Along with the growing organization of zakat
institutions, it needs a common service standard
among the various activities, branches and managing
employees. On this basis, there arises the need for a
service standard that can be referred to as a reference.
In addition, the improvement of service quality is
closely related to the level of public trust to the zakat
institution. On the other hand, externally competition
between zakat management organizations in
attracting public sympathy is also high. Therefore, it
is necessary to improve the quality of organizational
management that is oriented to the improvement of
performance, as well as the improvement of service
to the society. Therefore, there is an impetus to
implement quality management in zakat’s institutions
to meet the perceived needs.
The Quality of management is the whole process
in the organization to meet the quality standards that
have been set as satisfying standards for all
stakeholders (Juwaini, 2015). Related to quality
management, experts have also explained that the
quality management integrated (total quality
management). In some literature, some authors
equated the notion of quality management with
integrated quality management.
The concept of quality in Islamic perspective is
comprehensive, as a process that provides positive
change toward the best performance or "excellent" for
all types of businesses, where the ultimate goal is to
improve the quality of human life (Hassan, 2005).
This is a long-term process through continuous
improvement throughout the process. The Quality
management in Islam does not mean producing only
quality products for consumers to be satisfied, but
moreover, it’s also covers the whole aspects of the
quality of individuals, organizations, and
communities, so that the results can be beneficial for
the welfare of all human beings. The purpose of a
syariah-based company or institution is to maximize
both profits while success in the world and in the
hereafter. In Islam, the ability to compete is not used
to exploit others, but rather to help each other in
improving the quality of life.
3.1 Basic Principles of Zakat
Management in Syariah
The management of zakat in Islam has at least four
principles: five pillars of Islam; moral, institution;
and management (Sudewo, 2004).
3.3.1 Principle of Pillars of Islam
Functionally, the pillars of Islam can be distinguished
from two types of personal and community pillars.
The personal pillars include shahada, prayer, fasting,
and Hajj. While the pillars of society only one,
namely zakat. Rukun private can be said as
hablumminallah worship, while community pillars
referred to as hablummninannaas.
3.3.2 Moral Principles
In the management of zakat, morally the amil is
required to have several requirements. The properties
of such morality are: honest; amanah; sidiq;
responsible; fair; love; love to help; and patient.
3.3.3 Principle of Institution
Some of the institutional principles that should be
owned by zakat agencies to be trusted are: the right
figure; non-political; non-class; independent; and
neutral objective. There are some differences and
similarities between companies and institutions of
zakat. In terms of differences, corporations and zakat
institutions have very extreme differences. In terms
of products, the company produces goods or services,
while the product of zakat’s institutions is a value.
In terms of goals, companies seek profit, while
zakat’s institutions do not seek profit because the
purpose is established in order to overcome the
problem of poverty. The product of this company is
value-free, while the zakat institution program is
heavily loaded with value. The owner of the company
is a shareholder, while the zakah institution is owned
by stakeholders.
3.3.4 Principle of Management
Two management styles in the management of a
company are the style of management by the result
and the style of management by the process.
Management style orientation by result is very
stressed on the results. This style does not care about
the process and the impact it brings. This
management orientation to win the competition.
Islamic Quality Management for Zakat Institution toward Strength of National Welfare