Committee within the organization. Such a team
should be made up not only of executive board
members but also of individuals directly
involved in tasks and projects (Domanski 2016).
Making and Communicating the Decision
and Action
There are many effective risk management
techniques that can be applied to address
specific identified risks. A number of non-profit
organizations use those techniques often now
knowing that what they do is part and parcel of
strategic risk management. Head and Herman
(2002, pp.55–63) in Domanski (2016), provided
an exhaustive list of such techniques which
includes provision of training, securing OHS
tools and equipment, staff appraisals, volunteer
and participant assessment, adequate
supervision, maintenance and repair
planning, contingency planning and testing,
clearly defining expectations and issuing clear
instructions, use of external experts,
stocktaking of assets, regulatory compliance,
internal audit procedures, readiness to cover
financial losses, and regular stakeholder
communication. The stage of the risk
management processes called “Action” covers
the implementation of actions defined earlier in
line with the logical sequence as defined in the
strategic risk management plan (Domanski,
Monitoring and Course Correcting
This step is designed to monitor the strategic
risk management process and to implement
necessary corrections. It is critical that a
developed action plan should not be seen a
static, once-for-all document. (Domanski,
Non Government Organization (NGO) or not-for-
profit organization is an institution which have
responsibility to public, so the prudent management
is needed to develop the sustainability of NGO
operational. Waqf as instrument in Islamic economic
and included Islamic social finance have the same
characteristic like as the NGO which have purpose to
serve the society and social solidarity. This paper
emphasizes the risk management mechanism in
managing the productive waqf. Productive waqf
institution should emphasizes to face the possibility
the occurrence of risk in managing productive waqf
by conducting risk identification, risk assessment,
risk prevention, risk mitigation and monitoring risk
management process. In this study to response the
research question, classification of risk faced by Non
Government Organization (NGO) or not-for-profit
organization covers risks related to management,
operation, finance, external environment, regulatory
environment, partnership, grants, and
staff/volunteers, while the unique risk factors faced
by awqaf and waqf-based organizations cover Credit
risk, Market risk/ Rate-of-return risk, Reputation risk,
Shariah-legal risk, Risk of waqf-corpus depletion,
Risk of improper benefit sharing, Operational risk.
The risk management mechanism which was
implemented in productive Waqf institution in this
paper adopt the risk management process according
to (Head, Herman, 2002, pp. 47) which was
implemented in the research of Domanski (2016)
including “Identifying the context,”; “Risk
assessment,”; “Taking and communicating
appropriate decisions;” “Acting on decisions taken;”
and “Monitoring and adjustment.
The implementation of risk management in
productive waqf institution can give explanation
about the mechanism of risk management in
productive waqf to conduct productive waqf properly
and increase the trust of public and society and can
reach the welfare of ummah and welfare state.
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