Here are 8 groups of Muslims who are entitled to
receive zakat based on Q.S At Taubah verse 60:
Fakir (people who do not have property)
Poor (people whose income is insufficient)
Riqab (slaves)
Gharim (people who have a lot of debt)
Converts (new converts to Islam)
Fisabilillah (warrior in the path of Allah)
Ibn Sabil (musyafir and overseas students)
Amil zakat (receiving committee and zakat fund
2.2 Consumptive and Productive Zakat
2.2.1 Consumptive Zakat
Consumptive Zakat is a zakat treasure directly
reserved for the poor and needy, especially the poor.
Zakat treasure is directed primarily to meet the basic
needs of life, such as food, clothing and shelter.
Primary needs are primarily for the needy, poor,
gharim, orphans, the elderly or physically disabled
who can not do anything to earn a living for the sake
of survival, as well as other temporal help such as:
zakat fitrah, Eid gifts and the distribution of special
qurban meat on Eid al-Adha.
Their needs do seem to be solved by using
consumptive properties of zakat, for example to eat
and drink at certain time, fulfillment of clothing,
shelter and other urgent living necessities
(Muhammad, and Ridwan Mas’ud, 2005).
2.2.2 Productive Zakat
Productive zakat is the giving of zakat which enable
the receiver to produce something continually with
the zakat that is received. Productive zakat is where
the zakat's assets or funds given to the mustahik are
not spent but are developed and used to help their
business, so that with the effort they can meet the
needs of life continuously (Fakhruddin, 2008).
M.A. Manan (1997) says, zakat funds can be
utilized for productive investment, funding for
various development projects in education, health
care, clean water and other social welfare activities,
which are solely for the benefit of the poor. The
income of the poor is expected to increase as a result
of their higher productivity.
2.2.3 Definition of Implementation
In simple terms implementation can be interpreted as
execution or application. Browne and Wildavsky (in
Nurdin and Usman, 2003: 7) suggests that
"implementation is an extension of mutually
adjusting activities". Implementation is an action to
achieve the objectives outlined in policy decisions,
the action is done either by individuals, government
officials or private. Based on the description, it can be
concluded that the implementation is a dynamic
process, where the executor of the policy conduct
activities or activities, so that in the end will get a
result in accordance with the goals or objectives of
the policy itself.
The plan is 20% success, the implementation is
60%, the remaining 20% is how we control the
implementation. Implementation of the policy is the
most difficult, because here the problems are
sometimes not found in the concept, appear on the
field. In addition, the main threat, is the consistency
of implementation (Nugroho, 2011). Various
approaches in policy implementation, whether related
to the implementation, resources, environment,
methods, problems and pluralism level faced in the
This study is a descriptive qualitative study which is
aimed to understand a phenomena about what is
experienced by the research subject such as behavior,
perception, motivation, and action, holistically and
with description in form of words and language, with
the data collection procedure through observation and
indepth interview.
In qualitative research, there is no population
because researchers enter certain social situations that
can be certain educational institutions, certain
communities or certain groups of people to observe
and interview people who are considered to know
about the social situation. Determination of data
source in the interviewee is done purposively that is
chosen with certain consideration and purpose. From
the ten sub-districts in Samarinda city, the researchers
took each of 10 people per sub-district so that the total
is 100 respondents.
The sample as a data source should meet the
following criteria:
Those who master or understand something, for
example through the process of distribution of
zakat, so that something is not just known, but
also understood.
Those who are categorized as still engaged or
engaged in activities under investigation in
recent months.
Those who have adequate time for information
Those who do not tend to convey information on
the results of their own "packaging"