normative and moral values that seem very real at the
level of individuals and society. Therefore, according
to Sumodiningrat (2007), community empowerment
is essentially the collective value of individual
Whereas according to Ife in Nawawi (2006),
empowerment consists of two key definitions, namely
power and the weak group. This conclusion arises
because empowerment means giving power to a weak
group. Power here is not only about political power,
but power in a broad sense that includes personal
choices and life opportunities; defining needs; ideas;
institutions, and economic activities.
In the view of Islamic economics, the economic
empowerment program of the people is very
compatible with the teachings of Islam, because the
goal of Islamic economy is to create a safe and
prosperous human life. Islam considers that the
dignity of humanity is an essential thing, so that every
human being plays a role to get the happiness of his
life. Islam also provides a deep awareness for us that
economic prosperity we will not get without a
harmonious social relationship. This is evident if in a
country there is a sharp social gap, then the country's
economy will run with a halt (Muhammad, 2002).
Islam indeed teaches growth and economic
development in a country, so Umer (2000) argued that
Islamic economics should concentrate on the
problems faced by the state and provide proposed
problem solving in an Islamic and economically and
politically allows to apply. Even Manan (1997)
affirms that the economic responsibility of Islam is
not only development and growth in the material field
only, but the spiritual and moral aspect occupies a
very important position. Thus, the Islamic concept of
development and economic growth is broader than
the secular economic concept. Although the basis of
Islamic economic development is multidimensional
which has moral, social, political and economic
dimensions, but from the beginning, moral and
spiritual development has been integrated in
economic development.
Therefore, to achieve growth and development
materially and spiritually, According to Husain
(2004), Islam has characteristics in its growth, which
is all-round, balanced, realistic, fair, responsible,
sufficient and focused on human beings in accordance
with their rights as the Caliph on earth. This
characteristic indicates that the goal of growth and
economic development in Islam is the opportunity of
all members of society-regardless of race, religion
and character-to gain prosperity, so that everyone can
feel the blessings and grace of Allah. (Anwar, 2008).
In order to provide assurance that a type of food is
halal (fulfilling Islamic criteria) and proper for
consumption by the community, especially for the
followers of Islam, MUI (the Indonesian Scholar
Council) takes policy by establishing LPPOM (a drug
and cosmetics food assessment institute) which
oversees and examines a food products, medicines
and cosmetics to then provide input to the fatwa
(Islamic jurist law declaration) commission to
provide halal certification to products that meet the
halal criteria. In the meantime, LPPOM MUI is only
passive, meaning that this institution is just doing
research on a product, if there is demand from
producers who want the products declared halal. This
is done because Law No. 33 of 2014 has not been
2.1 Research Object
The object of this research is the halal certification
institute of Food, Drug and Cosmetics Assessment
Institute (LPPOM) MUI East Java Province and SME
food products in East Java. The SMEs that become
the object of research is UD. Makmur Ds. Sukorame
Kec. Gandusari Kab. Trenggalek, Plemben Jl. S.
Hasanudin 224 Kab. Trenggalek, Ne-Vista Ds.
Tanggung Gunung Kec. Tanggung Gunung Kab.
Tulungagung, Kopai Osing HOS Cokroaminoto 93
Kabupaten Banyuwangi, and Omah Kopi Dsn.
Krajan RT. 02 RW.02 Ds. Telemung Kec. Kalipuro
Kabupaten Banyuwangi, with Dua Putri Jl. Rinjani
Gg. Cempaka Singotrunan Banyuwangi, and Maneer
Deles JL. Imam Bonjol NO.12 Tukang Kayu
2.2 Data Collecting Technique
In this research, qualitative data will be collected
(related to quality) and quantitative data (relating to
quantity). Because this research is a qualitative
research, it will be more emphasis on meaning, and
more focus on quality data with qualitative analysis.
While the quantity data, will be processed in the
mindset quantitative, not forced to be analyzed
qualitatively. This is what the researcher will do in
collecting this research data, so the quantitative data
is calculated not by the proof of to proof for a
prediction, but it is used as a supporting phenomenon
of qualitative analysis for the final conclusion of the
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy