the limits of aurat, we can find it in some
hadith saheeh.
Closing aurat means closing shame/error. It
is especially a disgrace that should not be
displayed or shown to others. Similarly, if we
see a congregation whose aurat is not
completely covered, we are advised to tell him.
That is, ignorance/error, the lack of
members of the organization, everyone has to
cover, no need to bring up his past, in
achieving organizational goals.
Facing the Direction of the Masjidil Haram
In the Qur'an Surah 2:144 God commands to
face the holy Mosque. That is, with the
knowledge possessed, everyone who prays tap
into the Holy Mosque as Qiblat. This shows the
need for unity of purpose and endeavors to
achieve that goal. This is under normal
conditions. When an emergency - in conditions
of war, on the way, or when not knowing the
direction, we are allowed to face anywhere, as
recommended by the leader.
That is, when the way to achieve that goal
is too difficult, it is permissible to use a
different method, of course still in order to
realize the ultimate goal.
4.2 Sholat Jamah Procedures
The procedure of sholat jamaah are: Sholat fardhu
congregation should be held in the Mosque; prior to
takbir, the priest is advised to face his jamaah,
paying attention and tidying their shaf; Muqim may
congregate to the traveler who cut short (qashar) the
prayer, with the condition must perfect the number
of rakaat itself, after the priest salam; If the priest is
already in takbir, then makmum must immediately
do the takbir and do not ever precede and dismiss
the movement of the priest; makmum should pay
careful attention to the reading of the priest; if the
jamaah is heterogeneous, the priest should read a
short letter, adjusted to the condition of the pilgrims;
if there is a Masbuq (belated), he should follow the
last priest's movement at any position; if the imam
forgets in the prayer movement, the jamaah is
reminded by saying ‘subhanallah’, if the priest
forgot his reading, he’ll be reminded of reciting the
passage; everyone is prohibited passing in front of
the person who is praying; and after the prayer, the
priest should face the jamaah (Syakir Jamaluddin,
4.2.1 Analysis of Sholat jamaah Procedures
Implemented in the Mosque
We have to choose a right place and most
worthy to establish an organization.
Before Takbir, the Priest is advised to Face
Before starting the activity, the leader must see
the condition of his subordinates first. Is the
subordinate really ready and occupy their
respective place.
The Islamic-modelled organization should
not only cater to the economic needs of
employees but should also provide support for
their social and spiritual needs. For instance,
the observance of congregational prayers at
workplace helps to close ranks and create trust
and acquaintance with each other resulting in
social relationships that extend beyond the
workplace. (Ahmad and Ogunsola, 201l)
Muqim May Congregate to the Traveler
Muqim can congregate the traveller who qoshor
prayer and then completes the number of rakaat
itself, after the salam of the imam; a leader has
not always the person who is domiciled at the
organization was founded. The important,
leader is the people who best understand the
best way to achieve organizational goals.
After the Priest Takbir
Makmum must takbir immediately and never
dismisses the movement of the priest; for the
sake of achieving the goals of the organization,
subordinates must be disciplined and perform
his duties immediately, not procrastinate.
Focus on the task, no need to reduce or add
things that are not needed.
The formation of effective leader-member
relations requires an objective assessment of
the position of the leader, which excludes the
idealization of his or her personality and role,
which is not easy to achieve because the
majority of the leaders are idealized by their
followers to a lesser or greater extent (Ansari
et.al, 2007)
Makmum Should Pay Careful Attention
Makmum should pay careful attention to the
reading of the priest. Makmum follows the
movements and the priest's reading while
watching; Subordinates in running the
activities always pay attention to the rules set
and direction of the leadership. So, the
organization's goals will be achieved.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy