's achievement in environmental
Green Advertising run by the company affects
the Financial Performance of textile and
garment industry sub-sector. With the existence
of Green Advertising then can improve the
company's Financial Performance through
Environmental Reputation. The company can
improve the company's environmentally
friendly image, so that customers are satisfied
with the company's efforts in reducing adverse
environmental impacts.
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Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental Management in the Garment and Textile Industries