Selangor also still remains one of Malaysia's largest
agricultural land. Its involves the plantation and
fisheries sector. In 2000, the primary sector
contributed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by RM1,
509 million or 3.2% of the total GDP of the State of
Selangor. Of these, 69% or RM1, 038 million were
contributions from agriculture and forestry activities,
while 31% were from mining activities, as reported in
the Selangor State Structural Plan 2020. The value of
this GDP increased by 51% to RM2, 282 million
(1.8% of total GDP in Selangor) in 2010, accounting
for 93% of contribution to agriculture and forestry
activities, and 7% of mining activities (Laporan
Tinjauan Rancangan Kajian Struktur Negeri Selangor
2035, 2017).
It is clear that Selangor is indeed a richest state
and its rich resources are also very diverse. It can be
summarized into three main sources. The first source
of employment-based wealth (employment income),
second from wealth-based business resources and
third, wealth based on agricultural resources. On that
basis, the zakat fatwa in Selangor must take into
consideration the diversity of these resources. It is to
ensure the sustainability of zakat-based wealth
sharing can be implemented and ensure the fate of the
needy Muslims continue to be assisted.
2.1 Fatwa
Fatwa means to explain. In the term of syarak, fatwa
means the answer is made by the mufti or the person
who is faqih on a matter or fiqh law when asked about
it, or reveals the law of Allah SWT whether it is
obligatory or not obligatory (Bahari, 2014). A fatwa
issued by a state has legislative power (legally) so it
binds the public to stick with it (Kasan, 2006). It is
reasonable, in order to create unity of mind and
practice among Muslims. It fulfils the requirement of
the fatwa itself, as a mechanism to avoid conflicts and
prolonged disputes among Muslims (Kasan, 2006).
Mufti means, everyone who has the ability of
Islamic knowledge, so he can issue fatwa. However,
in order to safeguard the state's interests and prevent
the seeds of differences that may cause of the dispute,
the mufti is appointed by the government (Kasan,
2006). The mufti is given power and responsibility to
issuing fatwa that can help the government's duties in
executing the government. The earliest Islamic
government to appoint a kadi or mufti is the Bani of
Abbasid Empire who has appointed Abu Yusuf to
issue a fatwa (Buang, 2016).
In the context of the state of Selangor, the mufti
was appointed by His Royal Highness the Sultan as
the Head of State Islamic Religion. Mufti is also the
Chairman of the State Fatwa Committee, which is
responsible for holding meetings and discussions on
a legal issue. Each fatwa issued by the committee is
referred to as fatwa jamaie (Kasan, 2006).
The Malaysian Constitution has given the right to
administer Islamic religion to the state government.
This is explained in the Malaysian Constitution. In
1989, the Selangor State Legislative Assembly as
state lawmakers made an amendments to the Islamic
Law Administration Enactment, by separating
between the administration of the Selangor Islamic
Religious Council, the Mufti Department and the
Syariah Courts. From that same year, job of issuing
fatwa, which was previously handled by the Selangor
Islamic Religious Council, was handed over to the
Mufti Department (Selangor Islamic Legal
Enactment (EPPI), Section 28, 30) (Nasohah, 2005).
However, the Mufti Department or Mufti itself,
cannot issue a fatwa privately. The Mufti will carry
out his duties with a committee known as the Fatwa
Committee, comprised of several other specialists,
either representing governmental agencies or even
individuals who are accredited to be a member of the
fatwa committee (Nasohah, 2005). Hence, laws
across the country in Malaysia including Selangor
prescribe, a statement or religious law issued by a
mufti should not be considered a fatwa, unless it is
officially issued through an official Fatwa Committee
appointed by the Sultan or the government. Each
fatwa must also go through some of the established
procedures (Bahrom, 2011).
2.2 Fatwa-Fatwa Analysis Collection
In 16 years, 23 fatwas on zakat collection have been
issued by the Selangor Fatwa Committee, which is
can be divided into five categories:
1) Fatwa on new wealth of zakat
a) January 16, 2001, fatwa on income. The
decision, the zakat income law is mandatory
for Muslims and all Muslims who live or work
in Selangor shall pay income zakat to the
Selangor Zakat Center.
b) 22 December 2009, fatwa on zakat investment
stock. The decision, the zakat law on stock
investment, is equal to zakat of business goods
('arud tijarah), regardless of whether the stock
investment is to be traded or stored.
c) 20 April 2010, fatwa on zakat payment by unit
trust management company. The result, zakat
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy