The aims of this study were successfully achieved.
Fifteen leadership competencies required for
effective management of HEIs are identified. Using
statistical analysis of responses from a sample of 7
leading Indonesian universities and 40 respondents
thereof shows gaps between job-required
competencies and those possessed by rectors of the
sample HEIs. More studies are needed to evaluate
discrepancies at the other leadership levels of HEIs.
Training programs to uplift the competencies of
incumbents and future appointees are recommended.
Given the pervasive influence of HE in the
community and the country, any improvement in the
quality of a country’s HEIs will impact on the
country’s economic development and progress
(Dreyfus, 2008). The Development is not only
training. Assessment of managerial and planning
skills for subsequent work should be an important
part of developing individual contributors.
Development does not begin when someone is
promoted to a Higher Education leader. The process
of performance management can be designed so as to
enhance leadership competencies. Skills of people
can be developed. Even managers who report it
interpersonally are not sensitive at the beginning of
their careers they finally learn how to do it and
overcome this. Practice is the most important factor
in using ability effectively.
This study is supported by two Research Grants No. from the Ministry of
Research, Technology and Higher Education, and No.
1508/K4/KM/2017 from DRPM, the Directorate for
Research and Community Service.
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