Intellectual Capital in Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil
Erik Sopian, Elis Mediawati and Aneu Cakhyaneu
Ilmu Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia, {elis.mediawati, aneufpeb}
Keywords: Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT), Intellectual Capital and Return on Asset (ROA).
Abstract: This study to determine the description of Intellectual Capital value and its effect on profitability which is
measured by using Return On Asset (ROA) ratio. This research is based on the phenomenon of Baitul Maal
Wa Tamwil (BMT) occurrence among many people, but the newly emerging BMT can not survive in this
financial institution business which eventually will be collapse (bankrupt). The research method used is
descriptive and verifikatif. The object of this study was conducted in five BMTs that are still active in West
Bandung regency. This research uses secondary data type, the data is the result of the annual Members
Meeting report from year 2010 - 2016, obtained from Cooperation Office and UMKM Regency of West
Bandung. Data analysis technique used in this research is multivariate regression model for panel data. The
results showed that the three elements of Intellectual Capital which are Value Added Capital Asset (VACA)
have a positive and significant effect on profitability, Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), positively and
significantly influence to profitability, Structure Capital Value Added (STVA) profitability and simultaneous
test results of VACA, VAHU, STVA have a positive and significant effect on profitability. Implication of this
research as evaluation to increase added value for BMT which was produced through Capital Asset, Human
Capital and Capital Structure to achieving BMT’s goal.
The development of BMT in Indonesia from year to
year has been increasing, from 3,200 BMTs in 2006
(Sakti, 2013), became 5,500 BMTs in the end of 2015
which are spread in all over Indonesia
( But the increase of BMTS is only
written in data, because the reality tells the otherwise.
Due to the hardship of islamic financial institution
business which is being excecuted, some BMTs
couldn'tt survive and they began to collapse
(Sumiyanto, 2008).
We know there is no doubt that one of the causes
of how vulnerable the BMT will be collapse, is
because the amount of profit / income-received is not
like we expected. Based on the results of pre-
research, conducted on five BMTs located in West
Bandung regency, the financial statements of 2016
which is shown the BMT category based on the
calculation of ROA (Return on Asset), explain that
BMT Dana Ukhuwah, followed by BMT Mustama,
they are in unhealthy category while BMT el Dana
Manfaat, BMT Rabbani and BMT Al-Qinan are in
very unhealthy category.
Table 1: The Value of BMT’s ROA in West Bandung
Name BMT
El Dana
≥ 10 (Healthy)
≤ 7 -9.9% (Fit)
≤ 3 to 6.99%
(less healthy)
≤ 1 - 2.99%
<1% (Sick)
Intellectual Capital is defined as knowledge resources
in the form of employees, customers, processes or
technologies that companies use in the process of
creating the value for the company (Ulum, 2009).
Intellectual Capital has three component first
Capital Asset, Capital assets is the capital that
company has, whose function is to support the entire
operations of the company. Second Human Capital,
Human capital is the lifeblood of intellectual
capital as a source of innovation, improvisation,
knowledge, skills and competencies within an
Sopian, E., Mediawati, E. and Cakhyaneu, A.
Intellectual Capital in Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 773-776
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organization or company. However, this component
is difficult to measure. Third Capital Sturcture,,
Capital structural relates to the mechanisms and
organizational structures that help support employees
in improving optimally the intellectual performance
or overall business performance.
This research was conducted on BMT financial
institutions in West Bandung, there are BMT Dana
Ukhuwah, BMT Mustama, BMT El Dana Manfaat,
BMT Rabbani and BMT Al-Qinan. The data used in
this study are the financial statements of the years
2010-2016. Method used in this research is
descriptive and verification. Analysis of the data in
this study used test analysis through multiple
regression of panel data.
Based on calculations results and the category of
Intellectual Capital will be presented as follows:
Figure 1: Results of BMT VAIC calculation in West
Bandung regency.
The average of VAIC in those five BMTs is 1.49
which means that on a Bad Performers category.
The value based on the calculation of ROA and
categories will be presented as follows:
Figure 2: The result of the calculation of VAIC in West
Bandung regency BMT.
The average of ROA from those five BMTs in
West Bandung Regency is 1.09 then this include into
the category of "Unfair".
In this study before determining the model that
used for research, we determine the best model
through chow test and LM test. Based on the results,
the best model used for this research is the Common
Model-effect, while the results of the Common-effect
model are as follows:
Table 2: Common-effect model Test Result.
From Table 2 it can be concluded that:
at significance level of 5% t
is 5,892274 > 2.03693, then H
rejected. That
means VACA influence the ROA positively and
significantly. VAHU (X
at significance level of 5%
is 2.648840 > 2.03693, then H
rejected. That
means VAHU influence the ROA positively and
significantly. STVA (X
at significance level of 5%
t > t
is 3.626740 > 2.03693.
As for the F test (simultaneously), the result of
using Eviews 9 application are as follows:
Table 3: The Results of F Test (simultaneously).
Based on table 3 F
is 170.0603
then the value
of F
5% significance level. So the result states
that F
(170.0603> 2.911334) so the
conclusion is VACA, VAHU, STVA together
(simultaneously) influence the ROA.
The result shows that the Capital Asset Value
Added (VACA) influences the profitability. In the
theory of Resource Based Theory (RBT), companies
must be able to utilize the resources in the form of
Tangible Assets and Intangible Asset so that the
results will be in accordance with the utilization of
resources owned by the company.
The results are supported by research of Faza
(2014), and Kartika and Hartane (2012) which shows
that VACA effect on profitability. The results also
support the research that has been described by Ulum
(2009) stated that the Intellectual Capital does not
only affect the company's performance for the year,
Std. Error
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
even the Intellectual Capital can also predict future
financial performance.
VAHU, in this case is human resources
(employee), has a very important role in a company.
Employees become the determining factor in the
success of the company, as employees become single
element that operate everything to run the company's
The results are also supported by research of Dian
(2012), Nike (2013) which states VAHU effect on
profitability but in contrast with Antung (2014)
research, VAHU no significant effect on the
explained that the companies surveyed use spending
on personnel costs too extravagant but had no impact
on the value added to increase profits, so in this case
BMT in West Bandung regency has been able to
regulate the amount of expenditure for the needs of
The utilization of Structure Capital is what makes
the modern and traditional business different. There
was the difference between the purchase price and the
selling price, profit is the primary value of success in
business. But now that can not be a benchmark, since
the creation of the intangibles value such as
stakeholders that will either make a firm or
The results showed that Capital Structure Value
Added (STVA) affect the profitability. This is
supported by Dian (2012) and Nike (2013) researches
which state STVA effect on profitability. The results
of different studies which is conducted by Chen et al.
(2005) who did the research in Taiwan company,
shows that STVA no significant effect on profitability
due to the tangible assets, in this case VACA
dominates to create profits for the company but the
impact of STVA in his study had no significant
Intellectual Capital is a combination of VACA,
VAHU and STVA components. The results showed
that the Capital Asset Value Added (VACA), Value
Added Human Capital (VAHU) and Capital Structure
Value Added (STVA) together effect on profitability.
The results are supported by Kalkana (2014) and
Reza (2015) research which states VACA, VAHU
and STVA jointly effect on profitability.
Resource Based Theory in the previous chapter
outlined the importance of utilization the intangible
or tangible resource to achieve company’
expectations. BMT in West Bandung regency, in this
case, has proven that the Intellectual Capital in a
company has a good impact and a significant
contribution by adding the value, so it is necessary to
take specific evaluation of BMT especially in order to
increase the elements which are associated. So in the
end when the value of Intellectual Capital increases,
the profitability of the company will also be increased
in accordance with the results of this study.
The value of Intellectual Capital owned by BMT
located in West Bandung regency, are included into
the category of “Bad” Performance. .Level of
profitability measured by using Return on Assets
owned by BMT located in West Bandung regency
included into the category of "unhealthy". VACA has
an influence in increasing the Return on Assets,
VAHU has an influence in increasing the Return on
Assets, STVA has an influence in increasing the
Return on Assets and VACA, VAHU, STVA are
together (simultaneously) have the effect of
increasing the Return on Assets.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy