experience for a company, divided into two concepts,
namely Strategic Experiential Modules (SEMs),
which form the basis of experiential marketing and
ExperinceProviders (ExPros) into tactical tools to
implement experiential marketing.
2.1 Strategic Experiential Modules
According to Schmitt (1999: 64) Strategic Experintial
Modules (SEMs) describe five types of customer
experience that are the basis of experiential
marketing, the five types are sense, feel, think, act and
relate. SEMs.
2.1.1 Sense
Sense focuses on feelings with the intention of
creating the experience through the five senses ie,
sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Sense can be
used to differentiate companies and products, provide
motivation to customers, and add value to the
product. Sense must be able to influence the five
senses of the customer and become a good stimulus
in order to provide an impressive experience.
2.1.2 Feel
Feel strives to attract the deepest feelings and
emotions of customers in order to create a deep
feeling for the customer experience. Starting from the
usual feelings to the level of strong emotions because
of pride and prestige to what has been passed. If the
company intends to use the feel marketings as part of
marketing strategy, then there are two things that
must be understood, namely:
2.1.3 Mood (mood)
Mood can be generated by providing specific stimuli.
Mood is a state of affection that is positive or
negative. Moods often have a strong influence on
what consumers remember and what brands they
2.1.4 Emotions (emotion)
Emotions are stronger than moods and are affective
statements of specific stimuli, such as anger, jealousy,
and love. These emotions are always caused by
something or someone (person, event, company,
product or communication pattern).
2.1.5 Think
Think comes from surprises, interests, and to attract
consumers to think and concentrate. Think
encourages consumers to care more and think
creatively, to trigger them to evaluate companies and
2.1.6 Act
Act marketing is designed to create an experience
related to the body's experience (physical / body),
long-term behavioral patterns and lifestyles, and
experience as a result of interaction with others,
which will enrich the lives of customers with a bodily
experience (Schmitt 1999: 54) . Act moves beyond
sensation, affection, and cognition.
2.1.7 Relate
Relate connects individual consumers with society or
with a culture. Relate to the power of Pull the deepest
desire for customers to the formation of self-
improvement, social-economic status, and image.
2.2 Experiential Providers
Experiential providers (ExPros) explain how SEMs
can be formed or also called as a means of
communication between producers / companies with
consumers. The media used can be communications,
visual / verbal identity, product present, co-branding,
spatial environment, electronic media and people
(Schmitt, 2003; Amir, 2007)
2.2.1 Communication
Communication includes covering advertising which
is one of ExPros's most important communications
and then following magalogs.
2.2.2 Visual / Verbal Identity
Visual / verbal identity ranges from:
Names (name)
Giving a brand name to a product / company is
important because it provides an experience to
the customer who reads and / or hears it. Giving
a name leads to the identity of the company
owner, functional value as well as certain
emotional value.
Logos (Logo)
Logo is a form of drawing or sketch with a
certain meaning and can represent a meaning
Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung