Religiosity and Trust towards Istiqomah Muzakki
Mujiono Satria Wibawa and Ririn Tri Ratnasari
Universitas Airlangga,
Keywords: Religiosity, Trust, Istiqomah, Muzakki.
Abstract: The potential of zakat in Indonesia reached 217 trillion rupiahs in 2010 and with PDB estimation, the potential
in 2015 would be 286 trillion rupiahs, although the accumulation of if is still low. This study aims to know
the effect of religiousness and trust to istiqomah muzakki in Surabaya. This study is also expected to help the
zakat management institution and the government to raise the accumulation of zakat especially in Surabaya,
East Java. This study uses questionnaires in the collection of primary data and a quantitative approach in using
multiplied regression analysis. The study samples are 60 muzakki people and the citizens of Surabaya, who
had paid the zakat from zakat of fitrah, maal, and profession. The result of this study shows that religiousness
consists of dimension of iman, knowledge of Islam, intensity of ibadah ritual, religion experience, and the
simultaneous or half practice of Islam teaching effecting istiqomah muzakki in Surabaya.
The potential of zakat in Indonesia in 2010 has
reached Rp 217 Trillions of Rupiah, and increased in
2015 to Rp 286 Trillions of Rupiah. However, the
collection of zakat is still low, in 2015 only 3.7 trillion
rupiah or 1.3 percent of GDP (Bambang, 2016 in According to Zakat Agency Advisor
BAZ Surabaya KH. Abdurrahman Navis explains, the
potential of zakat in East Java is currently amounted
to 16 trillion rupiah, but from the record of Amil
Zakat Agency BAZ East Java only 8 billion Rupiah
zakat potential that can be optimized. This is due to
low understanding of the various kinds of zakat that
exist in Islam. Muslims in East Java are mostly only
fixated on zakat fitrah issued only once a year in the
month of Ramadan. Therefore, efforts to raise funds
for zakat should be improved. This study intends to
analyze whether the religiosity and trust factor will
affect the istiqomah muzakki to perform the
obligation to pay zakat.
The definition of zakat according to the term fiqh
of Islam, zakat means the property that must be
removed from the wealth of the rich to be delivered
to those who are entitled to receive it, with the rules
that have been determined in syara' (Anshori, 2006:
12). The basis of zakat law has been explained in Al-
Quran and Hadith. In QS. Al Baqarah verse 110:
good you put forward for yourselves - you will find it
with Allah. Indeed, Allah is s
(Al Quran Departemen Agama RI, 1989). Also
according to Hadith narrated by Al-Bukhory:
been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people
until they testify that none has the right to be
worshipped but Allah, and that Muhammad is Allah's
Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the
obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they
save their lives property from me except for Islamic
laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done
(HR. Bukhari: 25) (Qardhawi, 1996:15).
The theoretical basis of the relation between
religiosity and istiqomah muzakki states a person who
Wibawa, M. and Ratnasari, R.
Religiosity and Trust towards Istiqomah Muzakki.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 617-620
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
has a strong religiosity tends to perform the actions
commanded in his religion. Zakat is one of the pillars
of Islam, so a devout Muslim will pay zakat. The
stronger the level of a person's religiosity the stronger
their istiqomah in performing religious orders,
including the implementation of zakat. Then the trust
(muzakki on the zakat processing agencies) is
believed to play a role in establishing customer
perceptions in their relationship with service
companies (Cronin and Taylor 1992: 23). Based on
the letter An-Nahl verse 116 written above, zakat
employees management agencies must be honest with
everything about the products and services they
offered, so that the muzakkitrust in the institution
will be maintained. If the trust of muzakki has been
maintained then it is not impossible muzakki will pay
zakat istiqomah through zakat institution.
2.1 Zakah
According to the term fiqh Islam, zakat means the
property that must be excluded from the wealth of the
rich to be delivered to those who are entitled to
receive it, with the rules that have been determined in
syara' (Anshori, 2006: 12). The legal basis of zakat is
set within QS. Al Baqarah verses 110.
2.2 Religiosity
According to Glock and Stark in Ancok and Suroso
(2001) religiosity is how far the knowledge, how firm
belief, how diligent the implementation of worship
and how deep appreciation of one's religion.
Ratnasari (2015) mentioned in his research, the
dimension of religiosity are as follows: Dimension of
Faith (Aqidah), Dimension of Religious Practice
(Shariah) Dimension of Experience (Ihsan)
Dimension of Knowledge of Religion (Science)
Dimension of Approach (Akhlaq).
2.3 Trust
Dabholkar (1995) mentions, consumer confidence
depends on the consumer experience in consuming
goods or services and receive good information from
service providers. Morgan and Hunt (1994)
mentioned that there are six indicators of trust, such
as consistent service delivery, offering quality
products, open in the delivery of information about
the products offered, timeliness in product service,
good response, and good impression.
2.4 Istiqomah Muzakki
According to Tasmara (2001: 173) that istiqomah
translated as a form of inner quality that gave birth to
consistent attitude (obedient principle) and firm
stance to establish and shape something towards the
perfection or better conditions. Tasmara (2001) adds,
the four elements contained in istiqomah attitude,
namely: Commitment, Consistence, Consequence,
and Continuous (Echols and Shadily 2006: 144).
The approach used in this research is quantitative
approach. In the data collection procedure, the
researcher took the entire population of muzakki who
had paid zakat on zakat management institution
which is a resident of Surabaya. While the sample in
this study is 60 muzakki who have paid zakat on zakat
management institution that domiciled in Surabaya.
This is based on the opinion of Gay and Diehl (1992:
146) that the sample should be as big as possible.
Sampling technique using Probability Sampling by
using accidental sampling or simple random
sampling. This is because the collection of sample
members from the population is done randomly
regardless of the strata within the population. This is
done when the members of the population are
considered homogeneous.
Table 1: Multiple linear analysis.
The results of the test above, obtained the regression
equation as follows:
Y : Istiqomah Muzakki variable
: religiosity variable
:trust variable
e :standard error
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Based on the analysis results above, t value and
significance of each of the exogenous variables
obtained as follows:
Religiosity gets a t value of 4.506 and a
significance level of 0 <0.1
Trust earns a t value of 1.845 and a singularity
level of 0.07 <0.1
Table 2: Coefficient of determination (R
Coefficient of Determination (R
Based on the table above, it can be interpreted that
31,7% variable istiqomah muzakki (Y) on regression
model of this research can be explained by
independent variable that is religiosity (X1) and trust
(X2). While the rest of 68.3% influenced by other
variables besides the variable religiosity (X1) and
trust (X2).
Table 3: Simultaneous significance test result (Test Statistic
In the table above, F-Calculate the result is 13.251
with a significance value of 0.000. The value of
significance is smaller than 0.1. This means Ho is
rejected and H1 accepted. Based on these results, it
can be concluded that there is simultaneous influence
of religiosity and trust to istiqomah muzakki in
Table 4: Significance test in individual parameters.
T Value
In the table above, t-count of the religiosity
variable has a result of 4.506 with a significance value
-count results of confidence
0.1. This means H0 is rejected, while H2 and H3 are
accepted. Based on these results, it can be concluded
that there is influence of religiosity on istiqomah
muzakki in Surabaya and also there is influence of
trust to istiqomah muzakki in Surabaya.
The result of F test shows that there is
simultaneous influence of religiosity and service
quality to istiqomah muzakki. This can be proven
from the value of F-count is 13.251 with a
significance value of 0.000 (less than 0.1). According
to Ancok and Suroso (2001: 80) one dimension of
religiosity is the dimension of worship, which refers
to how the level of compliance of Muslims in
performing ritual activities as enjoined and advocated
by their religion. Zakat in Islam has a mandatory law
to carry out, as described in QS. Al Baqarah verse
      
whatever good you put forward for yourselves - you
will find it with Allah. Indeed, Allah is seeing of what
you do (Al Quran Departemen Agama RI, 1989).
According to Dabholkar (1995), consumer trust
depends on the consumer's experience in consuming
goods or services and receiving good information
from service providers. Therefore, if the consumer
experience is good to the manufacturer or service
providers, it is not uncommon that consumers will
repeat the purchase until it continues to form loyalty.
Based on the discussion above, the result of F test has
shown simultaneous influence between religiosity
and trust toward istiqomah muzakki according to the
obligatory of zakat, opinion of Ancok and Suroso and
4.1 The Influence of Trust on
Istiqomah Muzakki
The result of t test also states that there is influence of
trust to istiqomah muzakki in Surabaya, which is
indicated from t-count of trust variable equal to 1,845
with signif       
because every zakat management institution requires
the trust of muzakki for managed business growth, so
it takes all efforts to maintain and improve the trust of
muzakki to achieve istiqomah. One effort that can be
done is to establish honesty with muzakki. This is in
accordance with Al-Qur'an letter An-Nahl verse 116:
Wa taqūlū limā taṡifu ‘alsinatukumu ‘l-każiba
hāżā ḥalālun wa hāżā ḥarāmun litaftarū ‘ala ‘l-Lahi
‘l-każiba inna ‘l-lażīna yaftarūna ‘ala ‘l-Lahi ‘l-
każiba lā yufliḥūna
Religiosity and Trust towards Istiqomah Muzakki
r tongues assert
of untruth, "This is lawful and this is unlawful," to
invent falsehood about Allah. Indeed, those who
  (Al
Quran Departemen Agama RI, 1989).
If their relationship runs well then the dimension
of istiqomah muzakki Consistence and Continuous
(Echols and Shadily: 2006) will occur.
4.2 The influence of Religiosity on
Istiqomah Muzakki
The result of t test indicates that there is influence of
religiosity toward istiqomah muzakki in Surabaya,
which is shown from t-count of religiosity variable
0,1. This is in accordance with research that
conducted by Ashadi (2014), which states that there
is influence of religiosity on istiqomah attitudes from
the customers.
Research conclusion of the influence of Religiosity
and trust on Istiqomah Muzakki in Surabaya states
that the level of religiosity and trust simultaneously
affect the Istiqomah Muzakki in Surabaya. This is
because religiosity refers to how the level of Muslim
obedience in performing ritual activities as enjoined
and advocated by religion and trust depends on the
consumer's experience in consuming goods or
services and receiving good information from service
providers, so it can be said that they simultaneously
affect Istiqomah Muzakki. Besides that, consumer
trust can make sure to play role of making consumer
perception in their relationship with the service
provider company, so they can reach Istiqomah
muzakki. The level of religiosity affects Istiqomah
Muzakki in Surabaya and the level of trust influences
on Istiqomah Muzakki in Surabaya.
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