Analysis of Sharia Compliance Islamic Business The Industrial
Centers of Peci
Survey on Cianjur Regency Craftsmen
Habibah Moslem, M. Adib Sultan, and Juliana Juliana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia, {adieb_sultan, juliana}
Keywords: Sharia Compliance, Fiqh Muamalah, Islamic Business Ethics.
Abstract: This research aims to measure the level of sharia compliance in the industrial centers of peci Cianjur. The
research was distributed by the high religiosity the entrepreneurs of peci, but the level of knowladge about
sharia compliance is low, and still many found transactions that are incompatible with sharia compliance. The
research used quantitative descriptive method, and data collection with questionnaires and interviews with
data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics. The population in this research is entrepreneurs in the
industrial centers of peci Cianjur, with sample saturated as many 28 respondents in 3 districts. Based on the
result of the research, it is known (1) the level of fiqh muamalah understanding entrepreneur peci Cianjur that
is equal to 67% with good category, the notion of rukun and terms of sale and purchase, forbidden transactions,
and zakat trading. (2) the level of application of Islamic business ethics that is equal to 76.3% included in the
good category, which includes the application of Islamic business ethics from the aspects of principles,
management, and business orientation.
MSMEs sector has an important role for the economy,
because most of Indonesian people work in the sector
of SMEs. One of them is the peci industry center
located in Cianjur Regency, which has big business
Based on pre-research data conducted on peci
craftsmen in Pagelaran Districts with brand
Kampoeng Peci Cianjur, monthly turnover reached
Rp. 60,000,000. The demand for peci also increased
threefold before the month of Ramadan, the
celebration of Eid al-Fitr and also Eid al-Adha.
Marketing caps have also penetrated to several areas
in Indonesia and also penetrated overseas markets.
The peci business in Cianjur begins due to the
many demand of caps by the santri in some pesantren
located in Cianjur Regency (Nurjaman, 2012).
Cianjur people are famous for having high religiosity
in accordance with the philosophy of Cianjur. The
people of Cianjur Regency are known as a religious
society with the majority of the population converting
to Islam (wikipedia, 2017).
In line with this, from the pre-research of the
craftsmen peci Cianjur has a high level of religiosity,
it is shown in the figure 1 below:
Figure 1: Implementation of Fardu Worship.
The picture above explains the level of the
implementation of fardu worship (rukun Islam), that
the people who work as artisans of peci there perform
fardu or obligatory services such as prayer, Ramadan
fasting, and zakat fitrah of 100%.
In addition to fardu worship, the level of
implementation of other sunnah worship is also very
high. Such as the implementation of sunna prayer
(tahajud, witir, dhuha, rawatib), berinfaq and alms,
reading the Quran, following religious activities.
Moslem, H., Sultan, M. and Juliana, J.
Analysis of Sharia Compliance Islamic Business The Industrial Centers of Peci - Survey on Cianjur Regency Craftsmen.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 698-701
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However, the high level of religiosity in the
implementation of fardu and sunah worship is not
directly proportional to the knowledge and
implementation of sharia compliance in business
implementation in Cianjur peci industry center. Only
one out of nine artisans claimed to always pay zakat,
while 89% or eight of nine respondents said they
rarely paid zakat. Understanding of peci artisans
about sharia compliance of Islamic business is still
very low. The peci artisans still do not know about the
difference of usury and the interest system, the
difference of usury and profit sharing, the pillars and
murabahah requirements in Islam, and the kind of
illicit transactions.
In capital, the artisans of peci in Buniwangi
Village Pagelaran sub-district also have difficulties to
access the business capital of sharia financial
institution because the location is far from downtown
of Cianjur Regency, and there is no syariah financial
institution like syariah banking and sharia
cooperative in that village. This has led to the
proliferation of mobile bank practices or loan sharks
as an alternative option for borrowing venture capital.
Sharia compliance can be defined as follows, that is
to comply with or follow the standards or laws or
rules relating to human behavior, both with respect to
the fundamental law and the branch law that comes
from the Qur'an and the hadith of the Prophet.
According to Mahmudah, compliance means
following a clearly defined specification, standard or
law, while sharia compliance means following sharia
standards (Mahmudah, 2012). The meaning of sharia
compliance is very broad, within the scope of SMEs
the implementation of sharia compliance is based on
Islamic business ethics, namely principles, norms and
standards of behavior that regulate individuals and
groups that distinguish what is right and what is
wrong in doing business in accordance with Islamic
Shariah principles (Nawatmi, 2010).
The research method used in this research is
quantitative descriptive method. The statistic used in
this research is descriptive statistic. The design of this
research is descriptive research, in this research
describes the implementation of sharia compliance in
peci business. The population studied in this study
were 28 respondents. Sampling technique used is
Non-Probability sampling In addition, data collection
is also done using questionnaires and interview
techniques. While the scale-making technique used is
Likert scale. Data analysis techniques use descriptive
Based on the results of research conducted to the
entrepreneurs peci, sharia compliance level in the
Cianjur peci industry centers included in the good
category, including the level of understanding
muamalah fiqh and application of Islamic business
Level of understanding of fiqh muamalah an
average of 67% included in either category. Here is
an interpretation of the results of the research.
Table 1: Thickness Observation Data Processing.
Value Criterion Descri
0-20% Ver
21-40% Less
41-60% Enou
61-80% Goo
81-100% Ver
From the table 1 it is known that the level of
understanding of rukun jual beli included in the
category of very good, understanding of terms of sale
and purchase of illicit transactions into the category
of good, while among these indicators, the
understanding of zakat trade is the lowest with
sufficient category, it caused by many entrepreneurs
who do not know about the haul and nishab zakat
trade. Based on the research, the level of application
of Islamic business ethics average entrepreneur cap
Cianjur for 76.33% which included into the good
category, which includes:
4.1 Principle
Level of application of principle as one of syariah
complience measurement found in table 2 below.
Table 2: Category variable literacy of Islamic banking
Implementation of the Basic
les of Islamic Business Ethics
Tauhiid Uluihi
ah 88,93%
Tauhiid Rububi
ah 67,50%
Balance 80,00%
onsible 67,86%
Ihsan 73,57%
e 76,37%
Analysis of Sharia Compliance Islamic Business The Industrial Centers of Peci - Survey on Cianjur Regency Craftsmen
The level of application of the principle of
responsibility is the lowest due to the still uncovering
of illicit transactions in the form of usury and gharar.
4.2 Management
Good business requires management activities to
achieve success. In addition, for Muslim
entrepreneurs should perform management activities
in accordance with sharia. Based on the results of
research on the application of sharia-based
management values in the Cianjur peci industry
centers can see in table 3:
Table 3: Level of Implementation of Sharia Management.
Implementation of Sharia
Production 82,38%
SDM 79,52%
Finance 58,57%
Marketing 75,36%
Average 73,96%
The level of application of sharia management of
peci entrepreneurs is good category, in addition to
low financial management because the peci
entrepreneurs are still not routinely in performing
financial stakes and still use loans with usury system
from loan sharks and banks.
4.3 Orientation
Business in Islam is not only aimed to gain material
benefits for the entrepreneur, but also must be
beneficial to the environment and society, and the
most important is to be blessed by doing business.
Table 4 is the level of implementation of Islamic
business orientation by entrepreneurs peci Cianjur,
that is:
Table 4: Level of Implementation of Islamic Orientation.
Implementation of Islamic
Zakat 58,57%
Blessing 75,36%
Average 73,96%
The average level of implementation of the
orientation or business objectives of Islamic
entrepreneurs peci Cianjur is 81.12% which is
included into the category very well, it means that the
purpose of business entrepreneur peci cianjur is in
accordance with the purpose of doing business in
Islam, with details as follows:
4.3.1 Profit, Benefit, and Zakah on Trade
Any business or trading activity would want to earn a
profit as reflected in the operating profit earned. In
addition, the business must also provide benefits for
the community and the environment. Islam also
obliges to pay zakat trade. Terms of trade zakat,
Table 5: Terms of Trading Zakah.
Haul 1 Years
Nishab 85 grams of 24 carat gold
Kadar zakat 2,5%
formula (Capital rotates (stock) + Profit +
current accounts receivable) - deb
Assumption price of 1 gram of gold = Rp.
556.000 x 85 gram = Rp.
no debts and receivables
Based on the table 5, shows the level of
entrepreneurs who are obliged to zakat and not
obliged to zakat. With nishab zakat Rp. 47.26 million
per year, then 96.4% of entrepreneurs are included in
the category of obligatory zakat. Average turnover of
entrepreneurs per year is Rp. 503.207.000, while the
potential of zakat trade reached Rp. 352,245,000.
Figure 2: Level of Zakat Implementation.
The figure 2 shows that 4% of entrepreneurs who
have not obliged to pay zakat, 71% entrepreneurs who
must pay zakat obligation and have fulfilled
obligations, and 25% entrepreneurs who have obliged
zakat but have never paid zakat business.
4.3.2 Blessing
Level of implementation of Islamic business
orientation with blessing indicator that is:
Table 6: Level of Application of Blessings.
Indicator Implementation Interpretation
Qanaah 73,57% Good
Feel closer to
Allah SWT
86,14% Very Good
Average 79,86% Baik
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
Table 6 shows the level of application of qanaah
of 73.57% with good category, meaning that
entrepreneurs caps feel quite with business profits
obtained. In addition, 86.14% of entrepreneurs felt
closer to Alloh with business. It is very important to
apply in order to get blessings from Allah SWT.
The conclusion of this research is that the level of
sharia compliance in Cianjur peci industry center are
included in good category, covering the level of
understanding of muamalah fiqh and the level of
application of business ethics of Islamic entrepreneur
peci Cianjur in the form of application of principle,
syariah management and business orientation
entrepreneurs peci enter in very good category.
Mahmudah, N. A., 2012. Pengawasan Terhadap Bisnis
Syariah di Indonesia. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum
Islam. Vol. 2, No. 2 .
Nawatmi, S., 2010. Etika Bisnis dalam Perspektif Islam.
Fokus Ekonomi (FE). Vol. 9, No.1 , 50-58.
Nurjaman, R., 2012. Sentra Peci Cianjur Muncul dari
Kmapung Santri, (online) Agustus 2, 2017, available at:
Wikipedia, 2017. Zakat Harta Perniagaan, (online) Juli 30,
2017, available at:
Analysis of Sharia Compliance Islamic Business The Industrial Centers of Peci - Survey on Cianjur Regency Craftsmen