microfinance program has increased spirituality with
indicator diligence in worship. Finally, Islamic
microfinance appears as a mean to boost economic
activities more ethics in poverty alleviation.
The other study which relates to support this study
is study conducted by Durrani (2011) using 100
sample of poor people in Pakistan. That study
analyzed that microfinance is important element
strategically and effectively in eradicating poverty.
Meanwhile, sosio-economic factors that concidered
in this study are reparation of life style, acomodation
standard, income, life standard, purchasing power,
expansion of business facility, good entrepreneur and
technology. The study results showed that effective
access and providing microfinance may help poor
people to smooth consumption, risk management,
step by step in asset holding, developing micro-
business, improving productivity capacity, and
enjoying life quality.
Beside that, Aslaam (2014) counducted empirical
study in Pakistan. Respondent in this study is client
and employee of Islamic microfinance in ten district
in Pakistan. The total of respondent is 120. This study
used Chi-Square test to analyze the data. The results
concluded that Islamic microfinance has played role
in improving life standard, income per capita,
education level, ethics value, profitability,
sustainability, infrastructure condition, job vacancy,
and able to lead inflation and income inequalty.
2.3 Fisherman Poverty in Indonesia
The study conducted by Agunggunanto (2011) using
OLS regression and logit regression showed some
conclusions as folllows having experience as
fisherman directly and indirectly influence output of
catching fish and get implication to fisherman
income. On the other hand, total of family burden, use
of technology, boot ownership, and cooperation
assistance (dummy variabel) as factors influencing
fisherman income and poverty in Demak, Central
Another study conducted by Hamdani and
Wulandini (2013) summarized that factors
influencing traditional fisherman poverty in Muncar
subdistrict are low education, productivity, fisherman
behavioral and habitual in using income which is less
intention for future needs, capital ownership, use of
technology and it is not financial institution yet which
has role in serving fisherman needs, distributing fish
and facilitating fisherman needs.
Then, there is also previous study that related to
this study by Muflikhati et al. (2010) who conducted
research in four subdistrict in beach area West Java,
they are Gebang subdsitrict (Cirebon) Kandanghaur
subdistrict (Indramayu) as representative for north
beach area, and also Pelabuhanratu subdistrict
(Sukabumi) and Pangandaran subdistrict (Ciamis) as
representative for south beach area. Using sample 276
family. The result of study implied that if using
economic measure, so fisherman family is more
prosperity than non fisherman family. On the
contrary, if prosperity is measured by lot of
dimension, so fisherman family is lower than non.
Generally, factors influencing prosperity are familiy
burden, education, asset, income, and expenditure per
Based on literature review toward previous
empirical studies regarding poverty alleviaton
especially in fisherman poverty known that is still
limited related to model of
Islamic Microfinance.
Whereas, if this model is developed will able to help
life quality for fisherman particularly for those who
are a muslim. Besides that, Islamic microfiance
model will give financial access coincide with moral
injection in economic activities.
Method used in this study is mixed methods or
combination method. This research method is method
which is based on pragmatism philosophy (composite
positivism and postpotivism) (Sugiyono, 2011).
Qualitative analysis uses descriptive study. Whereas,
quantitative method that used is diferrence test,,OLS
regression and logit regression.
Menawhile, the proposed hypotheisis for
difference test as follows:
Ha: There is difference average income
between fisherman who has access to
financial institution and not.
Ho: There is difference average income
between fisherman who has access to
financial institution and not.
In this study for OLS regression model as follows:
Log Y =
Log Y : Log fisherman income per capita (IDR)
: Intercept
: Parameter coeficient
: error
X1 : Age (year)
X2: Education (in dummy, 1 = non elementary,
and 0 = elementary)
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy