Analysis Line Balancing at Moslem Clothing Producer
Mokh. Adib Sultan, Chairul Furqon and Winda L. Putri
Faculty of Economic and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{adiebsultan, c_furqon}@upi.edu, windalies@gmail.com
Keywords: Line Balancing, Work station, Productivity, Idle Time, Balance Delay.
Abstract: X Convection is a moslem clothing producer which the production process determined by orders. X
Convection has to increase the output of the production to follow market demand. On the other side, the
convection has limited capacity to supply it. The problem arises due to the imbalance of line production in
the Convection. The aims of line balancing implementation are to understand the current line production, to
understand the advantage of line balancing towards the current line production, and to understand the optimal
labours as to reach target production. Based on the matters, the use of line balancing method is to measure
standard time and arrange flow of production process on each line. The heuristic method is used in this study,
namely Large Candidate Rules, Region Approach, and Ranked Positional Weight. Based on heuristic method,
the highest line efficiency is 65.03% and balance delay 34,97% with the use of Large Candidate Rules (LCR)
approach. The results indicate that
The most optimum of line balancing method is LCR which turns out the
alteration in the number of work stations from 5 to 4 work stations and
the change of labour allocation.
X Convection is a private company located in
Cigadung, Bandung. Muslim clothing are produced
by X convection, including dress and koko.
Production system is conducted by orders or known
as made by order. In a month, X convection is able to
produce over 600 pieces which are done by five
workers. To produce one piece of dress, it takes about
two hours through several stages of the production
process for marking, cutting, machine hemming,
sewing, ironing, mounting accessories/pairing of
studs, controling quality (qc), steaming and packing.
In the process, the production process are divided
into five work stations, which are work station 1 for
marking and cutting, work station 2 for machine
hemming 1 and sewing 1, work station 3 for ironing,
sewing 2, and machine hemming 2, work stations 4
for pairing of studs and qc, and work station 5 for
steaming and packing.
In practice, any organization or certain business
are faced particular problems or obstacles. Similarly,
experienced by X convection. The main problem in
this convection is not achieving the production
targets. It is influenced by many things.
Prior to the study, the researchers are conducted a
pre-study and discovered the phenomenon that
indicated the problem of line balancing in X
convection, namely the existing of idle time, the
hoarding of the product on several work stations
(bottleneck), and the waiting time caused by the
product retained on previous work station (starfing).
These things are the factors which cause the X
convection could achieve companies’ target
Based on that phenomenon, it is necessary to plan
a strategy to produce a decision to achieve efficiency
of production processes. One of them is the decision
regarding the layout. To produce an effective layout,
line balancing analysis can be used as analysis
method. There are several approaches in line
balancing, such as heuristic methods (Kholil and
Mulya, 2014).
The problems experienced by X convection can
be solved by using the method of line balancing,
heuristic approach. With the application of line
balancing is done, it is expected Convection X can
streamline production lines and increase production
Pursuant to the problems that occurred in
Convection X, the purpose of this study is to
optimalize production process by using line balancing
analysis method.
Sultan, M., Furqon, C. and Putri, W.
Analysis Line Balancing at Moslem Clothing Producer - Case Study: X Convection.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 478-483
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
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