Askham (2005) say in his research, Another way to
get to knowing and understanding the complexity of
the problem is to see it not as a problem but as a set
of problems that affect staff differences in different
ways. On a more positive note one of the things that
emerged from the study, in terms of examples of good
initiatives on recruitment and retention, is the need to
draw out the complexity of the problem and identify
internal and external factors. External factors are
factors where managers can only control little or no
control at all (May and Askham, 2005)
According to May and Askham (2005), the
recruitment and retention of a company's managing
staff is a complex problem involving on various
issues. It is also important to know that many factors
affect the recruitment and retention of these
outsourced employees. There are four distinct major
factors emerging from the data as significant factors
regarding recruitment and retention problems; social,
financial, political and environmental issues.
Ali (2010) further highlighted the uses of Islamic
philosophy such as Ihsan in the workplace will
provide a useful framework for protecting the
interests of society. Such models offer a useful way
for HR practitioners about how to handle HR issues
in a meaningful way in Islamic societies and if
practiced can help in protecting against human rights
violations and achieving a balance between the
interests of the organization and society (Mellahi and
Budhwar, 2010). Branine and Pollard, in the second
paper further explores the Islamic implications of
HRM management practices. They acknowledge the
apparent gap between management theory and
Islamic practice, they highlight that management in
Arab countries is strongly influenced by a
combination of traditional non-Islam and national
cultural values, the norms of different countries and
western management think not the Islamic principles
(Mellahi and Budhwar, 2010).
The principles of Islamic sharia related to
compensation filed by Salleh and Mohamad (2012)
include payments decided upon in advance under a
well-defined agreement, parallel to the applicable
market standard, based on employee experience and
qualifications, commensurate with performance, fair,
fair, sufficient to meet basic needs, and immediately
awarded after the completion of work (Muhammad
Habib Rana Muhammad Shaukat Malik, 2016).
As we have tried to show out, it is not a religion
that oppresses individual and collective rights, but
instead Islam provides direction to do justice and
goodness (Ahmad, 2011)
Based on study by Junaidah Hashim (2010),
several organizations where respondents work, often
practice Islamic approach in carrying out human
resources but the performance appraisal, recruitment
and dismissal functions are lacking the Islamic
approach. According to Mebang (2015) that,
"workers have no job certainty, and comfort work.
Because it can be anytime and anywhere can be
dismissed. There is no guarantee that the company
will extend the contract period, there is no chance of
increased status and a very small career ".
The management of human resources in a
company must be carried out properly. Where human
beings as employees should be treated as human
beings who have rights such as health, careers, and
occupational safety. But employees also have the
duty and responsibilities responsibly so as to produce
the desired product company (Kasmir, 2016).
According to Hussain and Rehman (2013), many
organizations today increase employee salaries and
benefits to avoid employee retention (Gumbus and
Johnson, 2003). Previous research was conducted by
Arthur (1994) and Shaw et al. (1998) Employee
retention can be avoided through the application of
high-involvement work practices and giving more
wages to employees (Rehman and Ur, 2013).
In Islamic human resource management theory,
matters related to the fulfillment of workers' rights are
crucial, in order to establish a conducive relationship
between workers and employers. Islam sees, in the
relationship of labor should be a mutually beneficial
partnership relationship. Should not one party
tyrannize and feel tyrannical by the other party.
Outsourcing for HR functions should be viewed as a
business imperative, not a luxury. Approaches and
their applications should be tailored to fit perfectly.
This partnership should be nurtured and closely
monitored. According to Islam, the whole function of
life is the process of coordinating a set of activities
that must be in accordance with principles derived
from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Therefore, outsourcing
in an Islamic perspective should be carried out fairly
between workers and companies.
The basics of religious human resource strategy
especially on outsourced employees is important but
rarely highlighted in the literature. There is no
difference between the concept of outsourcing in
general or conventional with the concept of
outsourcing in the Islam, but, implementation in the
field which is sometimes done by a company that
makes it not allowed in Islam. Such as injustices