separation is also not conducive to the ethical practice
of business. To separate religious ethics from
business ethics is to impoverish both (Green, 1999).
Religious values have a significant impact in
overcoming the social problem in the public
community that can support the eradication of
Some themes were developed based on data
collection on causes, process, and form of bribery,
including religious faith.
In particular, as a distinct issue, bribery in the
private sector is not yet treated by key institutions in
Indonesia. In order to be adopted, there must be
strong leadership and political will. Only with
governments collaborating, religious leaders,
academic institutions providing transparent and
accountable oversight of the company, will it be
possible to introduce policies that mitigate
institutional bribery. Civil society must play its role
in ensuring private companies are transparent and
accountable. Industry must use its knowledge and
considerable resources as part of multi-stakeholder
initiatives that tackle bribery in the sector.
Research that addresses the process of bribery is
warranted. Future research should explore other
processes as well.
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