human development index (HDI), which is an
indicator in measuring the level of well-being of the
community. In addition to the problem of poverty of
the West Java high enough, West Java was still faced
with the problems of human development. IPM in
West Java in 2015 is still fairly low i.e. 69.50 and only
occupies the 11th position among other provinces in
Indonesia (BPS, 2016).
Welfare related with the problem of poverty.
Another case based on QS. An-Nisa: 9 that prosperity
has a close relation with devotion to God Almighty.
With respect to this issue then Islam has set up
mechanisms through public Islamic financial
instruments i.e. zakat as already mentioned by Allah
in the Qur’an. At-Tawbah: 60.
Table 1: The potential of the zakat according to province.
Province Potential of Zakat
West Java Rp. 17, 67 trillion
East Java Rp. 15, 49 trillion
Central Java Rp. 13, 28 trillion
Source: BAZNAS and FEM IPB (2011)
Based on Table 1 potential zakat West Java
reached Rp. 17.67 trillion. As for the data collection
of zakat in West Java showed a fairly high gap
between potential gathering together with the
realization of zakat in 2016 recently reached Rp.
71.71 billion or amounting to 0.4 per cent of its
potential (BAZNAS, 2016). Thus, the existence of the
role of zakat in this issue became one of the important
pillars in the Religious Financial Sector that has a
national strategy to encourage economic growth
through equitable distribution of income, reduction
poverty, as well as the stabilization of the financial
system (BAZNAS, 2016).
One of distributing Zakah Fund can be disbursed
productive programs that are long-term in order to
empower mustahik productively. Distribution of
zakat through productive programs will hopefully
have the staying power of social economics in the
long run, like help funding micro mustahik (Beik and
Arsyianti, 2015). MiSykat DPU DT is one of the
implications of productive utilization of zakat
through Islamic microfinancing to mustahik which is
expected to expand, increase revenue, and welfare
mustahik either in material or spiritual.
Based on some of the research results of the study
show that the impact of the utilization of zakat can
improve the productive side of mustahik material
which is characterized by an increase in revenues. But
there is a difference of the results of the study research
Beik and Arsyanti (2016) related impact zakat against
poverty and well-being as measured from the side of
the material and the spiritual. The results show that an
increase in the level of welfare mustahik of 96.8
percent, as well as an increase in score spirituality of
13.09 percent. The results of the study show that the
impact of the productive utilization of zakat in
addition can fix the mustahik material, as well as the
increase of the spiritual side.
Based on the research results and problems of the
phenomenon before, then the author is interested in
researching further how the level of prosperity of
mustahik based on trends of Sharia which includes
material and spiritual aspects of utilization of zakat
There are a number of welfare-related view is one that
is a capitalist economy views assessing that well-
being will be realized when the achievement of
optimal point of each factor of production and already
allocation so as to achieve the ideal balance. The
concept of mathematical ksejahteraan is known for its
optimal "Pareto" that his thinking was just resting on
the material aspect, because he thought a non material
welfare (psychic) are not included in economic field
(Aedy, 2011). This has been one of the weaknesses of
the theory of capitalist Western or welfare which is
just materialistic values put forward without paying
attention to the aspect of spirituality that will support
the well-being of individuals better and thorough.
Besides it there are some major flaws of
capitalism in building prosperity that only focus on
economic growth, in addition satisfied tool believes
that capitalism needs a human is limited while the
nature of human needs that are not limited. This
confidence will push mankind has greed to collect
treasures. vying Another drawback that is reflected on
the belief the ideology of capitalism that separate
between religion and life. This is the culmination of
the fallacy of capitalism in respect of religion must be
separated from human life. But in fact this life
belongs to Allah almighty and deeply religious needs
to set the balance of the good life in this world and in
the hereafter. This is because religious people will
achieve the happiness of the world and the hereafter
(Aedy, 2011).
Based on a wide range of viewpoints about
welfare, then according to Qur'an regarding welfare
as rahmatan lil alamin part of which are taught by
Islam tlah. The realization of prosperity when humans
carry out all orders and prohibitions of Allah SWT or
steered clear of making himself as the servant of the
righteous. It is as mentioned in the Qur’an. An-Nahl: