While the results of research that discusses the
influence of Bank Indonesia Certificates against
Sharia financing showed the same results, as well as
research conducted by Masyitha Pearls of Ramadan
and Beik (2013) which States that Bank Indonesia
Sharia Certificate effect negatively to financing
Small Medium Enterprises. However, research
conducted by Ambarwati (2008) shows a different
thing, that the certificate of Bank Indonesia Sharia
thus has a positive influence towards the financing
of Islamic banks.
According to Ramadan and Beik (2013) bonus
from Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates have a
relationship that is negative towards financing Small
Medium Enterprises. That is because in the event of
a rise in Bank Indonesia Certificate bonus then
Sharia Islamic banking will divert their funds to put
preferences by purchasing certificates of Bank
Indonesia Sharia because it gives a better return
higher and lower risk compared with funneling
pembiayaannya to Small Medium Enterprises sector.
In contrast with research conducted by Hafly
(2014), thinks the Bank Indonesia Certificate bonus
though Shariah provided is quite high, but the
demand for Community financing will also remain.
The growth of the national economy are pretty well
indicates adannya activity of the economy, hence
SBIS have no effect against financing. Islamic banks
for liquidity is still in a condition that is safe and
stable, so that Islamic banking is not a dependency
with a certificate of Bank Indonesia Sharia although
bonuses obtained is extremely high.
Non Performing Financing (NPF) affect the
financing of Small Medium Enterprises with
negative relationships. The troubled financing is a
serious problem for Islamic banks, therefore the
bank will tighten the distribution of Small Medium
Enterprises financing so that is not the case of the
financing problematic on pembiyaaan Small
Medium Enterprises. Bank Indonesia certificates
(SBIS) influence the Sharia financing Small
Medium Enterprises with negative relationships.
This shows that the yield given in the placement of
SBIS more interest Islamic banks than on Small
Medium Enterprises in finance, because the yield of
SBIS offer lower risk compared to the profits
obtained from the distribution of financing.
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy