consideration that these methods are still rarely used
in the efficiency research of Sharia Society
Financing Bank.
The formulation of the problem in this research
is how is the level of cost efficiency and profit
efficiency in BPRS in Java in 2011-2015 by using
SFA method and what input and output components
affecting cost efficiency and profit efficiency of
The purpose of this research is to figure out,
measure and analyze cost efficiency and profit
efficiency of BPRS in Java and to know what input
and output component affecting efficiency cost and
efficiency of profit at BPRS.
2.1 Efficiency Concept in Islamic
Efficiency is defined as the ratio between output and
input, or the amount generated from one input that is
used (Iswardono, 2000). This efficiency concept is
very important in Islamic bank as it also comply
with Islamic principle in fulfilling maqashid Syariah
or the goal of Islamic law. (Kamaruddin, 2008).
Efficiency according to Hansen and Marynne (2003)
can be achieved in three ways: (1) with smaller
inputs producing the same output, (2) with the same
input producing larger outputs, or (3) The smaller
ones produce larger outputs.
2.2 Stochastic Frontier Approach
Measuring the efficiency value of financial
institutions will use a frontier in the SFA approach.
The explanation of this frontier can be in the form of
cost function, profit or production relation of a
number of input, output and environmental factors
and take into account the existence of random error.
A bank is said to be inefficient if the cost of a bank
is higher than the cost of the frontier bank operating
at its best performance level (best practice). Aigner
et al. (1977) suggested the stochastic frontier
function which is an extension of the deterministic
original model to measure unexpected effects
(stochastic frontier) within the production limits.
Coelli and Rao (2003), stated several reason why
applying SFA is suggested: (i) involved disturbance
term, mismeasurement and exogent shock that out of
control, (ii) environtal variabels are easily to be
applied (iii) able to conduct hiphotesis test using
statistic tools, (iv) easier to identify “outliers”, (v)
cost frontier and distance function can be used to
measure business efficiency with many output.
2.3 The Comparison of SFA and Other
Efficiency Approach
The efficiency measurement method can be
classified into two, they are parametric and non-
parametric approach. The parametric approach is a
statistical approach that takes into consideration the
type of distribution or distribution of data by
viewing the data whether it spreads normally or not.
Generally if the data is not normally spreads, the
data must be done by non-parametric statistics
method, or conducted a transformation in advance so
that the data follow the normal distribution.
Efficiency with non parametric approach can apply
data envelopment analysis (DEA) method and
disposal hull (FDH) that has general assumtion
where random error did not exist (Berger and
Humphrey, 1997). SFA is one of the parametric
methods that can be used.
2.4 Specification of Input and Output
To measure the efficiency with the SFA approach, it
can be done through an output-oriented approach for
technical efficiency measurement, and an input-
oriented approach for cost efficiency measurement.
To measure efficiency with SFA, can be used
output-oriented approach to measure technical
efficiency, and input-oriented approach to measure
cost efficiency. Technical efficiency measure based
on production frontier, while cost efficiency
measured based on cost frontier (Khumbakar and
Lovell, 2000). To determine input-output process in
banking industry is important since there are no
devine concencuss to identify the input and output
variabel to measure bank efficiency. Berger and
Mester (1997) stated that identification input and
output relation in financial activities of the financial
institution can be done by several approach namely:
1)asset approach, 2) Production approach, and 3)
intermediation approach. In this research is the price
of labor (personal expense/ total asset), the price of
funds (share of profit/ total third party funds, and
capital price (administration and general costs and
other costs/ fixed assets). While the output in this
research is total financing and other earning assets.
The total financing consists of Debts (Murabahah,
Salam, Istishna, Ijarah and Multijasa), and Shared
Measuring the Efficient of Islamic Rural Bank in Java Island Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) Method